Herault, Bruno

Lab People


Evans Ehouman, 2021-2025, "Restoring organic carbon stocks while promoting the multifunctionality of the post-forest tropical territories", Terri4Sol project 

Oriol Grau, 2014-2015, "Nutrient controls on tropical forest dynamics under climate change", Imbalance-P

Alana Moore, 2011-2012, "Mitigating risks of climate and land-use change to ecosystem services in French Guianan rainforests", European Structural Funds, GUYASIM project

Fabien Wagner, 2012-2013, "Inferring the future of ecosystem services through forest dynamic models", FRB Funding, CLIMFOR project


Sarah Lewis, 2024-2027, "Leveraging forestry knowledge and expertise to adapt agroforestry systems to drought conditions", Université de Montpellier, Co-Sup: Anne Mérot.

Aya Diane Larissa Houphouët, 2023-2026, "Modeling forest recovery in abandonned agricultural fields around the Taï National Park", Université Jean Lorougnon Guédé, Co-Sup: Yao Charles Sangne.

Blandine Koffi, 2021-2024, "Carbon Stocks and Fluxes in forest, agricultural and post-forest soils of humid West Africa", Université Nangui Abrogoua, Co-Sup: Jérôme Tondoh  

Isaac Konan Kouamé, 2021-2024, "Contribution of cocoa agroforestry systems to biodiversity conservation and carbon storage in post-forest landscapes of Côte d'Ivoire", Université Félix Houphouet-Boigny, Co-Sup: Justin Kassi

Marie-Ruth Dago, 2021-2024, "Importance of non-timber forest products in the choice of trees selected by farmers in cocoa agroforestry systems", Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Co-Sup: Irie Casimir Zo-Bi  

Bienvenu HK Amani, 2018-2023, "Dynamics of secondary forest recovery - What are the relative influences of local biophysical, agro-historical and soil-climatic determinants?", Université Jean Lorougnon Guédé, Co-Sup: Justin Kassi

Soulemane Traoré, 2018-2023, "Mapping carbon stocks and flows from national inventory data, case of Côte d'Ivoire", Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Co-Sup: Irie Casimir Zo-Bi

Guy-Michel Elogne, 2018-2023, "Dynamics of reconstitution of forest structure and dynamics in the permanent forest site of Téné, typical of the semi-deciduous zone of West Africa", Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Co-Sup: Irie Casimir Zo-Bi

Sylvain Schmitt, 2017-2020, "Evolutionary ecology of species complex in Amazonian forests", Université de Bordeaux, Co-Sup: Myriam Heuertz 

Camille Piponiot-Laroche, 2015-2018, "Towards new compromises between ecosystem services in Amazonian production forests", Université de Montpellier 2, Co-Sup : Plinio Sist

Ariane Mirabel, 2015-2018, "Learning from ecosystem trajectories to predict diversity in post-logging tropical forests", Université de la Guyane, Co-Sup : Eric Marcon

Camille Dezécache, 2013-2016, "Modeling land-use change scenarios through the Guiana Shield", Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, Co-Sup : Jean-Michel Salles

Thomas Denis, 2013-2016, "From niche-modeling to distribution maps for large guianan fauna", Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, Co-Sup :écile Richard-Hansen

Youven Goulamoussène, 2012-2015, "Using very high resolution satellite imagery to detect mechanisms of forest disturbance and succession across French Guiana", Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, Co-Sup : Laurent Linguet

Mélaine Aubry-Kientz, 2011-2014, "Integrating highly-diverse community dynamics and climate variations into a single forest simulator in order to explore in silico the consequences of the climate scenarios on the future of tropical forests", Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, Co-Sup : Vivien Rossi

Quentin Molto, 2009-2012, "Estimates of tropical forest biomass : towards an integrated error propagation model", Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, Co-Sup : Vivien Rossi

Stéphanie Barthe, 2009-2012, "Past demographical changes among neotropical tree species", Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, Co-Sup : Ivan Scotti

Fabien Wagner, 2008-2011, "Linking demographic rates to climate change variables in tropical forests", Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, Co-Sup : Vivien Rossi


Baptiste Lasbats, 2023, "Simulation of the evolution of ecosystem services in agroforestry cocoa fields under different climate scenarios". Ecole Normale Supérieure.

Ramatoulaye Diallo, 2023, "Effects of past and present soil use on current carbon content in a West African landscape". Université des Antilles.

Sarah Lewis, 2022, "Opportunities for adding value to non-timber forest products in local markets of the forest area in Côte d'Ivoire". Université de Montpellier.

Victor van der Meersch, 2020, "Consequences of the invasion of a West African semi-deciduous forest by Cedrela odorata". AgroParistech.

Anne Baranger, 2021, "Development of tree allometric equations integrating the diversity of post-forest systems for West Africa", Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris.

Vincyane Badouard, 2019, "Relative long-term importance of logging, fire and biological invasion by Cedrela in the diversity of tree communities in the semi-deciduous forests of West Africa", Université de la Guyane, Co-Sup: Irie Casimir Zo-Bi  

Marie-Ruth Dago, 2019, "Relative long-term importance of logging, fire and biological invasion by Cedrela in the demography of tree communities in the semi-deciduous forests of West Africa", Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny.

Marco Patacca, 2019, "Relative long-term importance of logging, fire and biological invasion by Cedrela in the functional composition of tree communities in the semi-deciduous forests of West Africa", Wageningen University, Co-Sup: Irie Casimir Zo-Bi

Sylvain Schmitt, 2017, "Testing the role of diversity in shaping ecosystem recovery from past disturbance using the TROLL forest simulator", Co-Sup : Stéphane Traissac

Aurélie Cuvelier, 2016, "Learning from a large-scale competition-manipulation experiment to infer new forest management rules in a water-stressed world", Co-Sup : Laurent Descroix

Marianne Jounieaux, 2016, "Quantifying light-limitation in juvenile tree dynamics with Lidar technology", Co-Sup : Stéphane Traissac

Miléna Bruno, 2015, "Fingerprints of pre-columbian human settlements on the diversity and composition of French Guianan tropical forests", Co-Sup : Guillaume Odonne

Camille Piponiot-Laroche, 2015, "Disentangling demographical processes responsible for biomass accumulation in logged tropical forests", Co-Sup Plinio Sist

Emmanuel Faure, 2015, "Modeling gold-mining induced deforestation to identify key drivers across the guiana shield", Co-Sup Camille Dezécache

Matthias Grenié, 2015, "Linking intraspecific trait-variability to species performance in tropical forests", Co-Sup Romain Gaspard

Hélène Fargeon, 2014, "Vulnerability of commercial tree species to drought", Co-Sup Mélaine Aubry-Kientz

Romain Gaspard, 2014, "Integrating competition variables into a growth-mortality coupled forest dynamic model", Co-Sup Mélaine Aubry-Kientz

Sophie Lefèvre, 2013, "Comparative analysis of drought sensitivity in African and Amazonian forests", Co-Sup Sylvie Gourlet-Fleury & Frédéric Mortier

Anaïs Gorel, 2013, "Modeling post-logging sapling demography in contrasted local environements", Co-Sup Christopher Baraloto

Armelle Maurice, 2012, "Forest managers, decison-makers and practitioners : how do they value the current French Guianan protected network", Co-Sup : Alana Moore

Maxime Burst, 2011, "Did landscape characteristics influence pre-columbian human settlements in French Guiana ?", Co-Sup : Stéphanie Barthe

Charles Ayotte-Trépanier, 2011, "Multi-variable selection procedures in hierarchical bayesian models", Co-Sup : Vivien Rossi

Bénédicte Bachelot, 2009, "Integrating limiting similarity into community growth models"

Félix Muller, 2008, "Modeling decay rates of dead wood in a neotropical forest", Co-Sup : Jacques Beauchêne

Julia Ouallet, 2007, "Modeling post-logging growth rates using a spatially-explicit approach", Co-Sup : Lilian Blanc