Research theme
The main objective of my research work is to quantify and limit the risk of soil, vegetables and water pollution from the reuse of organic matter (liquid manure, compost, sewage sludge, etc.) and wastewater in agriculture.
The approach taken is on a variety of scales and consists of:
(i) in the laboratory: in soil columns, ongoing monitoring, under perfectly controlled conditions, of water and solute fluxes after organic waste inputs;
(ii) on the experimental plot: consideration of the specific behaviour of pollutants in soils and their interactions within the larger biogeochemical cycles;
(iii) at the regional level: characterization, mapping and ranking of soil properties that influence the transfer of potentially polluting elements from soil to watertables.
A selection of significant publications by Frédéric FEDER
My publications on Google scholar and on Orcid.
From 2018, head of research unit « recycling and risk »
Member of the Expert Committee (CES) on "Water" of Anses (2020-2024, 2024-2027).
Member of the strategic committee of RMT Bouclage (recycling, fertilization and environmental impacts).
Old member of the board of directors of Afes (association française de l'étude des sols).
Main context at Dakar, Sénégal (2011 – 2019)
Contextual Elements
By 2025 in sub-Saharan Africa, nearly half of the population will live in large cities (Cohen, 2004; United Nations, 2006). In these urban and peri-urban contexts, agricultural development responds primarily to needs for food security and diversification of food resources while creating jobs and wealth (Ellis and Sumberg, 1998; De Bon et al., 2010). To intensify these productions in a context of increasing mineral fertilizer prices, the use of organic materials of agricultural (compost, manure, etc.), agro-industrial (slaughterhouse waste, etc.) or urban (sewage sludge, household waste, etc.) origin is frequent but their use is difficult to reason (Cofie et al., 2006 N'Dienor, 2006). Indeed, the optimal valorization in agriculture of these organic inputs will always be very dependent on the knowledge of their compositions, their properties and the soil-plant system within which they are valorized. If organic matter use practices increase without being properly controlled, these intensified peri-urban systems can lead to :
- health risks mainly on market gardening, in the very short term when products are consumed (theme to be developed in collaboration);
- the risks of soil and water resource pollution, in the short and long term, which are highly dependent on the environment (soil, subsoil) and the organic products brought in.
Assumptions and Research Questions
The increase in quantity and frequency of organic matter inputs requires improved knowledge on their transformations and their medium and long term impacts in this specific context of peri-urban tropical soils. Indeed, the mineralization of organic matter induces major changes in the physical, chemical and biological conditions of the soil-plant system. These inputs of organic matter are potentially a source of risk (major pollutants and traces, microbiological); they can also modify the speciation and behaviour of pollutants already present. To assess long-term impacts, the dynamics of organic matter must be studied together with those of potentially polluting elements (N, P, K, trace metals, etc.).
Objectives and methodologies
The first objective was to identify agro-pedological risk situations and associated pollution. For this, we have relied on the bibliography, the work carried out within the framework of the Isard project on Dakar and local expertise. We have supplemented this information with additional analyses on an ad hoc basis. The second objective is to reproduce these systems under controlled laboratory conditions and to couple different study scales. In batch mode, the properties of organic matter brought to the soil are assessed using biochemical fractionation and spectroscopic characterization techniques. The concentrations of pollutants, such as trace metals, and their speciation are measured in the various compartments. To complete these "structural" approaches, a more "functional" approach is realized with polarographic techniques or DGT (Diffusive Gradient in Thin films). In parallel to these approaches under static conditions, we follow, under dynamic water flow conditions, the mineralization of organic matter and the description of trace metals speciation by experiments on the scale of soil columns. The third objective is to have a sufficient database on system reactivity to feed biogeochemical simulation models in order to evaluate long-term impacts.
Main context at Réunion island (2001 – 2011)
The main context is the island of Réunion, a young volcanic island in the tropics, with marked relief and, within a small area, a very wide variety of soils (andosols, podzols, nitisols, phaeozems, umbrisols, vertisols, etc.), climates (average annual precipitation ranging from 500 to 10,000 mm) and crops (sugarcane, market gardening, etc.). The re-use in agriculture of organic waste derived from agriculture (liquid manure, compost…), agro-industrial processes (vinasse from rum distilleries) or cities (sewage sludge) is a major issue—essentially an environmental issue, but also a socioeconomic one. Rapid population growth over the next twenty years will tend to promote urbanization, to the detriment of agricultural land.
- At plot level, we do in situ testing under real-life conditions. The monitoring of water and solute fluxes is done using automated instrumentation, in situ, by means of programmable data loggers (environmental monitoring). This enables us to use, at the same time and with a very fine time step, mechanistic models such as Hydrus, PhreeqC, HP1, WAVE... to study water transfers and the speciation of various pollutants in solution. Thus, soil/solute interactions are examined in a specific agropedological and climatic context.
- At the regional level, the objective is to integrate all knowledge acquired at all scales (batch, soil columns, plots, etc.), taking into account the spatial variability of the physical environment. For that purpose, we map soils and the various properties thereof that may play a role in the retention of pollutants in soil or their migration into aquifers.
Area of expertise
- Assessment of the risk of soil and water pollution
- In situ instrumentation and monitoring (water/solute fluxes, data loggers...)
- Modelling of water/solute fluxes (PhreeqC, Hydrus-1D, HP1, WAVE, equilT)
- Chemical speciation in solution of pollutants and thermodynamic soil/solution balances
- Pedological and vulnerability mapping.
Teaching and training activities
Master's courses: M1 and M2 GEDAH ("Gestion durable des agro-écosystèmes horticoles", coordinator Karamoko Diarra), AFECA ("Agroforesterie, Ecologie et Adaptation", coordinator Sékouna Diatta) and BIOVEM ("Biotechnologies Végétales et Microbiennes", coordinator Ibrahima NDOYE) at UCAD (université Cheick Anta Diop of Dakar). Undergraduate soil science courses and master's courses in plant chemistry and biology in the tropical environment at the Université de la Réunion.
Thesis training and participation in thesis advisory committees.
Reception and supervision of trainees and VCATs: agronomy schools, research and professional Master's in "soil/aquifer transfer" (Avignon), in soil science, in environmental impact studies, in "environment, technology and society", etc.
Project setup and participation
- 2013 - 2030: conception and scientific coordinator of the project with Veolia Eau Réunion on impacts of Organic Waste Products (sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plant grand Prado, pig manure and Poultry Manure) recycling on sugar cane at long time scale.
- 2011 - 2013: Participation in project entitled SOERE-PRO "Impacts environnementaux du recyclage de produits résiduaires organiques sur les écosystèmes cultivés".
- 2012 - 2014: Participation in project entitled CORAF: "Externalités négatives de l'intensification des sols cultivés en milieu périurbain : méthodes et outils d'évaluation et pratiques alternatives".
- 2011 - 2013: Initial conception and in charge of the project entitled REUSE "Étude complémentaire portant sur l'impact de l'utilisation des eaux usées épurées sur les sols et le développement des végétaux - Projet de Reuse de la step du Grand Prado". Funding from Cinor. Soil columns and field experimentations.
- 2011 - 2013: Participation in project entitled Casdar GIROVAR "Gestion intégrée des résidus organiques pour la valorisation agronomique à la Réunion". (
- 2011 - 2013: Participation in project entitled Casdar Réseau PRO "Création d'un réseau d'essais au champ et d'un outil de mutualisation des données pour l'étude de la valeur agronomique et des impacts environnementaux et sanitaires des Produits Résiduaires Organiques (PRO) recyclés en agriculture".
- 2009 - 2012: Participation in project entitled ISARD "Intensification écologique des Systèmes de production Agricoles par le Recyclage des Déchets". (
- 2007 - 2010: Participation of field experimentation in project entitled "Dépollution des déchets liquides par les bambous. Adaptation de la technologie aux conditions tropicales de l'île de la Réunion".
- 2008 - 2011: Initial conception and in charge of the project entitled Pilmo3 "Création et pilotage de systèmes de cultures adaptés aux risques environnementaux".
- 2006 - 2008: Initial conception and in charge of the project entitled "Evaluation des risques liés au transfert des polluants à travers les sols et vers les nappes". Funding from Ministry of Overseas and Diren Réunion.
- 2004 - 2007: Participation in project entitled "Recyclage agricole des déchets organiques dans les sols tropicaux : quel impact sur les transferts d'éléments traces métalliques (île de la Réunion) ?" funding by Ademe and Gessol2 program.
- 2004 - 2006: Participation in project entitled ECCO-PNBC "Rôle des complexes organo-minéraux sur la séquestration du carbone dans les sols".
- 2001 - 2005: Participation in European network COST-622 entitled "Andosols of europe - Soil Resources of European Volcanic Systems".
Cirad Affectation
CIRAD, unité « recyclage et risque »
département Persyst,
avenue Agropolis, TA B-78/01
34 398 Montpellier CEDEX 5
+33 (0) 4 67 61 49 44