Gaetano, Raffaele



Research Interests



Short Bio

Raffaele Gaetano received the Ph.D. degree in electronic and telecommunication engineering from the University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, in 2009, with a thesis focusing on image processing and analysis mainly applied to remote sensing imagery. He carried out several post-doctoral experiences on these research subjects : a ERCIM fellowship at the ARIANA team of INRIA Sophia Antipolis and the DEVA team of SZTAKI (computer science institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), then at the Multimedia Group of Telecom Paristech, France, and with the Research Group on Image Processing (GRIP) of the University of Naples Federico II. From 2015 he is a permanent researcher at CIRAD, TETIS Research Unit. His current research interests include machine and deep learning for remote sensing image analysis and processing, mainly focusing on large scale and/or operational methods for the extraction of spatial information from multi-sensor imagery, targeting different agro-environmental challenges and territorial development needs in the context of tropical agriculture. In addition to internship and PhD thesis supervision and his contribution to scientific litterature on applied remote sensing, he currently manages and participates to research and development projects, carries out teaching activities and coordinate software development actions.

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List of publications reported in CIRAD database (AgriTrop)

Raffaele Gaetano's DBLP page