BRAVIN, Matthieu

Journal papers and abstracts of communications are available in pdf files by simple request :


Papers - Peer-Reviewed Journals


23 - Laurent C, Bravin MN, Crouzet O, Pelosi C, Tillard E, Lecomte P and Lamy I 2020 Increased soil pH and dissolved organic matter after a decade of organic fertilizer application mitigates copper and zinc availability despite contamination. Sci. Tot. Environ., 709, 135927.

22 - Nobile CM, Bravin MN, Becquer T and Paillat JM 2020 Phosphorus sorption and availability in an andosol after a decade of organic or mineral fertilizer applications: importance of pH and organic carbon modifications in soil as compared to phosphorus accumulation. Chemosphere, 239, 124709.


21 - Nobile CM, Bravin MN, Tillard E, Becquer T and Paillat JM 2018 Phosphorus sorption capacity and availability along a toposequence of agricultural soils: effects of soil type and a decade of fertilizer applications. Soil Use Manage.,


20 - Layet C, Auffan M, Santaella C, Chevassus-Rosset C, Montes M, Ortet P, Barakat M, Collin B, Legros S, Bravin MN, Angeletti B, Kieffer I, Proux O, Hazemann J-L, and Doelsch E 2017 Evidence that soil properties and organic coating drive the phytoavailability of cerium oxide nanoparticles. Environ. Sci. Technol., 51, 9756-9764, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b02397.

19 - Guigues S, Bravin MN, Garnier C, and Doelsch E 2017 Does specific parameterization of WHAM improve the prediction of copper competitive binding and toxicity on plant roots? Chemosphere, 170, 225-232.

18 - Djae T, Bravin MN, Garnier C, and Doelsch E 2017 Parameterizing the binding properties of dissolved organic matter with default values skews the prediction of copper solution speciation and ecotoxicity in soil. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 36, 898-905, DOI: 10.1002/etc.3622. 


17 - Heurtaux M, Michaud A, Bell A, Houot S, Alexandre S, Duparque A, Balloy B, Schaub A, Trochard R, Bouthier A, Buffet M, Guillouais S, Flénet F, Bravin M, Decoopman B, Goldberg V, Demarle O, Cahurel J-Y, Richard A, Parnaudeau V, Leclerc B, Duval R, Damay N, Sagot S, Le Roux C, Valé M, Valentin N, Ollivier D, Lepeuple A-S, Revallier A, Piquet A 2016 Réseau PRO : Création d'un réseau d'essais au champ et d'un outil de mutualisation des données pour l'étude de la valeur agronomique et des impacts environnementaux des Produits Résiduaires Organiques recyclés en agriculture. Innovations Agronomiques, 49, 111-132.

16 -  Tella M, Bravin MN, Thuriès L, Cazevielle P, Chevassus-Rosset C, Collin B, Chaurand P, Legros S and Doelsch E 2016 Increased zinc and copper availability in organic waste amended soil potentially involving distinct release mechanisms. Environ. Pollut., 212, 299-306.

15 - Guigues S, Bravin MN, Garnier C, Masion A, Chevassus-Rosset C, Cazevieille P, and Doelsch E 2016  Involvement of nitrogen functional groups in high-affinity copper binding in tomato and wheat root apoplasts: spectroscopic and thermodynamic evidence. Metallomics, 8, 366-376.

14 - Obeidy C, Bravin MN, Bouchardon JL, Conord C, Moutte J, Guy B and Faure O 2016 Plants increase arsenic in solution but decrease the non-specifically bound fraction in the rhizosphere of an alkaline, naturally rich soil. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf.,126, 23-29.


13 -  Ren Z, Tella M, Bravin MN, Comans RNJ, Dai J, Garnier JM, Sivry Y, Doelsch E, Straathof A and Benedetti MF 2015 Effect of Dissolved Organic Matter Composition on Metal Speciation in Soil Solutions. Chem. Geol., 398, 61-69.

12 - Wassenaar T, Bravin MN, Dumoulin F and Doelsch E 2015 Ex-ante fate assessment of trace organic contaminants for decision making: a post-normal estimation for sludge recycling in Réunion. J. Environ. Manage., 147, 140-151.


11 - Guigues S, Bravin MN, Garnier C, Masion A and Doelsch E 2014 Isolated cell walls exhibit cation binding properties distinct from those of plant roots. Plant Soil, 381, 367-379.


10 - Tella M, Doelsch E, Letourmy P, Cuoq F, Bravin MN and Saint Macary H 2013  Investigation of potentially toxic heavy metals in different organic wastes used to fertilize market garden crops. Waste Manage., 33, 184-192.


9 - Bravin MN, Garnier C, Lenoble V, Gérard F, Dudal Y and Hinsinger P 2012 Root-induced changes in pH and dissolved organic matter binding capacity affect copper dynamic speciation in the rhizosphere. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 84, 256-268.

8 - Jouvin D, Weiss DJ, Mason TFM, Bravin MN, Louvat P, Zhao F, Ferec F, Hisninger P and Benedetti MF 2012 Stable isotopes of Cu and Zn in higher plants: Evidence for Cu reduction at the root surface and two conceptual models for isotopic fractionation processes. Environ. Sci. Technol., 46, 2652-2660.


7 - Bravin MN, Michaud AM, Larabi B and Hinsinger P 2010 RHIZOtest: A plant-based biotest to account for rhizosphere processes when assessing copper bioavailability. Environ. Pollut., 158, 3330-3337.

6 - Bravin MN, Le Merrer B, Denaix L, Schneider A and Hinsinger P 2010 Copper uptake kinetics in hydroponically-grown durum wheat (Triticum turgidum durum L.) as compared with soil's ability to supply copper. Plant Soil, 331, 91-104.


5 - Bravin MN, Tentscher P, Rose J and Hinsinger P 2009 Rhizosphere pH gradient control copper availability in a strongly acidic soils. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43, 5686-5691.

4 - Bravin MN, Lara Marti A, Clairotte M and Hinsinger P 2009 Rhizosphere alkalisation - a major driver of copper bioavailability over a broad pH range in an acidic, copper-contaminated soil. Plant Soil, 318, 257-268.


3 - Hinsinger P, Bravin MN, Devau N, Gérard F, Le Cadre E and Jaillard B 2008 Soil-root-microbe interactions in the rhizosphere - a key to understanding and predicting nutrient bioavailability to plants. J. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 8, 39-47. 

2 - Bravin MN, Travassac F, Le Floch M, Hinsinger P and Garnier JM 2008 Oxygen input controls the spatial and temporal dynamics of arsenic at the surface of a flooded paddy soil and in the rhizosphere of lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) : a microcosm study. Plant Soil, 312, 207-218.


1 - Michaud AM, Bravin MN, Galleguillos M and Hinsinger P 2007 Copper uptake and phytotoxicity as assessed in situ for durum wheat (Triticum turgidum durum L.) cultivated in copper-contaminated, former vineyard soils. Plant Soil, 298, 99-111.


Book chapter

1 - Doelsch E, Cambier P, Bravin MN, Bossa N, Cazevieille P, Chataing S, Chevassus-Rosset C and Tella M 2016 Chapitre 6. Impact des produits résiduaires organiques sur la teneur et le comportement des éléments-traces dans le sol. Point de vue du géochimiste des contaminants. in Le recyclage des résidus organiques : Regards sur une pratique agro-écologique. Jarousseau H, Houot S, Paillat JM, Saint-Macary H (coord.), Quae, 276 p.


Technical Papers, Standards, Reports and Press Releases

14 - Vayssières J and Bravin MN (coord.) 2020 L'agriculture au coeur de l'économie circulaire. Agronews, hors série n°2, 20 p.

13 - Bravin M, Lemal L, Chevassus-Rosset C, Montes M, Tella M, Doelsch E, Feder F and Legros S 2019 Evaluation à l'aide du RHIZOtest de la phytodisponibilité du nickel et du chrome apportés par l'épandage sur les sols agricoles des cendres de bagasse produites par Albioma à La Réunion. Cirad, MetRHIZlab, 23 p.

12 - Bravin M, Thuriès L, and Versini A L 2018 Connaître les fertilisants et les outils disponibles pour un pilotage raisonné. Cahier technique, in CaroCanne n°46, I-VIII.

11 - Bravin M, Versini A, Feder F and Le Mézo L 2018 Mieux connaître ses sols. Cahier technique, in CaroCanne n°45, I-VIII.

10 -  Bravin MN and Versini A 2018 Fertilisation : Le phosphore et l'azote avec jugeote. p. 10, in AgroNews - Edition Réunion-Mayotte /océan indien, n°8, 20 p.

9 - Bravin MN, Chevassus-Rosset C, Lemal L, Montes M, Moussard G, Simon E, Tella M, Valmier M, Doelsch E, Feder F and Legros S 2017 Etude de milieu en vue d'une demande de dérogation portant sur la mobilité et la phytodisponibilité des éléments traces métalliques et relative à l'utilisation d'eaux usées traitées pour l'irrigation d'espaces verts sur la commune du Port. Cirad, MetRHIZlab, 12 p.

8 - Bravin MN, Doelsch E and Feder F 2015 Mobilité et phytodisponibilité des éléments traces métalliques dans les sols de La Réunion : Rapport de synthèse en vue d'une demande de dérogation sur le critère « éléments traces métalliques » relativement à l'utilisation d'eaux usées épurées pour l'irrigation de cultures ou d'espaces verts à La Réunion. Cirad, Office de l'eau Réunion, Deal Réunion, Daaf Réunion, ARS Océan Indien, 35 p

7 - NF EN ISO 16198:2015 Soil Quality - Plant-based test to assess the environmental bioavailability of trace elements to plants. Bravin MN (coord.).

6 - Bravin M, Lemal L, Cazevieille P, Chevassus-Rosset C, Marger J-L, Montes M and Doelsch E 2012 RHIZOtest validation through an international ring-test in the scope of standardisation. Contract n° 1172C0042, Final report, 16 p.

5 - Lahbib-Brurchard T, Wassenaar T, Doelsch E, Feder F and Bravin MN 2012 Prédiction de l'accumulation à long-terme des éléments traces métalliques dans les sols en contexte de recyclage agricole de produits résiduaires organiques en milieu tropical : Validation d'un modèle par mesures in situ. Bulletin du Groupe Francophone Humidimétrie et Tranferts en Milieux Poreux, 58, 185-192. 

4 -de Vaufleury A, Bravin M, Ismert M and Grand C 2011 Outils d'évaluation de la biodisponibilité des contaminants dans les sols et apport de en éRé. Synthèse atelier n°2, 13 p., Actes du séminaire "Quels outils pour l'Evaluation des Risques pour les Ecosystèmes terrestres liés à des terrains contaminés"; 27-28 septembre 2011.

3 - Bravin MN, Doelsch E and Hinsinger P 2010 Rhizosphere - a suitable scale for assessing the phytoavailability of trace elements? pp. 22, in: Agronomy - crops and cropping systems, Les dossiers d'Agropolis international, 12, 67 p. English/français

2 - Darthout L, Bachelier L and Bravin M 2006 Charge en produits phytosanitaires des eaux de percolation en verger de pommier: qualité des eaux 2004-2005. Infos-Ctifl, 225, 40-44.

1 - Darthout L, Bravin M and Bachelier L 2006 Charge en produits phytosanitaires des eaux de percolation en verger de pommier: I. Présentation et validation du dispositif expérimental. Infos-Ctifl, 128, 25-30.


Communications - Invited Conferences

6 - Bravin MN 2021 Continuum of biogeochemical approaches to assess the ecotoxicity of trace elements in soil amended with organic residues. Earth Sciences Institut of Orléans workshop, Continental Biogeosystems group.

5 -  Bravin MN, Doelsch E., Feder F. Legros S., Thuriès L., Versini A., Paillat J.-M. 2017 Biogeochemistry of nutrients and contaminants in agro-ecosystems receiving organic residues: the quest for traces. Cirad Workshop 2016-2017 : Agro-ecological processes and biogeochemical cycles.

4 - Bravin MN 2016 Pratical session: introduction to the RHIZOtest - principle and applications in basic and applied researches. Ph.D Winter Shcool of the Italian Society of Agricultural Chemistry. 16 February, Pianceza, Italy.

3 - Bravin MN 2016 Trace element biogeochemistry in the rhizosphere: Why bother with plant-mediated physical-chemical processes? Ph.D Winter Shcool of the Italian Society of Agricultural Chemistry. 16 February, Pianceza, Italy.

2 - Bravin MN 2015 From contamination to pollution of agricultural soils by trace elements: Plea for the long-term assessment of ecotoxicological risk. Webinar of the French association of soil science (AFES), 11 June (in French).

1 - Bravin MN 2013 Dynamic speciation and phytoavailability of trace elements in contaminated soils: Why bother with rhizosphere chemistry? 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC Europe), 12-16 May, Glasgow, Scotland.


Communications - Orals (from 2010)

34 - Laurent C, Bravin MN, Crouzet O, Pelosi C, and Lamy I 2019 Plant-earthworm interactions alter copper availability in the rhizosphere. 15th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, 5-9 May 2019, Nanjing, China.

33 - Laurent C, Bravin MN, Crouzet O, Pelosi C, and Lamy I 2019 Do long-term applications of organic residues promote copper ecotoxicity in soil? 15th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, 5-9 May 2019, Nanjing, China.

32 - Bravin MN 2018 Revisiting the origins of root-induced pH changes in the rhizosphere. 10th Symposium of the International Society of Root Research, 8-12 July 2018, Tel Aviv, Israel, presenting author.

31 - Bravin MN, Djae T, Mayen J-F, Garnier C, and Doelsch E 2017 A bioavailability insight into the risk assessment of a trace metal contaminated soil following long-term application of organic wastes. 14th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, 16-20 July, Zurich, Switzerland, presenting author.

30 -  Lemal L, Valmier M, Bravin MN, Chevassus-Rosset C, Doelsh E, Feder F, Legros S, Montes M and Tella M 2017 RHIZOtest: a tool to assess and manage risk in polluted soils. 14th international conference on Sustainable Use and Management of Soil, Sediment and Water Resources (AquaConSoil), 26-30 June, Lyon, France.

29 -  Guigues S, Bravin MN, Garnier C and Doelsch E 2016 Does specific parameterization of WHAM improve the prediction of Cu binding and toxicity on plant roots? Setac Europe 26th annual meeting, 22-26 May, Nantes, France, presenting author.

28 -  Guigues S, Bravin MN, Garnier C, Masion A, Chevassus-Rosset C, Cazevieille P and Doelsch E 2015 Cross-validation of XAFS with non-synchrotron radiation-based methods to evidence the implication of amino acids in copper complexation on plant roots. 13th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, 12-16 July, Fukuoka, Japan, presenting author.

27 - Djae T, Bravin MN,  Garnier C, Mayen JF and Doelsch E 2015 Modifications of chemical properties and copper speciation in the solution of field-collected rhizosphere. 13th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, 12-16 July, Fukuoka, Japan, presenting author.

26 - Bravin MN, Djae T, Cazevieille P, Chevassus-Rosset C, Lemal L, Marger JL, Montes M, Pradier C and Doelsch E 2014 Variability in the binding capacity of dissolved organic matters toward trace metals in soil: impact on predictive ecotoxicology 24th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC Europe), 11-15 May, Basel, Switzerland, presenting author.

25 - Bravin MN, Lemal L, Arnal D, Hinsinger P, Benedetti MF, Boulonne L, Garnier JM, Jolivet C and Doelsch E 2013 From Scientific Concepts to Standardization: Development of a Plant-Based Test to Assess Trace Element Phytoavailability. 12th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, 16-20 June, Athens, USA, presenting author.

24 - Tella M, Proux O, Hazeman JL, Briois V, Bravin MN and Doelsch E 2013 Combining X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) to probe speciation and dynamic of heavy metals in soils amended with organic wastes. 15th International conference of the Research Network on Recycling of Agricultural and Industrial Residues in Agriculture, 3-5 June, Versailles, France.

23 - Hutte M, Rabetokotany-Rarivoson N, Moussard G, Thuriès L and Bravin MN 2013 Putative role of trace elements and soil chemical properties in the induction or mitigation of rhizotoxicity in tropical soils amended with organic wastes. 15th International conference of the Research Network on Recycling of Agricultural and Industrial Residues in Agriculture, 3-5 June, Versailles, France.

22 - Djae T, Bravin MN, Cazevieille P, Chevassus-Rosset C, Lemal L, Marger JL, Montes M, Garnier JM and Doelsch E 2013 Root-induced alterations of copper speciation in solution in the rhizosphere of crop species. 12th International Conference on the Biogeochemsitry of Trace Elements, 16-20 June, Athens, USA.

21 - Lahbib-Brurchard T, Wassenaar T, Doelsch E, Feder F and Bravin MN 2012 Prédiction de l'accumulation à long-terme des éléments traces métalliques dans les sols en contexte de recyclage agricole de produits résiduaires organiques en milieu tropical : Validation d'un modèle par mesures in situ. 37th Journées du GFHN, 20-23 November 2012, Paris, France.

20 - Bravin MN, Doelsch E and Hinsinger P 2012 Root-induced decrease in metal binding capacity of dissolved organic matters in the rhizosphere: evidences from two convergent studies. Eurosoil 2012, 2-6 July 2012, Bari, Italy, presenting author.

19 - Lemal L, Bravin MN, Letourmy P, Hinsinger P and Doelsch E 2011 Development of a new plant-based biotest to assess trace element phytoavailability in contaminated soils: Selection of target-plant species for standardisation. SETAC 21st, 15-19 May 2011, Milan, Italy.

18 - Bravin MN, Lemal L, Arnal D, Cazevieille P, Chevassus-Rosset C, Letourmy P, Hinsinger P and Doelsch E 2011 From rhizosphere research to risk assessment: toward the standardisation of a plant-based biotest for assessing trace element phytoavailability in contaminated soils. Rhizosphere 3, 25-30 September 2011, Perth, Australia, presenting author.

17 - Tella M, Bravin M and Doelsch E 2011 Temporal dynamic of trace elements in soils amended with contaminated organic wastes. ICOBTE 11th, 3-7 July 2011, Florence, Italy.

16 - Tella M, Bravin MN and Doelsch E 2011 Copper speciation in organic wastes: an X-ray absorption spectroscopy study. Goldschmidt conference, 14-19 August 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.

15 - Tella M, Chataing S, Bravin M and Doelsch E 2010 Investigation of potential toxic elements in organic wastes used for market gardening. International conference "Horticulture urbaine et périurbaine au siècle des villes, 6-9 December 2010, Dakar, Senegal.

Communications - Posters (from 2010)

18 - Nobile CM, Bravin MN, Becquer T and Paillat JM 2018 Is application rate the only driver of phosphorus phytoavailability in tropical soils receiving mineral and organic fertilizers over an extended period? International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, 3rd Agricultural Engineering, Agronomy and Extension Workshop, 23 - 28 September, Saint Paul, La Réunion, France.

17 - Laurent C, Bravin MN, Pelosi C, Crouzet O and Lamy I  2018 Drivers of copper availability in agriculturals soils receiving long-term applications of organic fertilizers. Setac Europe 28th Annual Meeting, 13-17 May, Rome, Italy.

16 -  Bravin MN, Chevassus-Rosset C, Lemal L, Montes M, Moussard G, Simon E, Tella M, Valmier M, Doelsch E, Feder F and Legros S 2018 Combining field measurements and biotest to assess lead and zinc phytoavailability in contaminated urban soils. Setac Europe 28th Annual Meeting, 13-17 May, Rome, Italy.

15 -Nobile C, Bravin MN, Paillat JM and Becquer T 2016 Long-term effects of organic and mineral fertilizers application on the physical-chemical properties and phosphorus availability in soil. 5th Sustainable Phosphorus Summit, 16-20 August, Kunming, China.

14 - Bravin MN, Lemal L, Chevassus-Rosset C, Montes M, Arnal D, Hinsinger P and Doelsch E 2016 RHIZOtest - the first standardized laboratory bioassay designed to assess the environmental bioavailability of trace elements to plants in soils. Setac Europe 26th annual meeting, 22-26 May, Nantes, France.

13 -  Nobile C, Bravin MN, Ravelet M, Tillard E, Becquer T, Paillat JM 2015 Phosphorus availability in the tropical soils of Reunion: comparison of various methods. Poster, 4 p. in RAMIRAN 2015 - Rural-Urban Symbiosis., 8th-10th September 2015, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany; Körner, I. (Ed.): TUTech Verlag, Hamburg, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-946 094- 02-9, DOI: urn:nbn:de:gbv:830-88213742, 745 p.

12 - Oustrière N, Lahbib-Burchard T, Doelsch E, Feder F, Wassenaar T and Bravin MN 2013 Predictive modelling of the long-term accumulation of trace metals in tropical soils amended with organic wastes - field trial validation. 15th International conference of the Research Network on Recycling of Agricultural and Industrial Residues in Agriculture, 3-5 June, Versailles, France.

11 - Guigues S, Masion A, Bravin MN and Doelsch E 2012 Physico-chemical characterization of functional groups responsible for trace metal binding in root apoplast. Plant Growth, Nutrition & environmental Interactions, 18-21 February 2012, Vienna, Austria.

10 -  Bravin MN, Chataing S, Bielka V, Hutte M, Cazevieille P and Doelsch E 2011 Concentration and reactivity towards copper  of dissolved organic matters in a tropical soil amended with organic wastes. ICOBTE 11th, 3-7 July 2011, Florence, Italy, presenting author.

9 -  Jouvin D, Weiss D, Bravin MN, Louvat P, Hinsinger P and Benedetti M 2011 Cu isotopes suggest Cu reduction during acquisition in higher plants. Goldschmidt conference, 14-19 August 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.