Scientific peer-reviewed papers
Mathieu J., Antunes A.C., Barot S., Bonato Asato A. E., Bartz M.L.C., Brown G. G., Calderon-Sanou I., Decaëns T., Fonte S.J., Ganault P., Gauzens B., Gongalsky K.B., Guerra C.A., Hengl T., Lavelle P., Marichal R., Mehring H., Peña-Venegas C.P., Castro D., Potapov A., Thébault E., Thuiller W., Witjes M., Zhang C., Eisenhauer N., 2022. sOilFauna - a global synthesis effort on the drivers of soil macrofauna communities and functioning. Soil Organisms, 94, 111–126.
Lavelle P., Mathieu J., Spain A., Brown G., Fragoso C., Lapied E., De Aquino A., Barois I., Barrios E., Barros M. E., Bedano J. C., Blanchart E., Caulfield M., Chagueza Y., Dai J., Decaëns T., Dominguez A., Dominguez Y., Feijoo A., Folgarait P., Fonte S. J., Gorosito N., Huerta E., Jimenez J. J., Kelly C., Loranger G., Marchão R., Marichal R., Praxedes C., Rodriguez L., Rousseau G., Rousseau L., Sanabria C., Suarez J. C., Tondoh J. E., De Valença A., Vanek S.J., Vasquez J., Velasquez E., Webster E., Zhang C., 2022. Soil macroinvertebrate communities: a worldwide assessment. Global Ecology and Biogeography,
Philips H.R.P., Guerra C. A., Bartz M. L. C., Briones M. J.I., Brown G., Ferlian O, Gongalsky K. B., Krebs J., Orgiazzi A., Routh D., Schwarz B, van den Hoogen J., Bach E.M., Bennett J.,Brose U., Decaëns T., De Vries F. T., Konig-Reis B., Loreau M., Mathieu J., Mulder C., van der Putten W.H., ... Marichal R., ... Cameron E. K., Eisenhauer N., 2021. Global data on earthworm abundance, biomass, diversity and corresponding environmental properties. Scientific Data 8 (1), 1-12
Thoumazeau A., Chevallier T., Baron V., Rakotondrazafy N., Panklang P., Marichal R., Kibblewhite M., Sebag D., Tivet F., Bessou C., Gay F., Brauman A., 2020. A new in-field indicator to assess the impact of land management on soil carbon dynamics. Geoderma, 375, 114496.
Pardon L, Bockstaller C., Marichal R., Sionita R., Nelson P. N., Gabrielle B., Laclau J.-P., Pujianto, Caliman J.-P., Bessou C., 2020. IN-Palm: an agri-environmental indicator to assess nitrogen losses in oil palm plantations. Agronomy Journal, 1-15.
Philips H.R.P., Guerra C. A., Bartz M. L. C., Briones M. J.I., Brown G., Ferlian O, Gongalsky K. B., Krebs J., Orgiazzi A., Routh D., Schwarz B, van den Hoogen J., Bach E.M., Bennett J.,Brose U., Decaëns T., De Vries F. T., Konig-Reis B., Loreau M., Mathieu J., Mulder C., van der Putten W.H., ... Marichal R., ... Cameron E. K., Eisenhauer N., 2019. Global distribution of earthworm diversity. Science, 366, 480–485.
Thoumazeau A., Bessou C., Renevier M.-S., Trap J., Marichal R., Mareschal L., Decaëns T., Bottinelli N., Jaillard B., Chevallier T., Blanchart E., Suvannang N., Saijaphan K., Thaler P., Gay F., Brauman A, 2019. Biofunctool®: a new framework to assess the impact of land management on soil quality. Concept and validation of the set of indicators. Ecological Indicators, 97, 100-110.
Decaëns T., Martins, M. B., Feijoo A., Oszwald J., Doledec S., Mathieu J., Arnaud de Sartre X., Bonilla D., Brown G.G., Cuellar Criollo Y. A., Dubs F., Furtado I. S., Gond V., Gordillo E., Marichal R., Mitja D., Miranda de Souza I., Praxedes C., Rougeries R., Ruiz D. H., Otero J. T., Sanabria C., Velasquez A., Zarate L. E. M., Lavelle P., 2018. Biodiversity loss along a gradient of deforestation in Amazonian landscapes. Conservation Biology.
Bessou C., Verwilghen A., Baudoin-Ollivier L., Marichal R., Ollivier J., Baron V., Bonneau X., Carron M.-P., Snoeck D., Naim M., Aryawan A. A. K., Raoul F., Giraudoux P., Surya E., Sihombing E., Caliman J.-P., 2017. Agroecological practices in oil palm plantations: examples from the field. Oilseeds and fats, Crops and Lipids (OCL),
Marichal R., Praxedes C., Decaëns T., Grimaldi M., Oszwald J., Brown G. G., Desjardins T., Lopes da Silva Junior M., Feijoo M. A., Oliveira N. D. M., Velasquez E., Lavelle P., 2017. Earthworm functional traits, landscape degradation and ecosystem services in the Brazilian Amazon deforestation arc. European Journal of Soil Biology, 83, 43-51.
Bessou C., Rival A., Levang P., Feintrenie L., Bosc P.-M., Cheyns E., Djama M., Wohlfahrt J., Marichal R., Roda J.-M., Caliman J.-P., Pacheco P., 2017. Sustainable Palm Oil Production project synthesis. Understanding and anticipating global challenges. CIFOR infobriefs, 165.
Costa A. R., Lopes Silva Jr. M., Clara Kern D., Pinheiro Ruivo M.L., Marichal R., 2017. Forms of soil organic phosphorus in black earth sites in the Eastern Amazon. Revista Ciência Agronômica, 48, 1-12.
Lavelle P., Dolédec S., Arnauld de Sartre X., Decaëns T., Gond V., Grimaldi M., Oszwald J., Hubert B., Ramirez B., Veiga I., de Souza S., Santos de Assis W., Michelotti F., Martins M., Feijoo A., Bommel P., Castañeda E., Chacon P., Desjardins T., Dubs F., Gordillo E., Guevara E., Fonte S., Hurtado M.P., Lena P., Lima T., Marichal R., Mitja D., Miranda I., Otero T., Praxedes C., Poccard R., de Robert P., Rodriguez G., Sanabria C., Tselouiko S., Velasquez A., Velasquez E., Velasquez J., 2016. Unsustainable landscapes of deforested Amazonia: an analysis of the relationships among landscapes and the social, economic and environmental profiles of farms at different ages following deforestation. Global Environmental Change, 40, 137-155. 0959-3780
Carron M.P., Auriac Q., Snoeck D., Villenave C., Blanchart E., Ribeyre F., Marichal R., Darminto M., Caliman J.P., 2016. Do the impacts of organic residues on soil quality extend beyond the deposition area under oil palm? European Journal of Soil Biology, 75, 54-61.
Pardon L., Bessou C., Nelson P., Dubos B., Ollivier J., Marichal R., Caliman J.-P., Gabrielle B., 2016. Key unknowns in nitrogen budget for oil palm plantations. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 36:20.
Baudoin A., Bosc P.-M., Moulin M., Wohlfart J., Marichal R., Caliman J.-P., Bessou C., 2015. Linking the transformation of production structures to a multidimentional sustainability assessment grid of smallholders'oil palm plantations. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology,
Carron M.-P, Pierrat M., Snoeck D., Villenave C., Ribeyre F., Suhardi, Marichal R., Caliman J.P., 2015. Temporal variability in soil quality after organic residue application in mature oil palm plantations. Soil Research,
Carron M.P, Auriac Q., Snoeck D., Villenave C., Blanchart E., Ribeyre F., Marichal R., Darminto M., Caliman J.P., 2015. Spatial heterogeneity of soil quality around mature oil palms receiving mineral fertilization. European Journal of Soil Biology, 66, 24-31.
Marichal R., Grimaldi M., Feijoo M. A., Oszwald J., Praxedes C., Ruiz Cobo D. H., Hurtado M.P., Desjardins T., Silva Junior M. L., Silva Costa L.G.,Souza Miranda I., Delgado Oliveira M. N., Brown G. G., Tsélouiko S., Martins M. B., Decaëns T., Velasquez E., Lavelle P., 2014. Soil macroinvertebrate communities and ecosystem services in deforested landscapes of Amazonia. Applied soil Ecology, 83, 177–185.
Grimaldi M., Oszwald J., Doledec S., Hurtado M.d.P., Souza Miranda I., Arnauld de Sartre X., Santos de Assis W., Castaneda E., Desjardins T., Dubs F., Guevara E., Gond E., Thaiz Santa Lima T., Marichal R., Michelotti F., Mitja D., Cornejo Noronha N., Delgado Oliveira M. N., Ramirez B., Rodriguez G., Sarrazin M., Lopes da Silva Jr M., Silva Costa L. G., Lindoso de Souza S., Veiga Jr I.P., Velasquez E., Lavelle P., 2014. Ecosystem services of regulation and support in Amazonian pioneer fronts: Searching for landscape drivers. Landscape Ecology, 29, 311-328.
Dupont L., Decaëns T., Lapied E., Chassany V., Marichal R., Dubs F., Maillot M., Roy V., 2012. Genetic signature of accidental transfer of the peregrine earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus (Clitellata, Glossoscolecidae) in French Guiana. European Journal of Soil Biology 53, 70–75.
Marichal R., Grimaldi M., Mathieu J., Brown G.G., Desjardins T., da Silva M.L. , Praxedes C., Martins M.B., Velasquez E., Lavelle P., 2012. Is invasion of deforested Amazonia by the earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus driven by soil texture and chemical properties ? Pedobiologia 55, 234–240.
Oszwald J., Arnaud de Sartre X., Decaëns T., Gond V., Grimaldi M., Lefebvre, A., de Araujo Fretas R.L., Lindoso de Souza S., Marichal R., Veiga I., Velasquez E., Lavelle P., 2012. Utilisation de la télédétection, de données socio-économiques et écologiques pour comprendre l’impact des dynamiques de l’occupation des sols à Pacajá (Brésil). Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection 198-199, 8–
Marichal R., Mathieu J., Couteaux M.-M., Mora P., Roy J., Lavelle P., 2011. Earthworm and microbe response to litter and soils of tropical forest plantations with contrasting C:N:P stoichiometric ratios. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 43, 1528–1535.
Lo-Man-Hung N.F., Marichal R., Candiani D.F., Carvalho L.S., Indicatti R.P., Bonaldo A.B., Cobo D.H.R., Feijoo M A., Tselouiko S., Praxedes C., Brown G., Velasquez E., Decaens T., Oszwald J., Martins M., Lavelle P., 2011. Impact of different land management on soil spiders (Arachnida : Araneae) in two Amazonian areas of Brazil and Colombia. Journal of Arachnology 39, 296–302.
Marichal R., Feijoo Martinez A., Praxedes C., Ruiz D., Carvajal A.F., Oszwald J., del Pilar Hurtado M., Brown G.G., Grimaldi M., Desjardins T., Sarrazin M., Decaens T., Velasquez E., Lavelle P., 2010. Invasion of Pontoscolex corethrurus (Glossoscolecidae, Oligochaeta) in landscapes of the Amazonian deforestation arc. Applied Soil Ecology 46, 443–449.
Interview CIRAD on soil biodiversity and earthworms (in French)
Interview France Bleu on earthworms (in French)
Interview La terre au carré on earthworms (in French)
Popular articles
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Baron V., Rival A., Marichal R., 2017. No, palm oil is not responsible for 40% of global deforestation. The Conversation.
Conference proceedings
Tarigan RS, Wahyuningsih R, Wahyuningsih P, Marichal R, Caliman JP. The role of oil palm biomass recycling on soil health in oil palm plantations. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019. pdf
Pardon L., Bockstaller C., Marichal R., Sionita R., Nelson P., Gabrielle B., Laclau J.-P., Caliman J.-P., Bessou C. Modelling the potential risk of nitrogen losses in oil palm plantations by developing IN-Palm, an agri-environmental indicator. Proceedings of iEMSs 2016 (8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software), July 10 - 14, 2016, Toulouse, France.
Caliman J.-P., Pujianto, Advento A.D., Ribka Sionita T., Marichal R., Wohlfart J., Purnomo D., Snaddon J.L., Turner E.C., Foster W.A. Agri-environmental indicators for a sustainable palm oil production. 18th International Oil Palm Conference, 22-25 September 2015, Cartagena, Colombia.
Bessou C, Marichal R. Soil fertility, evolving concepts and assessments. In : Sustainable management of soil in oil palm plantings. Canberra : ACIAR, 53-59, 2015. (ACIAR Proceedings, 144) pdf
Pardon L., Bessou C., Nelson P., Caliman J.-P., Marichal R., Dubos B., Ollivier J., Gabrielle B. Modelling the nitrogen balance of tropical crops : state of the art and challenges for oil palm plantations. Proceedings SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting, 3-7 May 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
Velasquez E., Ruiz N., Lavelle P., Morales D. Praxedes C., Tselouiko S., Grimaldi M., Marichal R., Martins M. Macrofauna del suelo como indicatora de servicios ecosistémicos. XX Congresso Latinoamericano de la Ciencia del Suelo, 9 - 15 November 2015, Universidade Nacional Agraria La Molina, Peru. Pdf
Carron M.-P., Auriac Q., Situmorang E. C., Snoeck D., Nugroho Y. A., Marichal R., Liwang T. Qualité des sols sous palmier à huile mature : Caractérisation de l’hétérogénéité spatiale autour du palmier. Actes du colloque 12èmes Journées d’Etudes des Sols, 30 June-4 July 2014, Bourget-du-Lac, France.
Baudoin A., Bosc P.-M., Bessou C., Moulin M., Wohlfahrt J., Jannot C., Lé K., Rafflegeau S., Marichal R., Caliman J.-P. Towards a multidimensional assessment grid of smallholders’ oil palm plantations: a preliminary proposal from SPOP Project. ICOPE Conference, 12-14 February 2014, The Stones Hotel, Bali, Indonesia
Peres G., Marichal R., Chaussod R., Nouaim R, Descotes A, Georget C, Montcomble D, Perraud A, Dewisme A, Cluzeau D.Impact of organic inputs on soil biodiversity in vineyard systems. A monitoring approach during 20 years. IXe Congrès International des Terroirs vitivinicoles 2012 / IXe International Terroirs Congress 2012. Pdf
Lavelle P., Veiga I., Ramirez, de Souza S., Santos W., Arnauld de Sartre X., Gond V., Decaëns T., Grimaldi M., Hubert B., Doledec S., Poccard R., Bommel P., Oszwald J., Lena P., de Robert P., Martins M., Feijoo A., Hurtado M. P., G. Rodriguez, Villanueva O., Mitja D., Miranda I., Lima T., Marichal R., Otero T., Chacon P., Sanabria C., Dubs F., 2010. Socioeconomic determinants of landscapes and consequences for biodiversity and the provision of ecosystem goods and services in the Arch of deforestation of Amazonia. Final report AMAZ project.
List of publications on Google Scholar