Terri4Sol, Preservation and restoration of organic carbon stocks by taking into account the multifunctionality of the territories combining agricultural, forestry and post-forestry dimensions
FFEM 1500K€, 2021-2025, Webpage
Cocoa4Future, Sustainability of production systems and new dynamics in the cocoa sector
Desira UE program, 5000K€, 2020-2025, Webpage
ForestInnov, Promoting mixed plantations of local species to enhance forest ecosystem services in West Africa
Firca-FCIAD 291K€, 2019-2020, Webpage
GFclim, Adapting forest management to climate change in the Guiana Shield
European Structural Funds 920K€, 2016-2018, Webpage
Metist, Modelling tropical diversity and forest functioning in space and time
Labex CEBA 250K€, 2016-2018, Webpage
C Observatory, Drawing the Carbon Balance of human activities in French Guiana
European Structural Funds 450K€, 2012-2016, Webpage
Climfor, Monitoring climate change impacts in tropical forests of the Guiana Shield
Fondation pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversité 250K€, 2011-2015, Webpage
Guyasim, Building a land-use change simulator to inform policy making
European Structural Funds 450K€, 2011-2015, Webpage
Couac, Impacts of precolumbian population on the composition and structure of Guianan forests
CNRS Amazonie 100K€, 2007-2010