Mathieu J., Ganault P, Antunes A.C., Barot S., Bonato Asato A. E., Bartz M.L.C., Brown G. G., Calderon-Sanou I., Decaëns T., Fonte S.J., Gauzens B., Gongalsky K.B., Guerra C.A., Hengl T., Lavelle P., Marichal R., Mehring H., Peña-Venegas C.P., Castro D., Potapov A., Thébault E., Thuiller W., Witjes M., Zhang C., Eisenhauer N. sOilFauna: a global synthesis effort on the drivers of soil macrofauna communities and functionning. SFE2 GfÖ EEF - Metz 2022
Deheuvels O, Guittonneau M., Marichal R. Harvesting practices and their influence on soil macrofauna in cocoa-based agroforestry systems. 5th World Congress on Agroforestry, 17 - 21 July 2022, Québec, Canada.
Marichal R, Guittonneau M, Deheuvels O. Effect of cocoa pod decomposition on earthworm density in agroforestry systems in the Dominican Republic. 12th International Symposium on Earthworm Ecology, 10-15 July 2022, Rennes, France.
Marichal R, Bêche A, Marchan D. F., Marsden C, Lauri P-E, Hedde M. Functional diversity of earthworms in 3 Mediterranean agroforestry systems. 12th International Symposium on Earthworm Ecology, 10-15 July 2022, Rennes, France.
Marichal R., Baron V., Thoumazeau A., Renevier M.-S., Caliman J.-P., Brauman A. Effects of compost application on soil macrofauna and functions in oil palm plantations – Biofunctool® approach. Wageningen Soil Conference 2019, Wageningen, 27-30 August 2019.
Thoumazeau A., Bessou C., Renevier M.-S., Peerawat M., Heepngoen P.,Trap J., Marichal R., Mareschal L., Decaëns T., Bottinelli N., Prapatsorn P., Kooklang N., Sdoodee S., Chantuma P., Lawongsa P., Nimkingrat P., Jaillard B., Chevallier T., Suvannang N., Saijaphan K., Thaler P., Gay F., Brauman A. Biofunctool: a new framework to assess the impact of land management on soil quality. Soil Organic Matter management in agriculture - International Symposium, 29-30 May 2018, Braunsweig, Germany.
Marichal R., Bessou C., Sionita T R., Rambe D., Bockstaller C., Thiroux de Gervillier A., Caliman J.-P., Wohlfahrt J. IPest-Palm: an agri-environmental indicator to assess pesticide pollution risk in oil palm plantations. 6th ICOPE, 26-27 April 2018, Bali, Indonesia.
Boulet A., Marichal R., Wahyuningsih R., Snoeck D., Caliman J.-P., Carron M.-P. Adaptation of the General Indicator of Soil Quality for the assessment of impacts of practices in oil palm plantations. 2nd Global Soil Biodiversity Conference, 14-18 October 2017, Nanjing, China.
Marichal R., Sionita R., Wholfahrt J., Bessou C., Caliman J.-P. Validation of I-Phy palm, an indicator of pesticide pollution risk: method and preliminary results. 5th ICOPE, 14-16 March 2016, Bali, Indonesia.
Pardon L., Bessou C., Nelson P.N., Saint-Geours N., Dubos B., Ollivier J., Marichal R., Caliman J.P., Testiati E., Gabrielle B. N2O emissions from oil palm cultivation on mineral soils: review of emission measurements, and challenges in modelling. 5th ICOPE, 14-16 March 2016, Bali, Indonesia.
Pardon L., Bessou C., Nelson P., Caliman J.-P., Marichal R., Dubos B., Ollivier J., Gabrielle B. Modelling the nitrogen balance of tropical crops : state of the art and challenges for oil palm plantations. SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting, 3-7 May 2015, Barcelona, Spain
Carron M-P, Marichal R, Situmorang E C, Auriac Q, Pierrat M, Snoeck D, Nugroho Yogo A, Suhardi, Wicaksono Wisnu A, Caliman J-P. Responses of soil biota to organic waste recycling for sustainable oil palm cultivation, First Global Soil Biodiversity Conference - Assessing soil biodiversity and its role for ecosystem services, 2-5 December 2014 | Palais des Congrès, Dijon, France
Lavelle P, Ruiz N, Lapied E, de Aquino A, Ayuke F, Barois I, Barrios E, Bedano J C, Blanchart E, Botero C, Brown G, Chagüeza Y, Dai J, Decaens T, Dominguez A, Dominguez Y, Dubs F, Feijoo A, Fragoso C, Fonte S, Gavinelli F, Huerta E, Isabirye B, Jimenez J J, Kaneko N, Karanja N, Mc Key D, Laossi K, Leandro R, Marichal R, Mathieu J, Melo C, Mendes S, Moreira F, Nahmani J , Okoth S, Paoletti M, Panigrahi P, Praxedes C, Pulleman M, Quintero C, Rao KS, Renard D, Rousseau L, Sanabria C, Senapati B, Solarte A, de Sousa J P, Tondoh J, Tselouiko S, Velasquez E, Zerbino S, Zangerlé A, Zhang C. Soil macroinvertebrate communities as indicators of soil ecosystem services. A meta analysis of the MACROFAUNA data base. First Global Soil Biodiversity Conference - Assessing soil biodiversity and its role for ecosystem services, 2-5 December 2014 | Palais des Congrès, Dijon, France
Nelson P. N., Bessou C., Caliman J-P., Webb M. J., Banabas M., Huth N., Marichal R. Oil palm and soil condition: Challenges and approaches for sustainability. National Soil Science Conference, 23-27 November 2014, Melbourne, Australia.
Carron M.-P., Auriac Q., Situmorang E. C., Snoeck D., Nugroho Y. A., Marichal R., Liwang T. Qualité des sols sous palmier à huile mature : Caractérisation de l’hétérogénéité spatiale autour du palmier. 12 èmes journées d'Etudes des Sols, 30 June - 4 July 2014, Bourget-du-Lac, France.
Carron M-P, Auriac Q, Pierrat M, Snoeck D, Suhardi, Marichal R, Caliman J-P. Spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the comprehensive fertility of soils under oil palm after EFB application. ICOPE, 11-14 February 2014, Bali, Indonesia.
Vasconcelos J. M., Maciel Braga A. C., Cardoso de Souza Jr J., Lopes da Silva Jr M., Silva de Melo V., Marichal R. Propriedades quimicas e biologicas de um argissolo amarelo de Igarapé-Açu (PA) sob diferentes sistemas manejo e uso do solo. FertBio 2012 – A responsabilidade socioambiental da pesquisa agricola. 17 – 21 setembre 2012, Maceio, Brazil.
Marichal R., Grimaldi M., Feijoo M., Oszwald J., Praxedes C., Ruiz D. H., del Pilar Hurtado M., Desjardins T., Lopez Silva M., Gonzaga L., Miranda I. S., Oliveira M. N. D., Tselouiko S., Velasquez E., Lavelle P. Landscapes, soil macroinvertebrate communities and ecosystem services in deforested Amazonia. Ecosummit 2012 – Ecological Sustainability. 30 september – 5 october 2012, Columbus, Ohio, USA.
Dupont L., Decaëns T., Lapied E., Chassany V., Marichal R., Maillot M., Roy V. Genetic signature of accidental transfer of the peregrine earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus (Clitellata, Glossoscolecidae) in French Guiana. XVI International Colloquium on Soil Zoology, Coimbra, Portugal, 6 - 10 Août 2012.
Marichal R., Peres G., Chaussot R., Nouaim R., Garcia O., Georget C., Panigai L., Descotes A., Montcomble D., Cluzeau D. Comment assurer la protection de la biodiversité des sols et une meilleure gestion de la fertilisation en vignoble champenois ? (suivi expérimental à la parcelle durant 16 ans). 11èmes Journées d'Etudes des Sols-Le sol face aux changements globaux, 19 - 23 March 2012, Versailles, France
Decaëns T., Martins M., Feijoo A., Oszwald J., Doledec S., Bonilla D., Brown G., Dias E., Dubs F., Ferreira G., Furtado I.S., Gond v., Marichal R., Mitja D., Miranda I., Praxeides C., Rougerie R., Ruiz D.H., Otero J.T., Velasquez A., Zararte L.E.M., Lavelle P., 2012. Fine scale assessment of biodiversity loss in deforested Amazonia: landscapes matter. Ecological Effects of Environmental Change, June 2012, Paris, France.
Vasconcelos J. M., Moreira Barros G., da Silva Júnior M. L., de Silva Melo V., Silva Pedroso A. J., Marques Teixeira O. M., Marichal R. Avaliação da biomassa microbiana em solo submetido ao sistema de preparo de área usando a queima e a trituração de vegetação no Nordeste Paraense. Fertbio 2010 (XXIX Reunião Brasileira de Fertilidade do Solo e Nutrição de Plantas, XIII Reunião Brasileira sobre Micorrizas, XI Simpósio Brasileiro de Microbiologia do Solo e VIII Reunião Brasileira de Biologia do Solo), 13 - 17 September 2010, Centro de Convenções do SESC de Guarapari - ES, Brazil.
Marichal R., Feijoo M. A., Praxedes C., Ruiz D., Carjaval A. F., Oszwald J., del Pilar Hurtado M., Brown G. G., Grimaldi M., Desjardins T., Sarrazin M., Decaens T., Velasquez E., Lavelle P. Invasion of Pontoscolex corethrurus (Glossoscolecidae, Oligochaeta) in Amazonian landscapes. 9th International Symposium on Earthworm Ecology, 5 - 10 September 2010, Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
Lo Man Hung, N. F., Marichal R., Bonaldo A. B., Carvalho L. S., Indicatti R. P., Tselouiko S., Praxedes C., Brown G. G., Velasquez E., Decaens T., Martins M., Lavelle P. Impact of land management on soil aracnofauna (arachnida) in the southwest of Pará, Brazil. XVIII International Congress of Arachnology. 11 - 17 July 2010, Siedlce, Poland.
Marichal R., Praxedes C., Brown G., Tselouiko S., Martínez, A. F., Züniga-T., M. C., Ruiz D., Carvajal-V. A. F., Quintero-V. H. , Lavelle P. Condições bióticas da distribução de Pontoscolex corethrurus (Glossoscolecidae), em diferentes tipos de uso do solo.XXVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Zoologia, 07-11 February 2010, Belém, PA, Brazil.
Marichal R., Praxedes C., Oswald J., Guevara E., Laques A., Castaneda E., Grimaldi M., Desjardins T., Sarrazin M, Lavelle P. Relações entre os traços biológicos das minhocas e a composição e estructura da paisagem. XXVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Zoologia, 07-11 February 2010, Belém, PA, Brazil.
Lo-Man-Hung N. F., Marichal R., Bonaldo A. B., Tselouiko S., Praxedes C., Brown G., Velasquez E., Decaens T., Martins M., Lavelle P. Impacto do uso do solo nas comunidades de aracnídeos de solo em três áreas do sudoeste do Pará, Brasil. XXVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Zoologia, 07-11 February 2010, Belém, PA, Brazil.
Felizardo S. P. S., Silva J. G. S., Harada, Y., Marichal R., Tselouiko S., Praxedes C., Decaens T., Brown G., Velasquez E., Lavelle P. Comparação da mirmecofauna de solo em três áreas no Pará, Brasil. XXVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Zoologia, 07-11 february 2010, Belém, PA, Brazil.
Oral presentations
Thoumazeau A., Marichal R., Baron V., Brauman A. BIOFUNCTOOL ®: un nouveau regard sur la santé des sols – Perspectives pour le palmier à huile. Journées Scientifiques sur le coton et le palmier à huile - 10 au 12 décembre 2019 - Cotonou - Bénin
Caliman J.-P., Suhardi, Tarigan R. S., Wahyningsih R., Pujianto, Wahyningsih P.A., Marichal R. The role of oil palm biomass recycling on soil health in oil palm plantations. The 1st International Conference on Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation. IPB International Convention Center, October 23rd 2018, Indonesia.
Thoumazeau A., Gay F., Baron V., Pheap S., Guillot E., Bertrand I., Marichal R., Bessou C., Cardinael R., Chevallier T., Tivet F. and Brauman A. Development of a new in situ, cost- and time-effective indicator to assess the impact of land management on soil carbon dynamics. Soil Organic Matter management in agriculture - International Symposium, 29-30 May 2018, Braunsweig, Germany
Pardon L., Bockstaller C., Marichal R., Sionita R., Nelson P. N., Gabrielle B., Laclau J.-P., Pujianto, Caliman J.-P., Bessou C. IN-Palm: an agri-environmental indicator to assess potential nitrogen losses in oil palm plantations. 6th ICOPE, 26-27 April 2018, Bali, Indonesia.
Pardon L., Bessou C., Nelson P. N., Huth N. I., Saint-Geours N., Dubos B., Ollivier J., Marichal R., Caliman J.-P., Khasanahf N., Banabas M., Gabrielle B. Nitrogen fluxes and losses in oil palm plantations: a review of available knowledge about measurements and models. 6th ICOPE, 26-27 April 2018, Bali, Indonesia.
Marichal R, Baron V, Caliman J-P. Effects of EFB applications on soil quality in oil palm plantations. Workshop Soil quality challenges in Malaysian and Indonesian oil palm plantations. 2-3 March 2017, Crops For the Future, Semenyih, Malaysia. Slides of the presentation.
Pardon L., Bockstaller C., Marichal R., Sionita R., Nelson P., Gabrielle B., Laclau J.-P., Caliman J.-P., Bessou C. Modelling the potential risk of nitrogen losses in oil palm plantations by developing IN-Palm, an agri-environmental indicator. iEMSs 2016 (8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software), July 10 - 14, 2016, Toulouse, France.
Caliman J.-P., Pujianto, Advento A.D., Ribka Sionita T., Marichal R., Wohlfart J., Purnomo D., Snaddon J.L., Turner E.C., Foster W.A. Agri-environmental indicators for a sustainable palm oil production. 18th International Oil Palm Conference, 22-25 September 2015, Cartagena, Colombia.
Baudoin A., Bosc P.-M., Bessou C., Moulin M., Wohlfahrt J., Jannot C., Lé K., Rafflegeau S., Marichal R., Caliman J.-P. Towards a multidimensional assessment grid of smallholders’ oil palm plantations: a preliminary proposal from SPOP Project. ICOPE Conference, 12-14 February 2014, The Stones Hotel, Bali, Indonesia
Bessou C, Marichal R. Soil fertility, evolving concepts and assessments. Oral communication, Workshop Sustainable management of soil in oil palm plantings. Medan, Indonesia, 7-8 Nov. 2013
Marichal R., Grimaldi M., Mathieu J., Brown G. G., Desjardins T., Lopez Silva M., Praxedes C., Martins M. B., Velasquez E., Lavelle P. Is invasion of deforested Amazonia by the earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus driven by soil texture and chemical properties? Ecosummit 2012 – Ecological Sustainability. 30 september – 5 october 2012, Columbus, Ohio, USA.
Lavelle P, Doledec S, Gond V, Oszwald J, Veiga I, Ramirez B, Santos W, Arnauld de Sartre X, Decaens T, Grimaldi M, Hubert B, Martins M, Lena P, de Robert P, Feijoo A, Hurtado MP, Rodriguez G, Mitja D, Miranda I, Gordillo E, Velasquez E, Otero T, Velasquez A, Thiollay JM, de Sousa, Moreno LE, Brown G, Marichal R, Chacon P, Sanabria, Desjardins T, Santana Lima T, Michelotti F, Villanueva O, Velasquez J, Guevara E, Fonte S. The need for eco-efficient landscapes to prevent irreversible degradation of agroecosystems in deforested Amazonia. "Resilience of agricultural systems against crises" Tropentag, September 19-21, 2012, Göttingen - Kassel/Witzenhausen, Germany.
Marichal R., Grimaldi M., Feijoo M., Oszwald J., Praxedes C., Ruiz D. H., del Pilar Hurtado M., Desjardins T., Lopez Silva M., Gonzaga L., Miranda I. S., Oliveira M. N. D., Tselouiko S., Velasquez E., Lavelle P. Landscapes, soil macroinvertebrate communities and ecosystem services in deforested Amazonia. XVI International Colloquium on Soil Zoology. 6 - 10 Août 2012. Coimbra, Portugal.
Grimaldi M., del Pilar Hurtado M., Arnauld de Sartre X., Assis W., Decaëns T., Delgado M., Desjardins T., Dolédec S., Feijoo A., Gond V., Gonzaga L., Lopes M., Marichal R., Martins M., Michelotti F., Miranda I., Mitja D., Noronha N., Oszwald J., Ramírez B., Rodriguez G., Lima T.T.,Veiga I.,Velasquez E., Lavelle P. Servicios ambientales de los suelos en el arco de deforestacion amazonico: determinants socio economicos y relaciones con la biodiversidad y el paisaje. XII Congreso Nacional y V Internacional de la Ciencia del Suelo; El suelo base para el desarollo sostenible., 11 – 15 Octobre 2010, Arequipa, Peru.
Grimaldi M., del Pilar Hurtado M., de Sartre X. A., Assis W., Decaëns T., Desjardins T., Feijoo A., Gond V., Gonzaga L., Lopes M., Marichal R., Martins M., Michelotti F., Miranda I., Mitja D., Noronha F., Paiva Ramírez B., Rodriguez G., Thais Lima T., Veiga I. and Lavelle P. Soil ecosystem services in Amazonian pioneer fronts: Searching for socioeconomic, landscape and biodiversity determinants. 19th World Congress of Soil Science, 01 - 06 Août 2010, Brisbane, Australie.
Marichal R., Praxedes C., Brown G. G., Castaneda E., Desjardins T., Dubs F., Feijoo A., Gond V., Laques A., Castaneda, Grimaldi M., Guevara E., Oszwald J., Desjardins T., Sarrazin M., Lavelle, P. Earthworm biological traits, soil and landscape characteristics. 9th International Symposium on Earthworm Ecology, 5 – 10 septembre 2010, Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexique.