Caron, Alexandre



Sampling Buffalo @ S. Morand White-faced Whitling Duck on Manyame Lake @ A. Caron Taking data on reb-billed teal @ C. GouletAfrican Buffalo tagged and collared @ F. Jori Mwenezi River at the Wildlife/Livestock Interface, Zimbabwe @ A. Caron Backyard Poultry ringed for CMR protocol @ A. Caron


Degrees: D.V.M., Ph.D., H.D.R.


  • Cirad - Mozambique
  • Department: BIOS
  • Research Unit: UMR ASTRE
  • Associate researcher: UPR Forests & Societies
  • Faculdade Veterinaria, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane


Physical address

  • Faculdade Veterinaria, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
    Maputo, Mozambique



  • Cell : +258 84 464 06 39
  • Adresse mail :


Field of expertise

  • Disease Ecology at the Wildlife/Domestic Interface in Transfrontier Conservation Areas
  • Social-ecological ecosystem Health
  • Sustainability sciences
  • Participatory sciences

Expertise in training

  • National One Health Bridging Worksop, Livingstone, Zambia, 10.22
  • Mozambique One Health Net-Mapping, Maputo, Mozambique, 08.22
  • Zimbabwe One Health Net-Mapping, Harare, Mozmabique, 06.22
  • AU-IBAR - FAO SPINAP Training of SADC representative in wildlife capture and sampling, Chivero, Zimbabwe, 07.10.
  • OIE Wildlife Focal Points for West and Central Africa Training, Bamako, MAli, 06.10.
  • FAO Great Lakes Project on Avian Influenza: Training on Wild bird surveillance on Avian Influenza, Rwanda, Burundi, RDC, 05.08.
  • FAO TCP Surveillance for Avian Influenza: Training in Wild Bird Capture and Surveillance, Lilongwe, Malawi, Simferopol, Ukraine and Pretoria, South Africa, 2006-2007.
  • PACE AU-IBAR Training of regional and national team for wildlife capture and surveillance, Mole NP, Ghana, 07.05.
  • PACE AU-IBAR Training for Wildilfe Surveillance and Capture, Garoua, Cameroon, Accra, Ghana, 2004.


Research Activities

I am hosted at the Faculdade de Veterinaria at the Universidade Edouardo Mondlane in Mozambique.

Alexandre Caron is a French researcher working for Cirad, hosted at the Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo, Mozambique. Trained as a veterinarian and a wildlife ecologist, he has been working on the ecology of pathogen transmission at the wildlife/livestock/human interfaces in southern Africa for the past 17 years using the field of disease ecology, behavioral ecology, epidemiology and community ecology. In more recent years, I have been more and more incline to use sustainability sciences, including participatory and anticipation sciences in order to promote a better coexistence between people and nature in landscape in which protected areas and communal land coexists. As such, I am contributing to the new field of social-ecological system health (SES Health) as an extension of ecosystem health in the framework of the One Health concept. I have recently coordinated the EU ProSuLi project (2018-2022). Currently involved amongst other projects in the EU COHESA project as the P.I. for Cirad and coordinating project’s activities in five southern African countries and contributing to the AFD/FFEM One Health - One Limpopo project coordinated by Peace Park Foundation.


Recent and On-going selected Projects

  • RP-PCP, Research Platform "Produce and Conserve in Partnership, coordinator,, (2015 - 2021)





  • AFD/FFEM OLOH, One Limpopo - One Health, coordinator for Cirad, (2023 - 2026)


Member of international body

- IUCN African Buffalo Interest Group (AfBIG), under Antelope Specialist Group, co-coordinator

- IUCN Wildlife Health Specialist Group, member



Liste CIRAD des publications de Alexandre Caron



- Bonnet, P., Caron, A., Cappelle, J., Jori, F., Charrier, F., Gisclard, M., & Etienne, F. (2023). Agrobiodiversité animale et gouvernance sanitaire, quels modes de gestion mettre en place dans un cadre One Health ? In A. Lauvie, A. Audiot, & E. Verrier (Eds.), Biodiversité Domestique (Vol. in press): Quae.

- Bonnet, P., Caron, A., Cappelle, J., & Jori, F. (2023). Plus d’agrobiodiversité animale dans les systèmes d’élevage: quels avantages et risques sanitaires anticiper dans un cadre One Health ? Regards croisés Nord & Sud. In A. Lauvie, A. Audiot, & E. Verrier (Eds.), Biodivresité Domestique (Vol. in press): Quae.

- Caron, A., Daniel, C., Chardonnet, P., & Prins, H. (Eds.). (2023). Ecology and Management of the African buffalo (Vol. in press). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

- Cornélis, D., Renaud, P. C., Melletti, M., Fonteyn, D., Bonhotal, H., Hauptfleisch, M., . Caron, A.. . Chardonnet, P. (2023). Conservation status of the African buffalo: a continent-wide assessment. In A. Caron, D. Cornelis, P. Chardonnet, & H. H. T. Prins (Eds.), Ecology and Management of the African buffalo (Vol. in press). Cambridge: Cambridge Univeristy Press.

- Caron, A., Rumiano, F., Wielgus, E., Miguel, E., Tran, A., Bah, M., Grosbois, V., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M. (2023). Characterisation of buffalo/cattle interactions for assessing pathogen transmission. In A. Caron, D. Cornelis, P. Chardonnet, & H. H. T. Prins (Eds.), Ecology and Management of the African buffalo (Vol. in press). Cambridge: Cambridge Univeristy Press.

- Caron, A., Bennitt, E.,Wielgus  E., Cornelis, Miguel, E., de Garine-Wichatitsky. (2023). African buffalo social dynamics: what is a buffalo herd? In A. Caron, D. Cornelis, P. Chardonnet, & H. H. T. Prins (Eds.), Ecology and Management of the African buffalo (Vol. in press). Cambridge: Cambridge Univeristy Press.

- Kock, R., Bengis, R., Shiferaw, F. D., Gakuya, F., Mdetele, D., Prins, H. H. T., . . . Caron, A., Kock, M. (2023). African buffalo and colonial cattle: is “systems change” the best future for farming and nature in Africa? In A. Caron, D. Cornelis, P. Chardonnet, & H. H. T. Prins (Eds.), Ecology and Management of the African buffalo (Vol. in press). Cambridge: Cambridge Univeristy Press.

- Prins, H. H. T., Cornélis, D., Caron, A., & Chardonnet, P. (2023). Knowns and unknowns on African buffalo ecology and management. In A. Caron, D. Cornelis, P. Chardonnet, & H. H. T. Prins (Eds.), Ecology and Management of the African buffalo (Vol. in press). Cambridge: Cambridge Univeristy Press.

Caron, A., Bourgeois, R., Chardonnet, P., Cornélis, D., & Prins, H. H. T. (2023). Futures of the African buffalo. In A. Caron, D. Cornelis, P. Chardonnet, & H. H. T. Prins (Eds.),  Ecology and Management of the African buffalo (Vol. in press). Cambridge: Cambridge Univeristy Press.

- Gratiot, N., Klein, J., Challet, M., Dangles, O., Janicot, S., Candelas, M., . Caron, A.. . Michaud-Soret, I. (2023). A transition support system to build decarbonization scenarios in the academic community. PLOS Sustainability and Transformation in press. 

- Figuié, M., Mapaco, L., Caron, A., Gomes-Jaintilal, I., & Cappelle, J. (2023). Vulnerability to zoonotic emerging diseases as an alternative framework to address human-rodent interface in light of the environmental history, in the Limpopo National Park, Mozambique. CABI One Health, in press. 

- Brisson, L., Caron, A., Mazuy-Cruchadet, C., Gilot-Fromont, E., Lécu, A., Bourgarel, M., . . . Sergentet, D. (2023). Comparing antibiotic resistance in free-ranging vs. captive African wild herbivores. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, in press. 

- Bourgeois, R., Guerbois, C., Giva, N., Mugabe, P., Mukamuri, B., Fynn, R., . . . Caron, A. (2023). Using anticipation to unveil drivers of local livelihoods in Transfrontier Conservation Areas: a call for more environmental justice. People and Nature, in press. doi:10.1002/pan3.10446.


- Mapaco, L., Crespin, L., Rodrigues, D., Gouy de Bellocq, J., Bryja, J., Bourgarel, M., . .Caron, A.,  . Liegeois, F. (2022). Detection and genetic diversity of Mopeia virus in Mastomys natalensis from different habitats in the Limpopo National Park, Mozambique. Infection, genetics and evolution : journal of molecular epidemiology and evolutionary genetics in infectious diseases, 98, 105204. doi:10.1016/j.meegid.2022.105204

- Caron, A., Mugabe, P., Bourgeois, R., Delay, E., Bitu, F., Ducrot, R., . . . Giva, N. (2022). Social-ecological System Health in Transfrontier Conservation Areas to Promote the Coexistence Between People and Nature. One Health Cases, 2022. doi:10.1079/onehealthcases.2022.0005

- Caron, A. (2022). Le parc naturel du Gorongoza: une renaissance au Mozambique. Le Courrier de la Nature, 334, 34-40. 

- Bourgarel, M., Caron, A., Jori, F., de Nys, H. M., Herbinger, I., Liégeois, F., . . . Ratiarson, S. (2022). Émergence/réémergence d’agents infectieux et risques épidémiques dans les forêts d’Afrique centrale. In R. Eba'a Atyi, F. Hiol Hiol, G. Lescuyer, P. Mayaux, P. Defourny, N. Bayol, F. Saracco, D. Pokem, R. Sufo Kankeu, & R. Nasi (Eds.), Les forêts du Bassin du Congo : état des Forêts 2021 (pp. 283-308). Bogor: CIFOR.


- Mukarati, N. L., Ndumnego, O. C., Ochai, S. O., Jauro, S., Loveridge, A., Van Heerden, H., Caron, A., . . de Garine‐Wichatitsky, M. (2021). A serological survey of Bacillus anthracis reveals widespread exposure to the pathogen in free‐range and captive lions in Zimbabwe. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 68(3), 1676-1684. 

- Lee-Cruz, L., Lenormand, M., Cappelle, J., Caron, A., De Nys, H., Peeters, M., . Caron, A. . Tran, A. (2021). Mapping of Ebola virus spillover: Suitability and seasonal variability at the landscape scale. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 15(8), e0009683. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0009683

- Rumiano, F. Gaucherel, C., Degenne, P., Miguel, E., Chamaillé-Jammes, S., Valls-Fox, H., Cornelis, D., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Fritz, H., Caron, A., Tran, A. 2021. Combined use of remote sensing and spatial modelling: when surface water impacts buffalo (Syncerus caffer caffer) movements in savanna environements. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLIII-B3-2021: 631-638.

- Wielgus, E. Caron, A., Bennitt, E, de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Cain, B., Fritz, H., Miguel, E., Cornelis, D., Camaille-Jamlmes, S. 2021. Inter-group social behavior, contact patterns and risk of pathogen Transmission in Cape buffalo populations. Journal of Wildlife Management, 85(8), 1574-1590. doi:10.1002/jwmg.22116

- Gobvu, V.,  Ncube, A., Caron A. Mugabe, P. 2021. Community-based performance indicators for monitoring and evaluating livestock interventions. Tropical Animal Health & Production, 53(3), 387. doi:10.1007/s11250-021-02818-9

- Jones, B. A., Mahapatra M., Mdetele D., Keyyu J., Gakuya F., Eblate E., Lekolool I., Limo C., Ndiwa J. N., Hongo P., Wanda J. S., Shilinde L., Mdaki M., Benfield C., Parekh K., Neto M. M., Ndeereh D., Misinzo G., Makange M. R., Caron A., Bataille A., Libeau G., Guendouz S., Swai E. S., Nyasebwa O., Koyie S. L., Oyas H., Parida S.  Kock A.2021. Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus Infection at the Wildlife–Livestock Interface in the Greater Serengeti Ecosystem, 2015–2019. Viruses 13: 838. 

- de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Miguel E., Kock R., Valls-Fox H. & Caron A.2021. The Ecology of Pathogens Transmission at the Wildlife-Livestock Interface: Beyond Disease Ecology, Towards Socio-Ecological System Health. In Diseases at the Wildlife - Livestock Interface: Research and Perspectives in a Changing World, edited by Joaquín Vicente, Kurt C. Vercauteren and Christian Gortázar, 91-119. Cham: Springer International Publishing.


- Caron A., Barasona J. A., Miguel E., Michaux J. & de Garine-Wichatitsky M. 2021. Characterisation of Wildlife-Livestock Interfaces: The Need for Interdisciplinary Approaches and a Dedicated Thematic Field." In Diseases at the Wildlife - Livestock Interface: Research and Perspectives in a Changing World, edited by Joaquín Vicente, Kurt C. Vercauteren and Christian Gortázar, 339-367. Cham: Springer International Publishing.


- de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Binot A., Ward J. R., Caron A., Perroton A., Ross H., Tran Quoc H., Valls-Fox H., Gordon I. J., Promburom P., Ancog R., Kock R. A., Morand S., Chevalier V., Phimpraphai W., Allen W., Duboz R. & Echaubard P. 2021. “Health in” and “Health of” Social-Ecological Systems: a practical framework for the management of healthy and resilient agricultural and natural ecosystems. Frontiers in Public Health 8: 616328. 


- Roger, F. L., Fournié G., Binot A., Wieland B., Kock R. A., Diallo A., Caron A. & Jones B. A. 2021. Editorial: Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR): Generating Evidence to Support Eradication Efforts. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 7: 636509.




- Schloesing, E., R. Chambon, A. Tran, Choden K., Ravon S., Epstein J. H., Hoem T., Furey N., Labadie M., Bourgarel M., De Nys H. M., Caron A., & Cappelle J. 2020. Patterns of foraging activity and fidelity in a southeast Asian flying fox. Movement Ecology 8 (1): 46. 


- Rumiano F., Wielgus E., Miguel E., Chamaillé-Jammes S., Valls-Fox H., Cornelis D., de Garine-Wichatitky M., Fritz H., Caron A., Tran A. 2020. Remote sensing of environmental drivers influencing the movement ecology of sympatric wild and domesitc ungulates in semi-arid savannas, a review. Remote Sesning 12, 3218.


- Mukarati N., Ndumnego O., Ochai S., Jauro S., Loveridge A., Van Heerden H., Matope G., Caron A., Hanyire, T., de Garine-Wichatitsky M., Pfukenyi D. 2020. A serological survey of Bacillus anthracis reveals widespread exposure to the pathogenin free-range and captive lions in Zimbabwe. Transbound Emeg Dis, in press.


- Mukarati N., Matope G., de Garine-Wichatitsky M., Ndhlovu D., Caron A., Pfukenyi D. 2020. The pattern of anthrax at the wildlife-livesotck-human interface in Zimabwbe. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 14 (10): e0008800


- de Garine-Wichatitsky M., Binot A., Morand S., Kock R., Roger F., Wilcox B. A., Caron A. 2020. Will Covid-19 crisis trigger One Health coming-of-age? Lancet Planetary Health, 4(10): e377-e378.


- Wielgus E, Cornelis D, de Garine-Wichatitsky M, Cain B, Fritz H, Miguel E, Valls Fox, H., Caron, A., Chamaillé-Jammes, S. 2020. Are fission fusion dynamics consistent among populations? A large-scale study with Cape buffalo. Ecology and Evolution, 10 (17): 9240-56 doi 10.1002/ece3.6608


- Lindsey P., Allan J., Brehony P., Dickman A., Robson A., Begg C., Bhammar, H., Blanken, L., Breuer, T., Fitzgerald, K., Flyman, M., Gandiwa, P., Giva, N., Kaelo, D., Nampindo, S., Nyambe, N., Steiner, K., Parker, A., Roe, D., Thomson, P., Trimble, M., Caron, A., Tyrrell, P.. 2020. Conserving Africa's wildlife and wildlands through the COVID-19 crisis and beyond. Nat Ecol Evol, 4 (10): 1300-10 doi: 10.1038/s41559-020-1275-6


- Miguel E., Pople D., Roche B., Caron A., Donelly C., Grosbois V. 2020. A systemic approach to assess the potential and risks of wildlife culling for infectious disease control. Nature Communications Biology, 3:353 doi: 10.1038/s42003-020-1032-z


- Fernandez Aguilar X., Mahapatra M., Begovoeva M., Kalema G., Dricuru M., Atimnedi P., Ayebazibwe, C., Adwok, D., Tiberio, R.B. , Kock, M., Mulinga, B., Bushu, M. E., Lukusa, JP.K., Muro, J., Marco, I., Colom-Cadena, A., Espunyes,  J., Meunier, N., Cabezón, O., Caron, A., Bataille, A., Libeau, G., Krupali, Parekh, Parida, S., Kock, R. 2020. Peste des Petits Ruminants at the Wildlife-Livestock Interface in the Western Albertine Rift and Nile Basin, East Africa. Viruses, 12(3):293 doi: 10.3390/v12030293


- Fine A E.,Pruvot M., Benfield C. T. O., Caron A., Cattoli G., Chardonnet P., Dioli M., Dulu Y., Gilbert M., Kock R., Lubroth J., Mariner J. C., Ostrowski S., Parida S., Fereidouni S., Shiilegdamba E., Sleeman J., Schulz C., Soula J.-J., Van der Stede Y., Tekola B. G., Walzer C., Zuther S., Njeumi F. 2020. Eradication of Peste des Petits Ruminants virus and the wildlife-livestock interface. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7:50 doi: 10.3389/fvets.2020.00050 




- Mapaco L, Monjane I., Fafetine J., Arone D., Caron A., Chilundo A., Quembo C., Do Carmo Carrilho M., Nhabomba V., Zohari S., Acha S. 2019. Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus Surveillance in Domestic Small Ruminants, Mozambique (2015-2017). Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 6:370 doi: 10.3389/fvets.2019.00370. 


- Mutumi G. L., Cumming G. S., Sullivan S. M. P., Caron A., Caseres C. 2019. Using a multi-isotope approach to undertsand waterfowl movement in southern Africa. 2019. The Condor, 121: 1-10 doi: 10.1093/condor/duz049


- Guerrini L., Pfukenyi D.M., Etter E., Bouyer J., Ndjagu C., Ndhlovu F., Bourgarel M., de Garine-Wichatitsky M., Foggin C., Grosbois V., Caron A. 2019. Spatial adn seasonal patterns of FMD primary outbreaks in cattle in Zimbabwbe between 1931 and 2016. 2019; Veterinary Research, 50: 73 doi: 10.1186/s13567-019-0690-7


- Britton A., Caron A., Bedane B. 2019. Progress to Control and Eradication of Peste des Petits Ruminants in the Southern African Development Community Region. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 6:343 doi: 10.3389/fvets.2019.00343


- Bataille A., Kwiatek O., Belfkhi S., Mounier L., Parida S., Mahapatra M., Caron A. et al. 2019. Optimization and evaluation of a non-invasive tool for peste des petits ruminants surveillance and control. Scientific Reports, 9:4742. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-41232-y




- Caron A., Bourgarel M., Cappelle J., De Nys H. M., Liégeois F., Roger F. 2018. Ebola viruses maintenance: if nto (only) batsn what else? Viruses, 10:549 doi: 10.3390/v10100549


- Mukarati M., Ndumnego O., van Heerden H., Ndlhovu D. N., Matope G., Caron A., de Garine-Wichatitsky M., Pfukenyi D. M. 2018. A serological survey of Anthrax in domestic dogs in Zimbabwe: a potential tool for Anthrax surveillance. Epidemiology and Infestion12: 1526-32 doi: 10.1017/S0950268818001577


- Valls Fox H.,Chammaille-Jammes S., de Garine-Wichatitsky M., Perrotton A., Courbin N., Miguel E., Guerbois C., Caron A., Loveridge A., Stapelkamp B., Musamba M., Fritz H. 2018. Water and cattle shape habitat selection by wild herbivores at the edge of a protected area. Animal Conservation, 21: 365-375 doi : 10.1111/acv.12403


- Bourgarel M., Pfukenyi D.-M., Boue V., Talignani L., Chiweshe N., Diop F., Caron A., Matope G., Masse G., Liégeois F. 2018. Circulation of Alphacoronavirus, Betacoronavirus anbd paramyxovirus in Hipposideros bat species in Zimbabwe. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 58: 253-257doi: 10.1016/j.meegid.2018.01.007




Caron A., Chiweshe N., Mundava J., Abolnik C., Capobianco Dondona A., Scacchia M., Gaidet N. 2017. Avian viral pathogens in swallows, Zimbabwe: infectious diseases in Hirundinidae: risk to swallow? Ecohealth 14: 805-809.


- Cornelis D., Le Bel S., Mikolasek O., Caron A., Aubert S., Karpe P., Müller J.-P. 2017. Vers une gestion territorialisée de la chasse villageoise et des systèmes alimentaires carnés en Afrique centrale. Communautés locales et utilisation durable de la faune en Afrique centrale. Roma: FAO. Chapter 9: 143-173.


- Massot M., Couffignal C., Clermont O., D'Humières C., Chatel J., PLault N., Andremont A., Caron A., Mentré F., Denamur E. 2017. Day-to-day dynamic of commensal Escherichia coli in Zimbabwean cows evidences temporal fluctuations within a host specific population structure. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 83(13): e00659-17.


- Miguel E., Grosbois V., Fritz H., Caron A., de Garine-Wichatitsky M., Nicod F., Loveridge A.J., Stapelkamd B., MacDonald D.W., Valeix M. 2017. Drivers of Foot and Mouth Disease in cattle at wild/domestic interface: insights from farmers, buffalo and lions. Diversity and Distribution, 23(9): 1018-1030.


-  Colin de Verdière K., Binot A., Caron A., de Garine-Wichatitsky M., Leroy A. 2017. Les aires protégées, des opportunités de développement socio-économique des territoires? In: "Territoires et Développement Durable, AFD-Cirad. Chapter 24: 153-158.


Caron A., Cappelle J., Gaidet N. 2017. Challenging the conceptual framework ofmaintenance hosts for inlfuenza A viruses in wild birds. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54(3): 681-690. 


- Bordes F., Caron A., Blasdell K., de Garine-Wichatitsky M., Morand S. 2017. Using network analysis to identify key-rodent hosts as potential sources of emerging zoonotic diseases in the human-dominated landscapes of Southeast Asia. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54(3): 691-700. 




- Gaidet N. & Caron A. 2016. Rôle de l'avifaune dans la transmission et la dispersion de l'indluenza aviaire dans les écosystèmes Afro-tropicaux: apport de l'éco-épidémiologie. Cahiers de l'Agriculture, 25(5): 54001.


- Miguel E., El Idrissi A., Chevalier V., Caron A., Faye B., Peiris M., Roger F. 2016. Ecological and epidemiological roles of camels: lessons from existing and emerging viral infections. Empress - Animal Health, 46: 4-8.


- Mundava J., Caron, A., de Garibne-Wichatitsky, M., Mundy, P., Gaidet, N. 2016. Role of breeding phenology and aggregation of waterfowl on avian influenza dynamics in southern Africa. Ibis, 158: 762-775.


- Caron, A. 2016. The ecology of infectious disease transmission in multi-host systems in African socio-ecosystems. Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Ecole Doctorale GAIA, Université de Montpellier.


- Chigwenhese, L., Murwira, A., Zengeya, F. M., Masocha, M., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Caron, A. 2016. Monitoring African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) and catle (Bos taurus) movement across a damaged veterinary control fence at a southern African wildlife/livestock interface. African Journal of Ecology, 54(4): 415-423.


- Roger, F., Caron, A., Morand, S., Pedrono, M., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Chevalier, V., Tran, A., Gaidet-Drapier, N., Figuié, M., ed Visscher, M. -N., Binot, A. 2016. One Health and EcoHealth: same wine in different bottles? From field activities in low-income countries to revised concepts. Infection, Ecology and Epidemiology, 6: 30978.


- Caron, A., Cornelis, D., Foggin, C., Hofmeyr, M., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M. 2016. Transfrontier Conservation Areas, Buffalo Movements and Animal Diseases. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 22(2): 277-280.


- Hellard, E., Cumming, G. S., Caron, A., Coe, E., Peters, J. 2016. Testing epidemiological functional groups as predictors of avian haemosporidia patterns in southern Africa. Ecosphere, 7(4): e01225.


- Jori, F., Caron, A., Thompson, P. N., Dwarka, R., Foggin, C., de garine-Wichatitsky, M., Hofmeyr, M., Van Heerden, J. and Heath, L. 2016. Characteristics of Foot-and-Mouth disease viral strains circulating at the wildlife/livestock interface of the Great Limpopo Transforntier Area. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 63(1): e58-70. 




- Mercat, M., Clermont, O., Massot, M., Ruppe, E., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Miguel, E., Valls Fox, H., Cornelise, D., Andremont, A., Denamur, E., Caron, A. 2015. Escherichia coli populations sharing and antibioticresistance gradient at a buffalo/cattle interface in southern Africa. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 82 (5): 1459-1467.


- Zengeya, F., Murwira, A., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Caron, A., Cornelis, D., Gandiwa, P. 2015. Spatial overlap between sympatric wild and domestic herbivores links to resource gradients. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 2: 56-65.


- Caron, A., Cappelle, J., Cumming, G. S., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Gaidet, N. 2015. Bridge host, a missing link in disease ecology in multi-host systems. Veterinary Research, 46: 83.


- Cumming, G. S., Abolnik, C., Caron, A., Gaidet, N., Grewar, J., Hellard, E., Henry, D. A. W., Reynolds, C. 2015. A social-ecological approach to landscape epidemiology: geographic variation and avian influenza . Landscape Ecology, 30(6): 963-985. 


- Figuié, M., Binot, A., Caron, A. 2015. (Wild and Domestic; Human and Animal: a sanitary surveillance blurring boundariesFrench. Revue d'Anthropologie des Connaissances, 9(2): 163-188.


- Peyre, M., Gaidet, N., Caron, A., Cappelle, J., Tran, A.-L., Roger F. 2015. (Avian Influenza in the world: update on 31st Janaury 2015) French. Anses Bulletin, n°67: 10-14.




- Caron, A., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Roger, F. 2014. Bovine tuberculosis: a double-edged issue at the human/livestock/wildlife interface in Africa. Empres-animal health 360 44(2): 10-13.


- Caron, A., Grosbois, V., Etter, E., Gaidet, N., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M. 2014. Bridge hosts for Avian Influenza viruses at the wildlife/domestic interface: an ecoepidemiological framework implemented in southern Africa. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 117 (590-600).


- Smitz, N., Cornelis, D., Chardonnet, P., Caron, A., de Garine-Wichatitskky, M., Jori, F., Mouton, A., Latinne, A., Pigneur, L. -M., Meletti, M., Kanapeckas, K. L., Marescaux, J., Lopes Pereira, C., Michaux, J. 2014. Genetic structure of fragmented southern populations of African Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer caffer).BMC Evolutionary Biology, 14: 203.


- Cappelle, J., Caron, A., Servan de Almeida, R., Gil, P., Pedrono, M., Mundava, J., Fofana, B., Balança, G., Dakouo, M., Ould El Mamy, A. B., Albonik, C., Maminiaina, O. F., Cumming, G. S., de Visscher, M.-N., Albina, E., Chevalier, V., Gaidet, N. 2014. Empirical analysis suggests continuous and homogeneous circulaiton of Newcastle Disease virus in a wide range of wild birds species in Africa. Epidemiology and Infection,143(§): 1292-1303.


- Miguel, E., Boulinier, T., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Caron, A., Fritz, H., Grosbois, V. 2014. Characterising African tick communities at a wild-domestic interface using repeated sampling protocols and models. Acta Tropica, 138: 5-14.


- Kock, R., Kock, M., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Chardonnet, P., Caron, A. 2014. Livestock and buffalo (Syncerus caffer) interfaces in Africa: ecology of disease transmission and implications for conservation and development. In: Ecology, Evollution and Behaviour of wild Cattle. Implications for Conservation. Melletti, M. & Burton, J. (Editors). Cambridge University Press, Chapter 26.




- Ferguson, K. J., Cleaveland, S., Haydon, D. T., Caron, A., Kock, R., Lembo, T., Grant, J., Hopcraft, C., Chardonnet, B., Nyakiri, T., Keyyu, J., Paton, D. J., Kivaria, F. M. 2013. Evaluating the potential for the environmentally sustainable control of foot and mouth disease in Sub-Saharan Africa. Ecohealth, 10(3): 314-322. 


- Zvidzai, M., Murwira, A., Caron, A., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M. 2013. Waterhole use patterns at the wildlife/livestock interface in a semi-arid savanna of Southern Africa. Int. J. of Develoment and Sustainability, 2(2): 455-471.


- Miguel, E., V. Grosbois, A. Caron, D. Cornelis, T. Boulinier, H. Fritz, C. Foggin, P. Makaya, P. T. Tshabalala, and M. de Garine-Wichatitksy. 2013. Contact rates with buffalo explain foot-and mouth disease dynamics in cattle at the periphery of Transfrontier Conservation Areas in Southern Africa. Ecosphere, 4(4): art51.


- de Garine-Wichatitksy, M., A. Caron, R. Kock, R. Tschopp, M. Munyeme, M. Hofmeyr, and A. Michel. 2013. A review on bovine tuberculosis at the wildlife/livestock/human interface in sub-Saharan Africa. Epidemiology and Infections, 141: 1342-1356.


- Caron, A., Miguel, E., Gomo, C., Makaya, P., Pfukenyi, D., Hove, T., Foggin, C., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M. 2013. Relationship between burden of infection in ungulate populations and wildlife/livestock interfaces. Epidemiology & Infections, 141(7): 1522-1535.


- Smitz, N., Berthouly, C., Cornelis, D., Heller, R., Van Hooft, W.F., Chardonnet, P., Caron, A., Prins, H.H.T., van Vuuren, B.J., De Longh, H.H., Michaux, J. R. 2013. Pan-African Genetic Structure in the African Buffalo (Syncerus caffer): Investigating Subspecies Divergence. PLoS ONE, 8:e56235.


- Cumming, G.S., Shepard, E. , Okanga, S., Caron, A., Ndlovu, M., Peters, J.L. 2013. Host associations, biogeography, and a first phylogeny of avian malaria in southern African waterfowl. Parasitology, 140:193-201. 


- Miguel, E., Grosbois, V., Berthouly-Salazar, C., Caron, A., Cappelle, J., Roger, F. 2013. A Meta-analysis of Observational Epidemiological Studies of Newcastle Disease in African Agro-Systems (1980-2009). Epidemiology and Infections, 141: 1117-1133. 


de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Miguel, E., Mukamuri, B., de Garine, I., Ancelcius, J., Pfukenyi, D., Caron. A. 2012. Coexisting with wildlife in Transfrontier Conservation Areas in Zimbabwe: cattle owners' awareness of disease risks and perception of the role played by wildlife. Comparative Imunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 36: 321-332.




- Gomo, C., Musari, S., de Garine-Wiahtitsky, M., Caron, A., Pfukenyi, D. M., van Heerden, H. 2012. Detection of Brucella abortus in Chiredzi district in Zimbabwe. Onderstepoort Veterinary Journal, 79(1): 5.


- Caron, A., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Ndlovu, M., Cumming, G. S. 2012. Linking avian communities and avian influenza ecology in southern Africa using epidemiological functional groups. Veterinary Research, 43:73.


- Gaidet, N., Ould El Mamy,  A. B., Cappelle, J., Caron, A., Cumming, G.S., Grosbois, V., Gil, P., Hammoumi, S., Servan de Almeida, R., Fereidouni, S. R., Cattoli, G., Abolnik, C., Mundava, J., Fofana, B., Ndlovu, M., Hurtado, R. F., Newman, S. H., Dodman, T., Balança, G. 2012. Investigating Avian Influenza Infection Hotspots in Old-world Shorebirds. PLoS ONE, 7(9): e46049.


- Mundava, J., Caron, A., Gaidet, N., Couto, F. M., Couto, J. T., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Mundy, P. 2012. Factors influencing long-term and seasonal waterbird abundance and composition at 2 two adjacent lakes in Zimbabwe. Ostrich, 83(2): 69-77.


- Murwira, A., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Zengeya, F., Poshiwa, X., Matema, S., Caron, A., Guerbois, C., Hellard, E., Fritz, H. 2012 Chapter 7 : Resource gradients and movements across the edge of transfrontier parks. “Living on the Edge: People and Transfrontier Conservation Areas”. Andersson, J., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Dzingirai, V., Giller, K. and Cumming, D. (Eds), pp. 123-136.


- de Garine-Wichatitsky, Fritz, H., Chaminuka, P., Caron, A., Guerbois, C., Pfukenyi, D., Matema, C., Jori, F., Murwira, A. 2012. Chapter 8: Consequences of animals crossing the edges of Transfrontier Parks. “Living on the Edge: People and Transfrontier Conservation Areas”. Andersson, J., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Dzingirai, V., Giller, K. and Cumming, D. (Eds), pp 137-162.


- Caron, A., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Morand, S. 2012. Using the community of pathogens to infer inter-specific host epidemiological interactions at the wildlife/domestic interface. “New Frontiers of Molecular Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases”. Morand, S., Beaudeau F., Cabaret J. (Eds).,Part 5, 311-332.


- Gaidet, N., Caron, A. Cappelle, J., Balança, G., Mundava, J., Fofana, B., Hammoumi, S., Gil, P., Cattoli, G., Abolnik, C., Fereidouni, S.R., ould Elmamy, B., Hagemeijer, W., Mondain-Monval, J.Y., Tran, A., Grosbois, V., Cumming, G.S., Triplet, P., Newman, S.H., Dodman, T. 2012. Ecological drivers of aviain influenza virus infection in wildfowl in Afrotropical regions. Proc Roy Soc B, 279 (1731): 1131-1141.


- Gomo, C., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Caron, A., Pfukenyi, D. 2012. Survey of brucellosis at thewildlife-livestock interface on the Zimbabwean side of the Great LimpopoTransfrontier Conservation Area. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 44(1): 77-85.


- Caron, A., Cumming, G.S., Mundava, J., Chiweshe, N., Mundy, P., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M. 2012 Report on a five-year avian influenza survey in the Manyame cathcment. Honeyguide, 58(2): 113-120.


- Chiweshe, N., Caron, A. 2012. Monitoring birds through counting and ringing around the Manyame Lakes, Zimbabwe. Honeyguide, 58(2): 138-159.




- Cumming, G. S., Caron, A., Abolnik,C., Catolli, G., L.W. Bruinzeel, C.E. Burger, K. Cecchettin, N. Chiweshe, B.Mochotlhoane, G.L. Mutumi, M. Ndlovu. 2011. The ecology of Influenza A viruses in wildbirds in southern Africa. EcoHealth 8(1): 4-13


- Caron, A., Abolnik, C., Mundava, J., Gaidet, N., Burger, C.E.,Mochotlhoane, B., Bruinzeel, L., Ngoni, C., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Cumming, G. S. 2011. Persistence of Low Pathogenic Avian InfluenzaVirus in Waterfowl in an African Ecosystem. EcoHealth 8(1): 109-115




- Caron, A., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Gaidet, N., Chiweshe, N., Cumming, G.S. 2010. Estimating dynamic risk factors for pathogen transmission usingcommunity-level bird census data at the wildlife/domestic interface. Ecology& Society, 15(3):25


- Dube, T., Murwira, A., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Caron, A. 2010. Veterinary fence condition and permeability to buffalo (Syncerus caffer) and cattle movement in Gonarezhou Naitonal Park, Zimbabwe. "Fencing impact: A review of the environmental, social and economic impacts of game and veterinary fencing in Africa with particular reference to the Great Limpopo and Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Areas". Ferguson, K., Hanks, J. (Eds), Part 6.5, p 229-232.


- de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Caron, A., Gomo, C., Foggin, C.,Dutlow, K., Lane, E., Le Bel, S., Hofmeyr, M., Hlokwe, T. and Michel, A. 2010. Bovine tuberculosis in Buffaloes, Southern Africa. Emerg Inf Dis, 16 (5) 884-885. 




- Caron, A., Gaidet N., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Morand, S., Cameron, E. 2009. Evolutionary Biology, Community Ecology and Avian Influenza Research.Infections, Genetics & Evolution, 9: 298-303.




- Gaidet, N., Dodman, T., Caron, A.,Balança, G., Desvaux, S., Goutard, F., Cattoli, G., Hagemeijer, W., Monicat, F. 2007. Influenza A viruses in waterbirds in Africa. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 13 (6): 626-629. 


- Gaidet, N., Dodman, T., Caron,A., Balança, G., Desvaux, S., Goutard, F., Cattoli, G., Martin, V., Tripoli, A., Lamarque, F., Hagemeijer, W., Monicat, F. 2007. Influenza Surveillance in Wild Birds in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa: Preliminary Results from an Ongoing FAO-led Survey. J Wildl Dis 2007 43: S22-S28




- Etter, E., Jori, F., Caron A.,Goutard F., Donado P., Roger F. 2006. Risk analysis and Bovine tuberculosis, a Re-emerging Zoonosis. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.1081, 61–73.


- Artois, M. Caron A., Leighton,F. A., Bunn, C., Vallat, B. 2006. La faune sauvage et les maladies émergentes.Rev.Sci. Tec. OIE, 25 (3) 897-912.


- Albina E., Balança G., Camus E., Cardinale E., Caron A., Chevalier V., De La Rocque S., Desvaux S., Gaidet-Drapier N., Gerbier G., Goutard F., Lancelot R., Martinez D., Monicat F., Porphyre V., Renard J.F., Richard D., Roger F., Salgado P., Vial L. 2006. La grippe aviaire, l'influenza : le virus H5N1, le poulet, les autres animaux, et l'homme d'içi et d'ailleurs, de l'Asie à l'Afrique. Montpellier, CIRAD, XI-48 p. (Les savoirs partagés) 


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