CIRAD - French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development
UMR Eco&Sols -
Functional Ecology and Biogeochemistry of Soils and Agro-ecosystems
- Researcher - UMR Eco&Sols / Eco&Sols Joint Research Unit
- Persyst Department (Performance of tropical production and processing systems)
Research Field and activities
- Ecophysiology
- Agronomy
- Structure and Functions of plant covers
- Improvement of cropping systems
- Carbon budget of ecosystems
- Expert in Rubber Tree (Hevea brasiliensis)
- Eco&Sols, Institut Supagro, 2 Place Pierre Viala, 34000 Montpellier, France.
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Current position and activities
Senior researcher in the Eco&Sols joint research unit. I contribute mainly to the " Plant-soil interactions and biogeochemical cycles" research topic of this unit, associating scientists from CIRAD, IRD, INRA and Montpellier Supagro.
My own research focuses on the ecophysiology of the rubber tree; specifically on the assimilates partitioning and water status related to the physiology of the latex cells and to yield. I study the effects of tapping systems in various environmental conditions. This research is part of Rubberflux, the observatory of rubber plantations in Thailand.
I also lead multi-disciplinary studies on the sustainability of Natural Rubber production and of small rubber farms confronted to global changes, both socio-economic and climatic (Heveadapt Project, ANR).
These activities take place wihtin the Thai-French Hevea Research Platform in Partnership (HRPP), located at Kasetsart University, Bangkok Thailand. This co-operative platform for research and higher education is developped by Kasetsart University (KU, Bangkok), Prince of Songkla University (PSU, Hat Yai), the Rubber Authority of Thailand (RAOT) and Cirad. Associated members are INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique), IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement), Institut Agro Montpellier, Université de Montpellier, Université B Pascal Clermont-Ferrand on French side, as well as Mahidol University (MU) and Khon Kaen University (KKU), Thaksin University and BIOTEC on Thai side. The platform also has a private associate partner (Yara Thailand) and a Cambodian associate partner (Cambodian Rubber Research Institute).
Co-advisor of the research work of PhD students from Kasetsart University and Prince of Songkla University on these topics.
Qualification and expertise
Academic qualification:
Habilitation à diriger des Recherches (HDR) in Plant Ecophysiology (Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, 2010); PhD in Plant Production (Université Montpellier 2, 1996); Engineer degree in Agronomy (Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique Toulouse, 1987); M.S. in Plant Production (Institut National Agronomique - Paris Grignon and Université Paris Orsay, 1987).
- Double qualification in rubber agronomy, from planting practices to tapping systems, and in ecophysiology, on a tree to plot scale.
My specific interest and expertise is the influence of tapping the rubber trunk for latex production on the functionning of the whole tree, particulalry on carbon and water budget.
- Conception and implementation of ecophysiological researches.
- On-field agronomical experimentation.
- Design, management and implementation of co-operative projects.
Experience in research and cooperation
1988-89 CIRAD, Forestry Department. Pilot project of irrigated tree plantations (Podor, Northern Sénégal)
Scientific assistant. Experimentations on Eucalyptus and Acacia cultivation methods, and associated crops.
1990-93 CIRAD, Tree crop Department, Rubber programme. Agronomist at the Rubber Technical Center (CATH, Gabon) :
- On-field experimentations (Hévégab Estates) on planting methods, cultivation methods, fertilisation.
- Acclimation of microcuttings
- On-field researches on the root system
1993-96 Scientist at the Ecophysiology and Horticulture Research Unit of the National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), Avignon, France.
- Researches on the relationships between rubber tree root and shoot development (Ph. D. research work)
1997-2000 CIRAD, Tree crop Department, Rubber programme, Agronomist at the rubber research and development station of Hévégo (Ivory Coast).
- coordinating agronomical experimentation (109 field experiments on clonal selection, cultivation methods, tapping and physiology, phytopathology, rubber technology).
- teaching and training Ivorian scientists and technical staff
2000-2001 CIRAD Tree crop Department, Rubber programme, Scientist at the Montpellier research center of Cirad.
- Setting-up a project of modelling rubber tree functioning, with the Ecotrop Research Unit (Cirad-Amis) and Piaf Research Unit (INRA Clermont-Ferrand)
2001-2005 CIRAD Tree crop Department, Rubber programme, Scientist at DORAS Center, Kasetsart University, Bangkok Thailand. Project DORAS-Rubber.
- Research on rubber tree ecophysiology, supervising research work of PhD students on carbon and water functioning of the rubber tree and rubber plantations.
2006-2008 CIRAD PERSYST Department, Tree-based cropping systems research unit, Co-ordinator of the DORAS-Rubber Project in Thailand.
2008-2012 CIRAD PERSYST Department, Scientist in the Eco&Sols joint research unit (Functionnal Ecology and Biogeochemestry of Soils and Agro-ecosystems).
- Research on tree ecophysiology, mainly the Rubber tree, but also dry agroforest and the Gum arabic tree (Acacia senegal). Supervising research work of PhD students on carbon and water functioning of the rubber tree and rubber plantations.
2013-2018 CIRAD PERSYST Department, Scientist in the Eco&Sols joint research unit (Functionnal Ecology and Biogeochemestry of Soils and Agro-ecosystems). Coordinator of the HRPP platform, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
2018-2019 CIRAD PERSYST Department, Scientist in the Eco&Sols joint research unit (Functionnal Ecology and Biogeochemestry of Soils and Agro-ecosystems). Invited Professor at the Kunming Institute of Botany, Kunming, China.
2019-2021 CIRAD PERSYST Department, Deputy-Director of the Eco&Sols joint research unit (Functionnal Ecology and Biogeochemestry of Soils and Agro-ecosystems), Montpellier, France.
2022- CIRAD PERSYST Department, Scientist in the Eco&Sols joint research unit (Functionnal Ecology and Biogeochemestry of Soils and Agro-ecosystems).
Teaching and training
Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand. International Degree Programs. Ph.D. (Tropical Agriculture)
Member of PhD thesis committees, advisor for research work in tree ecophysiology.
SILPI Unakorn, 2004. Carbon partitioning in Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.: Dynamics among functional sinks (latex regeneration, respiration, growth and reserves) at trunk scale. Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
SANGSING Krissada, 2004. Carbon acquisition and plant water status in response to water stress of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg). Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
CHANTUMA Pisamai, 2007. Dynamics of carbohydrate reserves as related to tapping in rubber tree. Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
KOSITSUP Boonthida, 2008. Seasonal changes and acclimation of photosynthesis in rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg.). Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
CHAIRUNGSEE Naruenat, 2011. Above and belowground biomass and net primary productivity of Rubber plantations. Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
KUNJET Sumit, 2011. Plant water status in response to climatic factors and tapping activity in mature rubber trees. Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
SOPHARAT Jessada, 2015. Water Balance Modeling of the Rubber Tree (Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg.) Plantation under Tropical Conditions. Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Thailand.
KAMPANON Nicha, 2015. Is carbon isotope composition a relevant ecophysiological indicator of genetic variation in water use efficiency of rubber tree? Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
ABIB FANTA Chimène, 2017. Production of gum arabic by Acacia senegal in Northern-Cameroon: impact of environmental conditions and comparison of provenances. Université de Ngaoundéré, Cameroon.
LERKSOMLAN Tucksin , 2022. Starch Synthesis and Mobilization in Wood and Bark of Rubber Tree, in Relation with Latex production. Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
PANKLANG Phantip, 2022. Long term impact of rubber plantations on soil functionning. Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Thailand.
DUANGNGAM ORNUMA, on going. Using carbon stable isotopes (13C) to track carbon from photosynthates to latex in rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis).
Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand. International Degree Programs. M.S. (Tropical Agriculture)
Special Topics. Flux measurements by eddy-covariance methodology.
Special Topics. Rubber tree ecophysiology.
Participation to Projects
- Franco-Thai Cooperation Program in Higher Education and Research (Agriculture n° 3); 2002-2004.
- Carbon storage in coconut, oil palm, rubber and mango. ATP CIRAD 11/02. 2002-2006
- Franco-Thai Cooperation Program in Higher Education and Research. "IMPROVING THE RUBBER TREE PRODUCTIVITY"; 2005-2008
- Franco-Thai Cooperation Program in Higher Education and Research (Programme Hubert Curien). "Soil and carbon balance of rubber ecosystem". 2009-2011.
- Franco-Thai Cooperation Program in Higher Education and Research (Programme Hubert Curien). "Rubber tree water relations". 2009-2011.
- INCO-DEV STREP Program "Acaciagum". Innovative management of Acacia senegal trees to improve resource productivity and gum-arabic production in sub-Saharan Africa. 2007-2011.
- UE 7th Framework Programme, CP-FP, "Funcitree". Functional Diversity: An ecological framework for sustainnable and adaptable agro-forestry in landscapes of semi-arid and arid ecoregions. 2009-2012.
- Yara (Private). Fertilization of rubber plantations. 2014-2017.
- Institut Français du Caoutchouc (IFC). BIODIV-HEVEA. Impact of rubber tree plantation on the biological activity and diversity. 2013-2015
- Institut Français du Caoutchouc (IFC). GHRYD. Croissance et Hydraulique chez l'hévéa. 2014-2017.
- Franco-Thai Cooperation Program in Higher Education and Research (Programme Hubert Curien). Les isotopes stables du carbone chez l'hévéa. 2015-2016.
- ANR 2014. Heveadapt. 'How tree-based family farms can adapt to global changes'. 2015-2017.
- Chinese Academy of Science. PIFI fellowship 2018. Use of a gradient of altitude to study the effects of temperature on rubber tree phenology, latex yield and reserve dynamics.
- AFD - National Strategy against Imported Deforestation (SNDI). Expertise sur la certification de la zéro déforestation, filière hévéa. 2020
- BMZ (German ministry of cooperation) - Assessing land-use shifts between natural rubber and other land-cover types - using remote sensing toward a sustainable supply chain in NR. 2020-2022
- AFD - FORSEA. FOrecasting impacts of climate change and workforce availability on natural Rubber commodity chain in SEA.
rubber, rubber tree, rubber plantation, Hévéa, Hevea brasiliensis, latex metabolism, latex yield, tapping, tapping system, LD, latex diagnosis, latex diagnostic, tree physiology, ecophysiology, ecology, environment, carbon, carbon balance, carbon sequestration, carbon budget, CO2, leaf gas-exchanges, photosynthesis, canopy, canopy gas exchange, stomatal conductance, NEE, Net ecosystem exchange, NPP, Net primary productivity, GPP, gross primary productivity, growth, biomass, rubber wood, rubberwood, carbon allocation, resource partition, competition, carbohydrate reserve, starch, storage, sugar, respiration, soil respiration, trunk respiration, root, root growth, root architecture, root system, root turn-over, model, modelling, structure-function, structural-functional, water, water relationships, water stress, hydraulic conductance, hydraulic conductivity, embolism, cavitation, transpiration, sap flow, sapflow, climate, evaporation, evapo-transpiration, evapotranspiration,