Bourgeois, Robin

Publications 2015-2021 (Robin BOURGEOIS)


Articles dans des revues internationales ou nationales avec comité de lecture

Jahel, C., Bourgeois, R., Pesche, D., de Lattre-Gasquet, M., Delay, E., 2021. Has the COVID19 crisis changed our relationship to the future? Futur. Foresight Sci. 2021, 00:e75.

Bourgeois, R., Mattheis, F. & Kotsopoulos, J. 2020. Post-normal times: re-thinking the futures of the EU-Africa relationship. Eur J Futures Res 8, 9

Camara, C., Bourgeois, R., & Jahel, C. 2019. Anticiper l’avenir des territoires agricoles en Afrique de l’Ouest : le cas des Niayes au Sénégal. Cahiers Agricultures, 28, 12.

Bourgeois, R. 2019. About “Transforming the future: Anticipation in the 21st century,” edited by Riel Miller. Futures & Foresight Science, 1(1), e2.

Lidon B, Lopez J-M, Sosiawan H, Kartiwa B, Triomphe B, Jamin J-Y, Farolfi S, Bourgeois R, Becu N. 2018. Approach and impact of a participatory process for the reorganization of irrigation management: a case study in Indonesia. Cah. Agric. 27: 25006. 10.1051/cagri/2018015

Bourgeois R., Penunia E., Bisht S., Boruk D. 2017. Foresight for all: Co-elaborative scenario building and empowerment. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 124: 177-188. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2017.04.018

Bourgeois, R., Sette, C., 2017. The state of foresight in food and agriculture: Challenges for impact and participation. Futures 93, 115-131. doi:10.1016/j.futures.2017.05.004

Bourgeois, R., 2016. Food Insecurity: The Future Challenge. IDS Bull. 47, 71-84. doi:10.19088/1968-2016.156

Bourgeois, R. 2015. What future for rural areas? Seven plausible rural transformations. Development 58 (2-3): 177-186.

Directions d'ouvrages ou de revues

Bourgeois R. and Maru A. (eds). 2016. Forward Thinking Agricultural Development in Western India: Proceedings of a National Workshop. GFAR: Rome. 83p.

Maru A. and Bourgeois R. (eds). 2016. ICTs for Sustainable Agriculture. Proceedings of the National Workshop organised at Sardarkrushinagar, India, 11 February 2016. GFAR:Rome. 188p.

Ouvrages scientifiques ou chapitres d'ouvrages

Bourgeois, R., Liswanti, N., Mukasa, C., Zamora, A., Herawati, T., Monterroso, I., Mshale, B., Banjade, M.R., Mwangi, E., Larson, A., 2017. Guide for co-elaboration of scenarios: Building shared understanding and joint action for reform and security of forest tenure. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). doi:10.17528/cifor/006749

Mercandalli S., Losch B., Rapone C., Bourgeois R, & Khalil C.A. 2017. Rural migration and the new dynamics of structural transformation in sub-Saharan Africa. In Mercandalli S. & Losch B. (Eds): Rural Africa in motion: Dynamics and drivers of migration South of the Sahara, FAO and CIRAD, pp.13-17.

Bourgeois R., Brunelle T., Losch B. & Prati G. 2017. Spread 11. Climate change: a complex driver of rural migration. In Mercandalli S. & Losch B. (Eds): Rural Africa in motion: Dynamics and drivers of migration South of the Sahara, FAO and CIRAD, pp.44-45.

Bourgeois R. 2017. Spread 12. Unpredictable but manageable futures. In Mercandalli S. & Losch B. (Eds): Rural Africa in motion: Dynamics and drivers of migration South of the Sahara, FAO and CIRAD, pp.46-47.

Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Bougnoux Nathalie, Bélières Jean-François, Bourgeois Robin. 2017. Faire et penser "territoire" en envisageant le futur : prospective territoriale dans les régions de Ségou au Mali et du Vakinankaratra à Madagascar. In: Des territoires vivants pour transformer le monde, Patrick Caron, Elodie Valette, Tom Wassenaar, Géo Coppens D'Eeckenbrugge, Vatché Papazian (Eds.). Versailles: Ed. Quae, p. 251-261.

Puskur, R., Park, S., Bourgeois, R., Hollows, E., Suri, S., Phillips, M., 2017. Exploring Futures of Aquatic Agricultural Food Systems in Southern Africa: From Drivers to Future-smart Research and Policy Options, in: Oborn, I., Vanlauwe, B., Phillips, M., Thomas, R., Brooijmans, W., Atta-Krah, K. (Eds.), Sustainable Intensification in Smallholder Agriculture - An Integrated Systems Research Approach. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315618791

Communications avec actes dans un congrès international

Rahmanian  Maryam, Penunia  Esther, Circes  Adolfo, Ortiz  Auxtin, Bessaoud  Omar, Bourgeois  Robin, « Las agriculturas familiares como uno de los actores del futuro de la agricultura » dans Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Kahane Rémi, Fabre Pierre, Hubert Bernard ed., Proceedings of International Encounters on Family Farming and Research, Agropolis international, 2015, 279-285

Rahmanian  Maryam, Penunia Esther, Circes Adolfo, ORTIZ Auxtin, Bassaoud Omar, Bourgeois  Robin, « Family farming as one of the players in the future of agriculture » dans Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Kahane Rémi, Fabre Pierre, Hubert Bernard ed., Proceedings of International Encounters on Family Farming and Research, 2015, 67-73

Rahmanian  Maryam, Penunia  Esther, Cires  Adolfo, Ortiz  Auxtin, Bessaoud  Omar, Bourgeois  Robin, « Les agricultures familiales comme un des acteurs de l'avenir de l'agriculture » dans Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Kahane Rémi, Fabre Pierre, Hubert Bernard ed., Proceedings of International Encounters on Family Farming and Research, Agropolis international, 2015, 173-179 

Communications orales sans actes dans un congrès international ou national

Bourgeois R., Losch B. 2017. Decolonizing the future of hunger: what has to change for Africa? Presented at the 3rd International Conference on Global Food Security, December 4-6 2017, Cape Town, South Africa.     

Autres productions

Blundo Canto, G., De Romemont, A., Bourgeois, R., Piraux, M., Sourisseau, J-M., Binot, A., Camara, A., Soullier, G. 2021. Co-élaboration Participative de Scenarios et ImpresS ex ante. Note de cadrage. Montpellier, France: CIRAD,13 pages.

Sourisseau, J.-M., Bélières, J.-F., Bourgeois, R., Soumare, M., Rasolofo, P., Guenguant, J.-P., Bougnoux, N., 2017. PENSER ENSEMBLE L'AVENIR D'UN TERRITOIRE Diagnostic et prospective territoriale au Mali et à Madagascar, Etudes de l'AFD. ed. Agence française de développement, Paris.

Sourisseau J.M., Bougnoux N., Bélières J.F., Bourgeois R., Soumaré M., Rasolofo P.. 2017. Envisioning the future of territories to tackle demographic and employment challenges in sub-Saharan Africa. Perspective - Cirad (44) : 4 p..

Sourisseau J.M., Bougnoux N., Bélières J.F., Bourgeois R., Soumaré M., Rasolofo P.. 2017. Imaginer l'avenir des territoires pour relever les défis de la démographie et de l'emploi en Afrique subsaharienne. Perspective - Cirad (44) : 4 p.. 

Bourgeois R. 2016. Nos Futurs : La prospective en perspective, Document de travail ART-Dev ;2016-01.

Puskur R, Park S, Hollows E and Bourgeois R. 2016. Futures of inland aquatic agricultural systems and implications for fish agri-food systems in southern Africa. Penang, Malaysia: CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems. Program Report: AAS-2016-01. 35p.

Sourisseau J.M., Bélières J.F., Bourgeois R., Soumaré M., Rasolofo P., Losch B., Ramanitriniony H.K., Guengant J.P., Coulibaly B., Traore S., Razafimiarantsoa T.T., Andrianantoandro V.T., Ramarijaona M., Burnod P., Bougnoux N.. 2016. Les avenirs des Régions de Ségou et du Vakinankaratra, leçons et perspectives. s.l. : AFD, 105 p.

Sourisseau J.M., Soumaré M., Bélières J.F., Guengant J.P., Bourgeois R., Coulibaly B., Traore S. 2016. Diagnostic territorial de la région de Ségou au Mali. s.l. : AFD, 150 p.

Sourisseau J.M., Rasolofo P., Bélières J.F., Guengant J.P., Ramanitriniony H.K., Bourgeois R., Razafimiarantsoa T.T., Andrianantoandro V.T., Ramarijaona M., Burnod P., Rabeandriamaro H., Bougnoux N.. 2016. Diagnostic territorial de la région du Vakinankaratra à Madagascar. s.l. : AFD, 157 p.

Bourgeois R., Sourisseau J.M., Rasolofo P., Bougnoux N., Ramanitriniony H.K., Rabeandriamaro H., Bélières J.F.. 2016. Atelier de prospective participative Les avenirs de Vakinankaratra en 2035. s.l. : AFD, 38 p.

Bourgeois R., Sourisseau J.M., Soumaré M., Coulibaly B., Bélières J.F., Bougnoux N.. 2016. Atelier de prospective participative Les avenirs de Ségou en 2035. s.l. : AFD, 35p.

Bourgeois R. and Chandler F. 2015. Report on the ADFCA sponsored Hosted Scientist Program at GFIA 2015. GFAR/ADFCA/GFIA:Rome. 24p.