Roda, Jean-Marc



Half a century of timber consumption in tropical countries and in the world

For over 50 years, tropical areas consume more and more wood for construction, housing and furnishings. Population growth in developing countries and especially the growth of their average living standards are the main drivers of this consumption. Temperate areas also consume more wood for construction, housing and furnishings, according to their population and their economy, with strong contractions in the 70's, 80's, 90's and then in 2008-2009. The first oil shocks and then the fall of the Berlin Wall and the 2008-2009 financial crisis led to these blows. The demand for wood and biomass in tropical countries became a major issue in the south development and about the role of tropical forests in climate change. Video


Impact in Malaysia

Since 2009, CIRAD collaborates closely with the Institute of Tropical Forestry and Forest Products from Universiti Putra Malaysia, near Kuala Lumpur. In December 2016 Introp has been awarded the prestigious status of HICOE - “Higher Institution Centre Of Excellence”. It is a Malaysian national recognition which is given to only 16 research institutions in the country. Exigent criteria should be met to get it and to keep it, in competition with all research institutions of Malaysia. The status comes with a sizeable budget top-up, and with the responsibility to do even better: it is put back into play every three years.
Note: the audio comments are a mix of Malay and English. Subtitles in English by Mohammad Omar Shaiffudin Hishamudin. © 2017 Introp Corporate. Video


Capacity building and training by research projects

Teamwork and multinational capacity building in Malaysia

Candice  and Jean-Eudes, 2 students at the UPM-CIRAD cooperation platform, explain their research and their daily teamwork. Video

Exploratory multivariate analysis

Jean-Eudes explain his exploratory multivariate analysis on biomass-related subjects: construction materials in the world, how to model cost of transport for trucks in Indonesia, what are the factors behind wildfires in Sumatra, and how the corporate net works of pal oil busimesses are structured. Video