FOK, Michel


Complete list of my publications 

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Thesis on cotton development and the role of State  

Publications related to Genetically Modified Cotton (GMC)

Effectiveness and chemical pest control of Bt-cotton in Yangtze River Valley, China

Lessons learnt from using Bt-cotton under unfavorable conditions: the case of South Africa 


Contextual appraisal of GM cotton diffusion in South Africa

Technology integration and seed market organization: The case of GM Cotton diffusion in Jiangsu Province (China).

GM Cotton in China: Innovation integration and seed market disintegration

Multiple-factor adoption of GM Cotton in China: Influence of conventional technology development and rural change in Jiangsu Province

Genetically Modified Seeds and decommodification: An analysis based on the Chinese cotton case

Impact of Bt cotton adoption on pesticide use by smallholders: A 2-year survey in Makhatini Flats (South Africa)

Diffusion du coton génétiquement modifié en Chine : leçons sur les facteurs et limites d'un succès

Conditions, résultats et perspectives d'utilisation du coton génétiquement modifié (coton Bt) dans les PED

Diffusion du CGM dans une filière instable en Afrique du Sud et les leçons pour l'Afrique Zone Franc

  • 12/2006: Lessons learnt form the diffusion of GM cotton in an unstable cotton sector. Document in french

Differentiated management of GM diffusion in China: Further hampering the self-sufficiency in cereal production?

  • 08/2004: Particularity of differentiated management of GM varieties between fond and non-food crops. Document in english 


Publications related to cotton trade

Coton africain et marché mondial : une distorsion peut en cacher une autre plus importante.

Globalization, Trojan Horse for the domination of Multinational companies of cotton trade in Africa,

Presentation of the  Private systems of rules governing the international transactions of cotton

A vision of the information

About the requirements of the world cotton market  (1999)


Publications related to cotton sectors in Africa and in the World

 Around the world of cotton issues in ten months: a guide for navigation

An approach to appraise the  dynamics of the African cotton sectors by the Theory of networks


Extent and limitations of the success of cotton sectors

An analysis of the  construction of the African cotton sectors 

Cotton production in a specific area in China, 

An application of an analytical framework to assess the performance of cotton sectors to a set of six countries,

Reflections on the issue of purchasing price mechanisms

Analysis of the  threat of the institutional instability on the vaibility of the cotton sectors

Presentation on the  functioning of cotton sectors in Africa,

Diagnosis of the cotton sector in Mozambique, structure and performance (2002)

Reflection on the  role of instituonal innovations in the development of cotton sectors

About the  role of farmers

about the concept of cotton system

An analysis based on a simple model

A visit of a century of cotton development

Publications related to the markets of cotton products

An analysis of the factors impacting on the offer and demand of cotton in the world market

pre-faisibility study of biodegradable plastic film 

Analysis of the promise and limitations of the markets of cotton by-products (2001)

presentation of the cotton market ,

An article in an economic daily newspaper

An analysis of the phenomenon of yield stagnation worldwide

Publications related to cotton, globalization and WTO

Role of the crop protection improvement to help gaining productivity within a distorted cotton world market

An analysis of the process of the adaptation to globalization

An analysis of the factors

Reflection on the  negotiation approach at the WTO 

Reflection on the various areas of actions beyond the sole claim for phasing out subsidies,

Reflection on the need to 

Reflection of the possible  strategic positions the African cotton countries could consider at the Doha Round Negotiations,

Analysis of the outcomes of the agricultural sector liberalization 

Analysis showing that the development of cotton production in Africa has little depended on the sole coordination by the market

Reflection on the difficulties to successfuly liberalize the supply of inputs

Analysis of the collapse of cashewnut sector in Mozambique

Publications related to farmers behaviours and practices

A snapshot on the Cotton Production système in Mozambique a few years after the return to peace 

An analysis of the Farmers' behaviours in producing cotton in response to imperfect markets (2003)

An analysis of the farmers' behaviours 

An analysis of the change in intensification level in growing maize

An analysis of the  farmers' cultivation practices 

Revisiting the success of the Francophone African cotton

proposal for a new mechanism of setting the purchase price of seedcotton

Publications related to technical research for productivity gain

Analysis on the factors beneath the yield decline in Mali

Analysis for an approach to relaunch cotton research within a context of liberal economy in Tanzania



Vision of the needed combination of technical and institutional innovation

Discussion about Varietal research, one component of the solution to meet the implicit demand of producers,

Synthesis of the applied research activities 

Prospective analysis of the Room for productivity gain for African cotton sectors (2003)

Rationales and requirements to relaunch cotton research in Africa