Roda, Jean-Marc




CIRAD Regional Director

Representing INRAE & AGREENIUM

for Southeast Asia Island Countries

(Bruneï, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Timor Leste)


CIRAD Regional Office

Graha Kapital 1, 4th Floor, Jalan Kemang Raya 4

12730 Jakarta


 ID Roda 2024  



Research interests

A new set of global geopolitics of natural resources is emerging, powered by the increasing consumptions of resources by emerging countries (Brazil, China, India, Indonesia etc) and their urbanisation changes. At the same time, the tropical forests witnesses the development of new industrial organizations, where a global net of transnational firms interlocks increasing demands from emerging countries. The approach scrutinizes how globalization reorganizes the world production systems through the lens of the natural resources and forest sector.

Focus :

  • Governance and economics of the production systems associated to the tropical forests and related industries (wood sector, oil palm etc.).
  • Industrial policies shaping the globalization and the development dynamics.
  • Factors of the tension between global public goods (i.e. forests), economic competitiveness, and needs of the developing or emerging countries.
  • Articulations between natural resources, social factors, industrial actors, from the global to the local scales.

Tools and activities :

  • Industrial strategy and industrial policy, new economy, commodities and timber trade, natural resources economics, plantation commodities economics, forest products economics, informal economy, transnational networks, firm & corporate network analysis, business simulation softwares, long term strategy planning, Corporate Social Responsibility, ecocertification and tracking systems, FLEGT, REDD, climate change, statistics & quantitative modelling


English, German, Malay, Indonesian : fluent; French : native; Spanish, Italian : basic

Selected Publications

Books & book chapters

- 2018 : Jaafar, A Bakar, et al. 2018. ASM Local & Transboundary Haze Study - HAZE: Help Action Toward Zero Emissions, a Study on the Recent Haze Episodes in Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Academy of Sciences Malaysia. Full text

- 2018 : Hashim, Haslenda, Jeng Shiun Lim, et al. 2018. “Waste to Resources: Energy or Materials.” In ASM Local & Transboundary Haze Study - HAZE: Help Action Toward Zero Emissions, a Study on the Recent Haze Episodes in Malaysia., edited by Ahmad Hazri Abd Rashid, 58–74/A277–A344. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Academy of Sciences Malaysia. Full text 

- 2018 : Roda, Jean-Marc. International finance and geopolitics of palm oil (translated title from "Ressorts financiers et géopolitiques de l’huile de palme"). In : Rival, Alain (ed.). Huiles végétales : enjeux, marchés et controverses - Le Déméter 2018. Paris : Le Club  Démeter, (Prospectives et stratégies) ISSN 1166 2115. p. 109-122. Déméter 

- 2018 : Roda, Jean-Marc. Use of palm oil biomass for biofuel. In : Rival, Alain (ed.). Achieving sustainable cultivation of oil palm. Volume I (Introduction, breeding and cultivation techniques). Cambridge : Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Ch. 13. Reference

- 2017 : Roda, Jean-Marc; Kamaruddin, Norfaryanti; Gomez Terence Edmund. Understanding the network typology of the seven government-linked investment companies (GLICs).. In : Gomez,  Terence Edmund (ed.); Padmanabhan,  Thirshalar (ed.); Kamaruddin, Norfaryanti (ed.); Bhalla, Sunil (ed.); Fisal, Fikri (ed.). Minister of finance incorporated: ownership and control of corporate Malaysia. Petaling Jaya : Palgrave Macmillan, p. 177-181. 

- 2017 : Anseeuw, Ward; Roda, Jean-Marc; Ducastel, Antoine; Kamaruddin, Norfaryanti. Global strategies of firms and the financialization of agriculture. In : Biénabe Estelle (ed.), Rival Alain (ed.), Loeillet Denis (ed.). Sustainable development and tropical agri-chains. Dordrecht : Springer, p. 321-337.

- 2016 : Gérard, Jean; Guibal, Daniel; et al. Atlas des bois tropicaux ("Atlas of Tropical timbers"). Gérard, Jean. (ed.), 1000 pp. Quae, Versailles, France. Full referencePurchase

- 2016 : Cadène, Philippe; Roda, Jean-Marc; Vyas, Ravindra Nath. Development corridors, between global economy and regional policy: the case of the Northen Corridor Economic Region in Malaysia (translated title from "Les corridors de développement entre économie globale et politique régionale: le cas de la Northen Corridor Economic Region en Malaisie"). p 43-71. Chapter 3 in : Pôles de compétitivité, métropolisation, villes et environnement. Androuais, Anne (ed.), 232 pp. L'Harmattan, Versailles, Paris. Full text

- 2016 : Anseeuw, Ward; Roda, Jean-Marc; Ducastel, Antoine; Kamaruddin, Norfaryanti. Global strategies of firms and agriculture financialisation (translated title from "Stratégies globales des firmes et financiarisation de l’agriculture"). p265-279. Chapter 24 in : Développement durable et filières tropicales. Estelle Biénabe, Denis Loeillet, Alian Rival (eds), 336 pp. Quae, Versailles, France. Full text

- 2015 : Roda, Jean-Marc; et al. Sustainability of bio-jetfuel in Malaysia. Roda Jean-Marc (ed.). Paris : CIRAD, 114 p. ISBN 978-287614706-5 Full text

- 2015 : Roda, Jean-Marc. Tropical forests and global economics (translated title from "Les forêts tropicales dans l’économie mondiale"). p131-140. Chapter 1.7 in Mémento du forestier tropical. Gilles Mille, Dominique Louppe (eds), 1200 pp. Quae, Versailles, France. Full text 

- 2015 : Roda, Jean-Marc. Tropical timber trade (translated title from "Le commerce des bois tropicaux"). p247-256. Chapter 4.1 in Mémento du forestier tropical. Gilles Mille, Dominique Louppe (eds), 1200 pp. Quae, Versailles, France. Full text 

- 2010 : Roda, Jean-Marc, Patrick Langbour, and Shantiko Bayuni. "The Chainsaw Economy in Tanimbar Archipelago, Indonesia." Chapter 2.3 in Chainsaw Milling: Supplier to Local Markets., xxii + 226 pp. Vol. 52. Tropenbos International, Wageningen, the Netherlands. Full Text

- 2010 : Langbour, Patrick, Jean-Marc Roda, and Koffi Yeboah. "The Value Chain of Chainsaw Timber in Cameroun: the Northern Trail." Chapter 4.2 in Chainsaw Milling: Supplier to Local Markets., xxii + 226 pp. Vol. 52. Tropenbos International, Wageningen, the Netherlands. Full text

- 2009 : Roda, Jean-Marc. On the nature of intergenerational and social networks in the african forest sector : the case of Chinese, Lebanese, Indian and Italian business networks. in . Governing Africa's forests in a globalized world. Laura A. German, Alain Karsenty, and Anne-Marie Tiani ed. London: Earthscan; pp. 335-353 (426p). Full text or here

- 2007 : Roda, J.-M. et all. Atlas of wooden Furniture industry in Jepara,Indonesia, 64p. Ed. Cirad Cifor. Full text

- 2007 : Debroux et al. Forests in post-conflict Democratic Republic of Congo: analysis of a priority agenda. Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR, The World Bank, CIRAD; 2007. ISBN: 979-24-4665-6. Full text

- 2007 : Roda, Jean-Marc. The global economy of tropical timbers (translated title from "L'économie globale du bois tropical"). In La Mondialisation : l'intégration des pays en développement, p 105-116, Cadène, P. et all. Abstract

- 2007 : Roda, J.-M. et all. Atlas industri mebel kayu di Jepara, Indonesia, 64p. Ed. Cirad Cifor. Full text

- 2006 : Roda, J-M & Rathi, S. Cambodia, feeding China's expanding demand for wood pulp: a diagnostic assessment of plantation development, fiber supply, and impacts on natural forests in China and in the South East Asia Region. Jakarta: CIFOR. Full text

- 2006 : Roda, J-M & Rathi, S. Malaysia, feeding China's expanding demand for wood pulp: a diagnostic assessment of plantation development, fiber supply, and impacts on natural forests in China and in the South East Asia Region. Jakarta: CIFOR. Full text

- 2006 : Roda, J-M & Rathi, S. Vietnam, feeding China's expanding demand for wood pulp: a diagnostic assessment of plantation development, fiber supply, and impacts on natural forests in China and in the South East Asia Region. Jakarta: CIFOR. Full text

- 2005 : Roda, Jean-Marc, et all. Forests-based livelihoods and poverty reduction : paths from local to global development. In : Forests in the Balance - Changing Paradigms, p 75-96 IUFRO World Series Volume 17. Full text

- 2005 : Alfaro, R. et all. Forests for the new millennium (Making forests work for people and nature). Full text

- 2005 : Roda, Jean-Marc. Firm networks and industrial strategies in tropical forests (translated title from « Réseaux d'entreprises et stratégies industrielles dans les forêts tropicales ») [Phd thesis]. Paris: Paris VII; 392p. Full text

- 2001 : Roda J.M., State of the tropical timber economics 2000. Montpellier, France, CIRAD. Full text

- 2000 : Louppe, Dominique; Hamel, Olivier, Jaffré, Roland; Roda, Jean-Marc. Cost-benefit assessment of Okoumé plantations (translated title from "Etude coûts et bénéfices des plantations in Gabon"). Libreville: Ministère des Eaux et Forêts; 182p. Full text

- 1999 : Roda, Jean-Marc. Volume tables of poplar (translated title from "Tarif de cubage peuplier"). Nangis: AFOCEL; p. 103. ISBN: 2-9509399-6-1. Abstract

- 1995 : Roda Jean-Marc. Les filières du bois en Inde du Sud. In : Foresterie et développement durable. ENGREF. Nancy : ENGREF, 175-183. ISBN 2-85710-046-9. Note

Papers in peer-revieviewed & impact factor journals

- 2017 : Komba Mayossa, Prune Christobelle; Gadal, Sébastien; Roda, Jean-Marc; Remote sensing of industrial palm groves in Cameroon. ASM Science Journal (1), n.spéc. ICT-Bio : pp. 16-45. Full text

- 2017 : Bessou, Cecile; Rival Alain; Levang Patrice; Feintrenie Laurene; Bosc Pierre-Marie; Cheyns Emanuelle; Djama Marcel; Wohlfahrt Julie; Marichal Raphael; Roda Jean-Marc; Caliman Jean-Pierre; Pacheco Pablo; Sustainable palm oil production project synthesis: Understanding and anticipating global challenges. Bogor : CIFOR, 8 p.. (Infobrief : Cifor, 164). Full text

- 2016 : Feintrenie, Laurene; Roda, Jean-Marc; Rival, Alain. Industrial investments in agriculture un Africa: establishing the conditions for sustainability and equity. Montpellier : CIRAD, 4 p. (Perspective : Cirad, 37) Full text

- 2015 : Roda Jean-Marc, Kamaruddin Norfaryanti, Palhiarim Tobias Rafael. Deciphering corporate governance and environmental commitments among Southeast Asian transnationals: Uptake of sustainability certification. Forests, 6 (5) : 1454-1475. DOIFull text

- 2011 : Langbour, Patrick; et all. Comparison of Planted and Naturally Grown Big-Leaf Mahogany (Swietenia Macrophylla King): a Technological Perspective With the Case of Martinique Island. Journal of Tropical Forest Science. Vol 23, no 2. Full text

- 2011 : Roda, J.M. When information costs and transaction costs are at the origin of flexibility. (Translated title from "Quand les coûts d'information et de transaction sont à la source de la flexibilité Diplomatie. Les grands dossiers") (2) : 43-47. Journal

- 2010 : Roda, Jean-Marc, and Patrick Langbour. The Sahelian space under control: how traditionnal networks get rid of distances and borders. (Translated title from "L'Océan Sahélien Sous Contrôle. Comment Les Réseaux Traditionnels S'Affranchissent De La Distance Et Des Frontières"). Diplomatie 47, no. Nov 2010: 70-71. Full text

- 2009 : Roda, Jean-Marc and Guizol, Philippe. REDD mecanism : the chalenge of market forces (translated title from Mécanisme REDD : à l'épreuve du marché). Courrier De La Planète. (88):46-48. Full text

- 2005 : Guizol, Philippe ; Roda, Jean-Marc, et all. Le teck Javanais, entre surexploitation et embargo. Bois Et Foręts Des Tropiques 284, no. 2: 11-22. Full text

- 2005 : Roda, Jean-Marc, and N'Sitou Mabiala. The breakthrough of Asian networks. African Geopolitics 17, no. January : 117-26. Note

- 2004 : Roda, Jean-Marc, and Philippe Guizol. Tracking systems and tropical forest products. Bois Et Foręts Des Tropiques 280, no. 2: 106-8. Full text

- 2004 : Roda, Jean-Marc, and Philippe Guizol., Is enclavement an unavoidable doom for timber industries ? Answers from the case of Acre - Brasil (translated title from "L'enclavement est-il une fatalité pour les industries du bois ? Eléments de réponse à partir du cas de l'Acre - Brésil"). Bois Et Forêts Des Tropiques 280, no. 2: 106-8. Full text

- 2004 : Roda, Jean-Marc; Gérard, Jean; Gorse, Cédric, and Guibal, Daniel. Economic aspects of solid flooring production from Holm oak. (translated title from « Aspects économiques de la production de parquet massif de Chêne vert »). Forêt Méditerranéenne.; XXV(2):119-129. Journal

- 2002 : Berthelot, Alain and Roda, Jean-Marc. Cub&Pop, a new tool for the volume computation of poplars by end use products (translated title from "Cub&Pop : un nouvel outil pour déterminer les volumes par catégorie de produits"). Forêt-Entreprise. (143):63-64. Journal

- 2001 : Roda, Jean-Marc. Form function for the 'I-214' poplar merchantable stem. Annals of Forest Sciences; 4(58):77-87. Full text

-2001 : Roda, Jean-Marc. Tropical forest ecocertification and preconceived ideas (Translated title from « Ecocertification tropicale et idées préconçues »). Bois Et Forêts Des Tropiques. 2001; 4(270):108-109. Full text

- 2000 : Roda, Jean-Marc. Forest products, confusing quality with value ? (Translated title from « Peut on confondre la qualité et l'excellence des produits forestiers ? ») Bois Et Forêts Des Tropiques; 2(264):69. Full text

- 2000 : Roda, Jean-Marc. Biodiversity and poplar culture (translated title from « Biodiversité et populiculture »). Fiches Information Forêt - Afocel.; 4(599):1-6. Note

- 1998 : Roda, Jean-Marc; Issaly, Bruno. Standing poplars assessment: a new tool to predict product categories (translated title from « Estimation des peuplements sur pied un nouvel outil pour déterminer les volumes par catégorie de produits »). Fiches Information Forêt - Afocel.; 3(572):1-6. Note

- 1997 : Roda, Jean-Marc. Height growth model of Beaupré poplar, a first practical grid (translated title from « Prédiction de la croissance en hauteur du Beaupré : une première grille pratique »). Fiches Information Forêt - Afocel; 1(546):1-6. Note

Occasional papers

- 2006 : Roda, Jean-Marc; Rathi, Santosh, and Simula, Markku. Elaboration of a methodology to follow the impacts of the law text regulating the tropical timber public procurement in France (Translated title from « Elaboration d'une méthode de suivi des objectifs et impacts de la circulaire et scénarios futurs d'évolution du dispositif prévu par ce texte - Rapport de la phase 3 de l`Etude de différents scénarios d'introduction d'une écoconditionnalité dans les achats publics de bois tropicaux »)CIRAD ed.. Montpellier; 79p. Full text

- 2006 : Roda, Jean-Marc; Cadène, Philippe et all. Wooden furniture industry of Indonesia: facts and figures from Jepara. Cirad ed.. Bogor: Cifor; 36p.

- 2006 : Roda, Jean-Marc. Economic diagnosis of the Cameroun timber sector. (Translated title from « Diagnostic économique et fiscal de la filière bois au Cameroun »). in : Karsenty, Alain; Roda, Jean-Marc; Fochivé, E.; Milol, A., and Kuetche, M. Audit economique et financier du secteur forestier au Cameroun. CIRAD ed. Yaounde, Cameroun. Non publie.: Ministere de l'economie et des Finances

- 2005 : Roda, Jean-Marc and Rathi, Santosh. Investment for energy cogeneration from a sawmill in Gabon. (translated title from "investissement pour la production d'énergie à partir de déchets d'une scierie au Gabon") CIRAD ed.. Montpellier; 48p.

- 2005 : Roda, Jean-Marc; Langbour, Patrick; Gérard, Jean, and Sales, Christian. Assessment of various scenarios of a new public procurement policy for tropical timbers in France. (translated title from « Etude de différents scénarios d'introduction d'une écoconditionnalité dans les achats publics de bois tropicaux - Rapport final des phases 1 et 2 ») CIRAD ed. Montpellier; 76p.

- 2005 : Roda, Jean-Marc and Cadène, Philippe. The case of the Jepara network : Preparation of the study and methodology guidelines. CIRAD ed.. Bogor, Indonesia; 29p.

- 2005 : Roda, Jean-Marc. Optimised transport cost model for eucalyptus or acacia pulpwood exports, out of Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia. AsiaProEco Program "Feeding China's Expanding Demand for Wood Pulp: A Diagnostic Assessment of Plantation Development, Fiber Supply, and Impacts on Natural Forests in China and in the South East Asia Region. Cirad ed.. Montpellier, France: Cirad; 2 p.

- 2005 : Roda, Jean-Marc. French supplies from Malaysia : Kappur sawn timber and other forest products (translated title from « Approvisionnement depuis la Malaisie : sciages de Kapur et autres produits forestiers ») CIRAD ed.. Montpellier; 27p.

- 2004 : Roda, Jean-Marc. Forest products network analysis : a methodology guide. Montpellier: Cirad.

- 2004 : Deroubaix, Gérard; Cornillier, Claire; Henry, Emmanuelle; Bucket, Emmanuel, and Roda, Jean-Marc. Life Cycle Analisys of plywood pannels. (Translated title from « Analyses du Cycle de Vie du panneaux de contreplaqués - Rapport final ») CTBA, ECOBILAN, CIRAD ed.. Montpellier

- 2003 : Valeix et all. Men and enterprises for sustainable tropical forest management. (translated title from « Des hommes et des entreprises pour gérer durablement les forêts tropicales ») . Montpellier: CIRAD / Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Alimentation, de la Pêche et des Affaires Rurales / Le Commerce du Bois; 2003; p. 16.

- 2003 : Roda, Jean-Marc and Gérard, Jean. Fe asibility study of industrial investment of the timber company SBL/TRB. (Translated title from « Etude de faisabilité de l'extension des activités industrielles de SBL/TRB dans le cadre de l'élaboration d'un plan d'aménagement forestier »). Libreville/Lastourville, GabonCIRAD ed.. Montpellier; 2003 58p.

- 2003 : Roda, Jean-Marc and Erdlenbruch, Katrin. Analysis of the suitable conditions for an economic recovery of the forest sector in Congo RDC. (translated title from « Analyse des conditions de reprise économique du secteur forestier en République Démocratique du Congo »). Le secteur forestier en République Démocratique du Congo; 2003 15; Kinshasa. Montpellier: CIRAD - Banque Mondiale; 37 p.

- 2003 : Roda, Jean-Marc. Teak market chain in Java. Bogor: Cirad; 5 p.

- 2003 : Roda, Jean-Marc. An integrated tracking system for Carrefour (furniture, industry, Java). Bogor: Cirad; 16 p.

- 2003 : Awang, Sanafri; Guizol, Philippe; Muhtaman, Diwi, and Roda, Jean-Marc. Strategy for sustainable development of furniture industries and teak forests in Java. Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR, CIRAD, Carrefour, LATIN; 2003.

- 2002 : Roda, Jean-Marc; Guizol, Philippe, and Jaffré, Roland. Wood sector survey & identification of forest companies, Papua New Guinea & Solomon IslandsCIRAD ed.. Montpellier; 105p.

- 2002 : Roda, Jean-Marc; Baillères, Henri; Landeau, Sandrine, and Montet, Didier. Prospects for the use of wood for packaging in the food sector of tropical countries. (translated title from « Prospective d'utilisation du bois pour l'emballage léger dans les filières agroalimentaires tropicales »). Action Incitative Ciblée. Montpellier, Nancy: CIRAD; 2002 89 p.

- 2001 : Roda, Jean-Marc. Feasibility study for a new marketing strategy for the timber production of Grupo Madal, including ecocertificationCIRAD ed.. Montpellier; (CDE Support to timber processing enterprises - Mozambique)

-1999 : Roda, Jean-Marc. Report on Cost Action E9. Life Cycle Assesment of Forestry & Forest Products : 7-9 nov 1999, Hamburg.  (Production : Energy, carbon and other material cycles). Montpellier : CIRAD-Forêt, 109 p. Note

- 1994 : Roda, Jean-Marc. Timber networks in South India, the case of Tiruchengodu (Translated title from « Les filières du bois en Inde du Sud - le cas de Tiruchengodu »). Nancy: ENGREF; 1994. Full text

- 1993 : Roda, Jean-Marc; Gerard, Jean. Bibliography of wood properties of Eucalyptus camaldulensis (translated from « Bilan des connaissances technologiques concernant Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn »). CIRAD-ENGREF ed.. Nancy; 1993. Full text




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