Cardinael, Rémi

Participation to research projects

·      CrosyeN (2022-2027) “Soutien aux infrastructures, expérimentations systèmes de culture”. Funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) through the PEPR FairCarboN. Budget: 1.5 M€.

·         ALAMOD (2022-2028) “Vers des modèles de dynamique du carbone dans les écosystèmes partagés, validés sur un outil de benchmark incontournable”. Funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) through the PEPR FairCarboN. Budget: 7 M€.

·       IntercropValuES (2022-2026) “Developing Intercropping for agrifood Value chains and Ecosystem Services delivery in Europe and Southern countries”. Funded by EU Horizon Europe. Budget: 8 M€.

·         ORCaSa (2022-2025) “Operationalising the International Research Cooperation on Soil Carbon”. Funded by EU Horizon Europe. Budget: 3.09 M€.

·         RAIZ (2022-2025) “Resilience building through agroecological intensification in Zimbabwe”. Funded by EU Desira. Budget: 4.2 M€.

·          ASSET (2021-2026) “Agroecology and Safe food System Transitions in South-East Asia”. Funded by AFD, FFEM. Budget: 18.5 M€.

·          LIPS-Zim (2020-2024) “Adoption and scaling up of improved livestock production systems in Zimbabwe”. Funded by EU Desira. Budget: 5 M€.

·         DSCATT (2019-2024) “Agricultural Intensification and Dynamics of Soil Carbon Sequestration in Tropical and Temperate Farming Systems”. Funded by Agropolis Foundation and Total Foundation. Budget: 1.7 M€. Workpackage leader.


·         ACCURATE (2019-2021) “Albedo, Conservation agriculture and climate bEnefit". Funded by CIMMYT CRP Maize. Budget: 60 k$. Project coordinator.

·         LANCELOT (2019-2021) “aLbedo chANge and Climate bEnefit in Land-based mitigatiOn pracTices” Funded by CIRAD. Budget: 13.6 k€. Project coordinator.

·       DATA4C+ (2019-2021) “Interopérabilité des bases de données sur le carbone du sol dans le cadre de l'Initiative 4 pour 1000”. Funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR). Budget: 370 k€.

·       CIRCASA (2017-2021) « Coordination of International Research Cooperation on soil CArbon Sequestration in Agriculture”. Funded by EU H2020. Budget: 3.9 M€.


·    Soil2Crop (2017-2019) “Effect of intercropping and agroforestry on crop mineral composition along soil fertility gradients in Zimbabwe”. Funded by meta-programme INRAE-CIRAD GloFoodS “Transitions to global food security”. Budget: 45 k€. Project coordinator.


·         AGRIPSOL (2012-2015) “Agroforesterie pour la protection des sols”. Funded by ADEME. Budget: 383 k€. Workpackage leader.

·      ECOSFIX (2011-2014) “Services écosystémiques des racines – redistribution hydrique, séquestration du carbone et fixation du sol”. Funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR). Budget: 938 k€.

·      CARBOSOIL (2008-2012) “Mieux comprendre la dynamique du carbone des sols afin d’en améliorer la modélisation dans un contexte de changement climatique”. Funded by the GIS-Climat. Budget: 306 k€.