Major publications and communications
Emerging diseases, Host-vector-pathogens interactions, Surveillance, One Health, Trypanosomosis, Ticks & Tick borne diseases, West Nile, Avian influenza, Peste des petits ruminants…
· PREZODE: preventing zoonotic disease emergence. Peyre M, Vourc'h G, Lefrançois T, Martin-Prevel Y, Soussana JF, Roche B. Lancet. 2021 Feb 27;397:792-793 · Noroy C, Lefrançois T, Meyer DF. Searching Algorithm for Type IV Effector proteins (S4TE) 2.0: Improved tools for type IV effector prediction, analysis and comparison in proteobacteria, PLOS Computational Biology. 2019 Mar 25;15(3) · T Baldet, M Duhayon, L Cavalerie, T Lefrançois, A Fediaevsky, C Garros, T Balenghien. La surveillance entomologique des populations de Culicoides en France continentale pendant la période supposée d’inactivité vectorielle, Automne-Hiver 2016-2017. Bulletin épidémiologique, santé animale et alimentation. 2017 · N Cangi; V Pinarello; L Bournez; T Lefrançois; E Albina; L Neves; N Vachiery. Efficient high-throughput molecular method to detect Ehrlichia ruminantium in ticks. Parasites & Vectors. 10: 566. · Mercier A, Arsevska E, Bournez L, Bronner A, Calavas D, Cauchard J, Falala S, Caufour P, Tisseuil C, Lefrançois T, Lancelot R. Spread rate of lumpy skin disease in the Balkans, 2015-2016. Transbound Emerg Dis. 2017 Feb 26. doi: 10.1111/tbed.12624. · Marcelino I, Lefrançois T, et al. User-friendly and scalable process to prepare a ready-to-use inactivated vaccine: The example of heartwater in ruminants under tropical conditions. Vaccine. 2015 Jan 29;33(5):678-85. · Libeau G, Cêtre Sossah C, Caufour P, Minet C, Kwiatek O, Lancelot R, Servan de Almeida R, Albina E, Lefrançois T. Development of vaccines against peste des petits ruminants: CIRAD’s achievements and future challenges. Bulletin de l’OIE. 2015-2, 72-77. · Arsevka E, Dominguez M, Peiffer B, Perrin JB, Marcé C, Hendrikx P, Etore F, Collignon C, Lancelot R, Lefrançois T, Calavas D. Développement d’une veille sanitaire internationale en santé animale dans le cadre de la Plateforme ESA. Bulletin épidémiologique, santé animale-alimentation. Septembre 2014, n°63, p30-31. · Lefrancois T and Pineau T. Public health and livestock : Emerging diseases in food animals. Animal Frontiers. Editorial. January 2014 4:4-6; doi:10.2527/af.2014-0001 · Dicko AH, Lancelot R, Seck MT, Guerrini L, Sall B, Lo M, Vreysen MJ, Lefrançois T, Fonta WM, Peck SL, Bouyer J. Using species distribution models to optimize vector control in the framework of the tsetse eradication campaign in Senegal. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Jun 30. Vol 111, n°28, 10149-154. · Bouyer J & T Lefrancois. Boosting the sterile insect technique to control mosquitoes. Trends in parasitology. 2014. Vol. 30, No. 6, 271-273. · I Marcelino, AM de Almeida, M Ventosa, L Pruneau, DF Meyer, D Martinez, T Lefrançois, N Vachiéry, AV Coelho. Tick-borne diseases in cattle: applications of Proteomics to develop new generation vaccines. J Proteomics. 2012, 75 (14) : 4232-4250. · Lefrançois T, Hendrikx P, Vachiéry N, Ehrhardt N, Millien M, Gomez L, Gouyet L, Gerbier G, Gongora V, Shaw J, Trotman M. Interaction between research and diagnosis and surveillance of avian influenza within the Caribbean animal health network (CaribVET). Transbound Emerg Dis. 2010 Apr;57(1-2):11-4. · Ahoussou S, Lancelot R, Sanford B, Porphyre T, Bartlette-Powell P, Compton E, Henry L, Maitland R, Lloyd R, Mattioli R, Chavernac D, Stachurski F, Martinez D, Meyer DF, Vachiery N, Pegram R, Lefrançois T. Analysis of Amblyomma surveillance data in the Caribbean: lessons for future control programmes. Vet Parasitol. 2010Feb 10;167(2-4):327-35. · Pradel J, Chalvet Monfray K, Molia S, Vachiéry N, Rousteau A, Imbert D,Martinez D, Sabatier P, Lefrançois T. Risk factors for West Nile virus seropositivity of equids in Guadeloupe. Prev Vet Med. 2009 Nov 1;92(1-2):71-8. · Gongora V, Trotman M, Thomas R, Max M, Zamora PA, Lepoureau MT, Phanord S, Quirico J, Douglas K, Pegram R, Martinez D, Petitclerc M, Chouin E, Marchal C, Chavernac D, Doyen D, Vachiéry N, Molia S, Hendrikx P, Lefrançois T. The Caribbean animal health network: new tools for harmonization and reinforcement of animal disease surveillance. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2008 Dec;1149:12-5. · Lefrançois T, Blitvich BJ, Pradel J, Molia S, Vachiéry N, Pallavicini G,Marlenee NL, Zientara S, Petitclerc M, Martinez D. West Nile virus surveillance, Guadeloupe, 2003-2004. Emerg Infect Dis. 2005 Jul;11(7):1100-3.
· Regional health networks and one health approach on vector borne diseases. International Conference on “One Health: Connect and Proact”, Hong Kong, 5 –7 September 2017. · A one-health approach. 1st Joint International Conference of the Association of Institutions for Tropical Veterinary Medicine (AITVM) and the Society of Tropical Veterinary Medicine (STVM), Berlin, 6th September 2016. · One Health: From Research to Public Health. Session conference, International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance IMED, Vienne, Monday, November 3, 2014. · Surveillance against the odds: Can we meet the expectations of both science and policy? 2nd International Conference on Animal Health Surveillance (ICAHS), Habana, Cuba. 7-9 May 2014. · Innovative strategies for strengthening regional animal health networks. 21st Conference of the OIE Regional Commission for the Americas, Bridgetown – Barbados 26 - 29 November 2012. · CaribVET: A Model for Surveillance of Zoonotic Diseases. 14th International Congress on Infectious Diseases (ICID). Miami, Florida, USA, March 9-12, 2010.
· Participation au groupe de travail One Sustainable Health forum du World Health Summit et fondation USDT (2021-2022) · Conférence Une seule santé en pratique, participation au groupe « quel modèle international / européen de gestion des risques sanitaires ? ».vetagrosup, 17 mars 2021 · Animation de l’atelier « partage d’expérience des acteurs opérationnels et institutionnels » de la conférence MUSE/Agropolis « Quelles coopérations face aux émergences épidémiques ? Un nécessaire dialogue sciences-sociétés, 1/2 mars 2021 · AgriTalks thème One Health, Planet A, 8 décembre 2020 · Audition sur le One Health au Conseil National de l’Alimentation, groupe de concertation : « Retex de la crise Covid-19 – Période de confinement », 6 novembre 2020 |