Communications à des séminaires,  congrès sans comité de lecture (33)

 2006 (2)

Simien A. & Penot E. Smallholding rubber-based farming systems in southern Thailand :diversification as a strategy against economic uncertainty. Séminaire hévéaculture, Projet Franco-thai, 1-2 juin 2006 , Bangkok, Thailand.  

Laxman Joshi, Gede Wibawa, Ilahang, Ratna Akiefnawati, Elok Mulyoutami, Diah Wulandari and Eric Penot.”Diversified rubber agroforestry for smallholder farmers – a better alternative to monoculture”. Paper prepared for workshop on “Rubber Development in Lao PDR: Exploring Improved Systems for Smallholder Rubber Production”, Vientiane, Lao PDR, 9-11 May 2006.

2005 (2)

Gede Wibawa, Laxman Joshi, , Eric Penot, Meine van Noordwick (2005). Rubber Agroforestry System (RAS) Technologies:opportunities for optimising smallholder rubber systems. Hat Yai SRAP meeting. September 2005. ICRAF. 

Elok Mulyoutami Ilahang, Diah Wulandari, Laxman Joshi, Gede Wibawa, Eric Penot. (2005) From degraded Imperata grassland to productive rubber agroforests in West Kalimantan. . Hat Yai SRAP meeting. September 2005. ICRAF. 

2004 (4)

Penot E. (2004). Productive agroforestry – the way forward for jungle rubber in Indonesia. Ist World Agroforestry Congress. Orlando, Florida,  June 2004. Poster paper 

Penot E. (2004) Risk assessment through farming systems modeling to improve farmers’ decision making processes in a world of uncertainty. Workshop n° 18: “Globalisation and the social transformation of family farming: resistance and mutation”. IRSA World congress of International Rural sociology Association. Tronheim, Norway, July 2004. 

Penot E (2004).  Processus d’innovation et crises multiples :les hévéaculteurs indonésiens dans la tourmente. « Les entretiens du Pradel », Mirabel,  Septembre 2004. Poster paper. 

Penot E., Le Bars M., Deheuvels O., Le Grusse Ph., Attonaty JM (2004). Farming systems modelling in tropical agriculture using the sofware “Olympe”. Séminaire ECOMOD, Policy modelling international conférence, Paris , Juin 2004. Edité par Ali Bayar. Disponible sur DE rom et sur le site ecomod. 

2003 (2)

Penot, E. (2003). Le logiciel « OLYMPE »un outil de simulation et de modélisation du fonctionnement de l’exploitation agricole. Séminaire SHS, CIRAD, Septembre 2003, Montpellier.

 Penot  E. et Geissler C. (2003).  Déforestation, concessions agricoles et conflits potentiels ; province de Ouest-Kalimantan, Indonésie. Congrès Mondial Forestier, Québec, Septembre 2003. 

2002 (2)

Penot, E., Lecomte , J. (2002). From  replantation to diversification : oil palm for rubber smallholders in Indonesia . IRRDB 2002, Malaysia, IRRDB. 

Penot, E. (2002). From replanting to diversification: oil palm by the rubber smallholders in Indonesia. Stratégies patrimoniales, épargne et décision d'investissement dans les cultures pérennes. ATP/CIRAD, Ghana, Takoradi, June 2002, CIRAD.

2001 (1)

Penot, E. (2001). Processus d'innovation sur longue période : le cas de l'hévéaculture indonésienne.  Séminaire INRA "Innovation et économie agricole". Paris, 20 et 21 Septembre 2001.

2000 (6)

Jérôme Sainte Beuve, Marie de Lattre-Gasquet, Hubert Omont , Eric Penot, Pierre Laburthe Hugues de Livonnière et al. (2000)  Quels avenirs pour la filière hévéicole ?What futures for the natural rubber commodity chain ? Communication présentée à IRSG  Forum 2 000- 9 –10 novembre 2 000 ; Anvers - Belgique  

 Boutin, D. Penot E., Ir Lubis, R., Kramer E. (2000). Major agronomic results of Rubber Agroforestry Systems on-farm experimentation in East Pasaman, West Sumatra, Indonesia. GTZ/Pro-RLK seminar "Kajian a socialisais pengalaman pro RLK mersamaMitra kerja Pendukung"., Bukit Tinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia., CIRAD-ICRAF.

 Eric Penot, François Ruf, and Bénédicte Chambon. (2000). DOES RUBBER TRIGGER REFORESTATION AFTER DEFORESTATION. From deforestation to reforestation : the role of jungle rubber. Poster and paper presented at the IRRDB conference , Septembre 2000, Bogor , Indonesia. Rapport CIRAD-TERA/THI, Humid Tropic programme. 

Boutin, D., Penot E,Wibawa G. and Akiefnawati R (2000). Rubber Agroforestry Systems-type 1 (RAS1): a strategy towards a productive "jungle rubber". IRRDB annual conference, Bogor, Indonesia, IRRDB. 

Boutin, D., Penot E. and Ilahang (2000). Rubber Agroforestry Systems-type 3 (RAS 3), a strategy to convert Imperata grasslands. IRRDB annual conference, Bogor , Indonesia, IRRDB. 

Eric Penot & Bénédicte Chambon (2000). Agroforesterie et monoculture : de l’influence du changement technique sur les systèmes sociaux.  Le cas de l’hévéaculture indonésienne. Communication au Congrés International Mondial de la Sociologie,  Rio de Janeiro, Brésil, Aout 2000. Symposia J. Agricultural technology, society and the life sciences.(Thème and historical perspectives on agricultural technology transfer).

 1999 (1)

E Penot, F Ruf. (1999). Tree crops trigger reforestation after deforestation in Indonesia ? The case of rubber and cocoa : a comparison. Worshop on ‘When does technological progress in agriculture reduce déforestation ? CIFOR, Costa Rica, March 1999.

 1998 (1)

Penot E and  Budiman AFS. (1998).Environmental aspect of rubber agroforestry in Indonesia : reconcile production and environment. Paper presented at the annual International Rubber Conférence , IRC,  May 1998, Paris, France.  

 1997 (2)

Budiman A.F.S.& Penot E. (1997).  Rubber agroforestry in Indonesia. Paper presented at the  “International rubber conference 1997 : Rubber science and technology : improving quality of life”. RRIM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. October 1997. 

Penot E, S Werner.(1997). Prospects for the conservation of secondary forest biodiversity within productive rubber agroforests. Publication presented at the CIFOR/USAID International Workshop on "management of secondary forest in Indonesia". Bogor, Indonesia, November 1997. 

  1996 (4)

Penot E. (1996). Improving productivity in rubber based agroforestry systems (RAS) in Indonesia : a financial analysis of RAS systems. Paper presented at the GAPKINDO seminar in Sipirok, 27-29 March 1996, North-Sumatra. 

Penot E. (1996) .Sustainability through productivity improvement of Indonesian rubber based agroforestry systems. Paper presented at the14th international symposium on sustainable farming systems. Colombo, Sri Lanka, November 1996 

Penot E, Gede Wibawa. (1996).  Improved Rubber Agroforestry Systems in Indonesia : an alternative to low productivity of jungle rubber conserving agroforestry pratices and benefits. First results from on-farm experimentation in West-Kalimantan. Paper presented at the IRRDB annual meeting, Beruwala, Sri Lanka, November 1996. (IRRDB = International Rubber Research and Development board)

 Penot E, Fairhurst, Sofyan, Sunario (1996). Rock phosphate plays a key role in the establishment of rubber based agroforestry systems in Indonesia. Poster presented at the International conference on nutrient management for sustainable foodcrops production in Southeast Asia, Bali, December 1996. Poster and presentation paper.

 1995 (2)

Penot E. (1995). Rubber agroforestry systems, RAS, as sustainable alternatives to Imperata grasslands in West-Kalimantan, Indonesia. Paper presented at the ICRAF Imperata workshop, Benjarmasin, January 1995.

 Penot E et Gouyon A. (1995).  Agroforêt et plantations clonales : des choix pour l’avenir. Présenté au séminaire CIRAD-MES, septembre 1995 

1994 (3)

AFS Budiman, E Penot, H De Foresta, Suyanto & T Tomish. (1994).Wanatani karet terpadu untuk masa depan karet rakyat Indonesia (Rubber Agroforestry systems as alternatives for smallholder in Indonesia. Article présenté à la Conférence nationale sur le caoutchouc, IRRI, Indonesian Rubber Research Institute, Medan, Novembre 1994. En indonésien et en anglais. Title in English “Integrated rubber agroforestry for the future of smallholder rubber in Indonesia”. 

Penot E. (1994). The non-project rubber smallholder sector in Indonesia : rubber agroforestry systems (RAS) as a  challenge for the improvement of  rubber productivity, rubber based systems sustainability, biodiversity and environment. Working paper. Presented at the 1994 ICRAF APR (Annual Programme Review). 15 septembre 1994. 

 Penot E. (1994). Improving the productivity of smallholder rubber agroforestry systems : sustainables alternatives. Project frame, general proposals and On-Farm-Trial methodology. Working paper.  Presented at the 1994 ICRAF APR. 15 septembre 1994.