System agronomist, with research focused on understanding the growth and development of crops in their environment, I analyze the interactions G (genotype) x E (environment) x M (farming practices) and develop knowledge and tools (models) making it possible to assess the potential of the diversification of cropping systems to promote an agro-ecological transition (in particular on cereal-based systems). This profile has developed over the years, starting with research in ecology, then a doctorate in crop modeling, which then continued with a specialization in crop modeling in Southern Countries by integrating CIRAD.
Current projects
In South East Asia
- ASSET: Agroecology and Safe food System Transitions project in South Easst Asia 2020-2024
- STAR-FARM : Smart Agro-ecological Transformation of Farming Systems towards Resilience and Sustainability in Middle and Coastal Zones of the Viet Nam Mekong Delta 2021-2025
In West Africa
- CLEMATIS: CoLEarning with Models to Assess diversificaTIon Services 2021-2023
- McKnight 3F - Feeding the soil and feeding the cow to feed the people: co-designing agro-sylvo-pastoral systems in sudano-sahelian zone of Burkina Faso 2018-2022
Past projects
In West Africa
- ORACLE- Diversité variétale, pratiques culturales et symbioses dans les systèmes de cultures à base de céréales sèches et légumineuses en agriculture familiale en Afrique de l’Ouest 2018-2021
- McKnight AEI-I-II: Pathways to Agroecological Intensification of Sorghum and Millet Cropping Systems of Southern Mali 2015-2018
- McKnight SEEDIII: Seeds to Reach Farmers in Specific Target Area: Supporting Farmer Organizations to Disseminate More Seed in Their Local Target Areas, and Studying Why What Works for Whom 2015-2017
- McKnight Farmers’ knowledge: Amélioration des systèmes céréales-légumineuses par la valorisation des savoirs paysans en interaction avec la recherche 2015-2017
- DATA2050: Food security in 2050: importance of data for ex-ante assesment 2015-2016
- AgMIP: CIWARA- Climate change Impacts on West African agriculture: a Regional Assessment 2013-2016
- WAAPP: Caractérisation du potentiel de sorghos multi-usages au Sénégal et évaluation par les agriculteurs 2013-2016