Listes des publications de la communication :
Is « bio-economic » farm modelling of
any help for farming system design ?
François Affholder, Damien Jourdain, Marc Corbeels, Véronique Alary,
Krishna Naudin, Philippe Bonnal, Eric Scopel,
Françoise Gerard, Philippe Quirion & Hatem
5th International Symposium for Farming Systems Design
7-10 September 2015,
Montpellier, France
Affholder, F., Assad, E.D., Bonnal, P., Macena da Silva, F.A., Forest, F.,
Madeira Netto, J., Scopel, E., Corbeels, M., 2006. Risques de stress hydrique
sur les cultures dans les Cerrados Brésiliens. Du zonage régional à l'analyse
des risques à l'échelle des exploitations familiales. Cah. Agric. 15, 433-439.
Affholder, F., Jourdain,
D., Quang, D.D., Tuong, T.P., Morize, M., Ricome, A., 2010. Constraints to
farmers' adoption of direct-seeding mulch-based cropping systems: A farm scale
modeling approach applied to the mountainous slopes of Vietnam. Agric. Syst.
103, 51-62.
Affholder, F., Jourdain,
D., Morize, M., Quang, D.D., Ricome, A., 2008. Eco-intensification dans
les montagnes du Vietnam. Contraintes à l'adoption de la culture sur
couvertures végétales. Cah.
Agric. 17, 289-296.
Alary, V., Corbeels, M.,
Affholder, F., Alvarez, S., Soria, A., Xavier, J.H.V., Silva, F.A.M.d., Scopel,
E., Submitted. Economic assessment of conservation agriculture options in mixed
crop-livestock systems in Brazil using farm modelling. Agric. Syst.
Belhouchette, H., Louhichi,
K., Therond, O., Mouratiadou, I., Wery, J., van Ittersum, M., Flichman, G.,
2011. Assessing the impact of the Nitrate Directive on farming systems using a
bio-economic modelling chain. Agric. Syst. 104, 135-145.
Bonnal, P., Affholder, F., Jourdain, D., Scopel, E., 2001. Un modèle
bioéconomique pour l'analyse du risque. In : Modélisation des agroécosystèmes
et aide à la décision. - Montpellier : CIRAD, 2001, pp. p. 329-349.
Naudin, K., G. Bruelle, P. Salgado, E. Penot, E. Scopel, M. Lubbers,
N. de Ridder, and K.E. Giller. 2014. Trade-offs around the use of biomass for
livestock feed and soil cover in dairy farms in the Alaotra lake region of
Madagascar. Agric. Syst. In Press.
A., Affholder, F., Gérard, F., Muller, B., Poyedebat, C., Quirion, P., Sall,
M., submitted. Would weather index-based insurance benefit farmers in low
income countries? A bio-economic farm model applied to the Senegalese groundnut
basin. Ecological Economics.