Raphaël MARICHAL![](../../../pjjimg/raphael.marichal@cirad.fr/RM.jpg)
Ph.D. in ecology
Agroecologist - soil ecologist
Researcher at CIRAD - Agricultural research for development , UMR ABSys - Biodiversified Agrosystems, associated to EcoFog, French Guiana
I’m a researcher (Ph.D) in soil ecology and agro-ecology at CIRAD. My research activities are focused on soil ecology and biodiversity in tropical agroforestry systems in the Amazon region (French Guiana and Brazil), within the framework of the Forests, Agriculture and Territories in Amazonia Platform in Partnership for Research and Training (dP Amazonia).
soil ecology
soil biodiversity
soil macrofauna
ecosystem functions and services
perennial crops
Campus Agronomique de Kourou
BP 701
97387 Kourou Cedex
Guyane - French Guiana
L'Institut Agro - Montpellier SupAgro
CIRAD UMR ABSys - Bât 27
2 place Viala
34060 Montpellier Cedex 2
- raphael.marichal[at]cirad.fr
Ph.D. in Ecology, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) - Sorbonne Université, Ecole doctorale Diversité du Vivant, France (2011).Thesis advisor: Pr. Patrick Lavelle.
Master degree in Ecology, Biodiversity, Evolution, Université Paris-Sud (Paris-Saclay), France (2007).
Degree of Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS-Ulm), Biology, France (2007).
Current projects and consortia
#GlobalSoilMacroFauna consortium (Official template to report soil macrofauna data)
sOilFauna (PI: Jérôme Mathieu & Nico Eisenhauer) in the framework of #GlobalSoilMacroFauna
Sustenta&Inova, Amazon region, Pará, Brazil. (PI: Emilie Coudel)
Soil quality (biodiversity and functions) in cocoa-based agroforestry systems, in the framework of the Cocoa4Future project, Ivory Coast (PI: Patrick Jagoret, 2020-2025)
RUBIS: RUbber agroforestry Breeding Initiative for Smallholders (PI: Pascal Montoro, 2021-2023)
Biofunctool®: a new framework to assess the impact of land management on soil quality (PI: Alain Brauman)
Environmental Assessment of Oil Palm Plantations: LCA and agri-environmental indicators (PI: Cécile Bessou & Raphael Marichal, 2017 - 2019). CIRAD-PT SMART project. Assessment and indicators of soil quality, Assessment and indicators of nitrogen losses, Life Cycle Assessment
- Applied Soil Ecology
- Forest Ecology and Management
- Ecological Applications
- Geoderma
- Catena
- European Journal of Soil Biology
- Soil Research
- Ecological Indicators
- Agronomy for Sustainable Development
- ...
Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative
Société Française d'Ecologie (French Ecological Society)
DriloBASE: World Earthworm Database