Administration and Research coordination
Administration coordination
Formal network coordination
- since 2013: member of the SOERE PRO infrastructure General Assembly and steering committee
- since 2013: member of the AnaEE-S infrastructure steering committee (
- since 2010: member of the ALLENVI alliance Agroecology and Soil working group (
- 2008-2013: Elected representative of the SOLEIL (synchtrotron) Users' Committee for the Heritage, Archaeology, Environment and Geoscience community. Scientific coorganizer of the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th SOLEIL Users' Seminars at the École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France.
Participation in expert groups and/or project assessments
- since 2016: Member of the Beam Time Allocation Panel C04 (ESRF, Grenoble) regarding the authorization of experiments on ESRF synchrotron
- 2015: Project appraisals for the Australian Synchrotron (2 projects/year)
- 2012-2013: Project appraisals for the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (1 project/year)
- 2011-2016: nominated to the Scientific Committee for the BIOHEFECT initiative (Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Functioning of Ecosystems, EC2CO) by the INSU Continental Surfaces and Interfaces Scientific Directorate
- 2011-2014: Project appraisals for the Canadian Light Source (synchrotron) (2-4 projects/year)
- 2010: Project appraisals for the International Foundation for Science (1 project/year)
- 2009-2010: Project appraisals for ANR ECOTECH (1-2 projects/year)
- 2012-2013: Project appraisals for ANR AGROBIOSPHERE (1 project/year)
- Project appraisals for ANR CESA (1 project/year)
- 2008- 2010: Member of the French CRG Beamline Programme Committee (ESRF, Grenoble) regarding the authorization of experiments on CRG beamlines
Research coordination
Coordination of national programmes: 11
SPEciation and dynamiCs of TRace Elements
(SPECTRE). Under the H2020 Marie
Sklodowska-Curie Actions (2018-2020: €204,025).
- Diagnosis of Waste Treatments for Contaminant Fates in the Environment (DIGESTATE). Under the ANR CRP CES (6 teams: CIRAD UPR Recycling and Risk, UMR ECOSYS, INRA - LBE, UMR CEREGE, UMR LEM, UMR EMMAH; 2016-2020: €691,000).
- Nanomaterial phytoavailability and impact on microbial diversity. Under the INSU CRP EC2CO-Ecodyn (3 teams: CIRAD UPR Recycling and Risk, CEREGE Interfast, UMR LEMiRE; 2014-2015: €47,000).
- Development of a generic model (Biotic Ligand Model) to assess the phytoavailability of TM (Cu and Zn). Under the INSU CRP EC2CO-Cytrix (4 teams: CIRAD UPR Recycling and Risk, PROTEE laboratory (EA 3819)-CAPTE, CEREGE SE3D, UMR Biochchemistry & Plant Molecular Physiology-Metal Phytotoxicity group; 2011-2013: €50,000).
- NormaRHIZO: Towards standardization of the RHIZOtest for phytoavailability assessment of trace elements in contaminated soil. Under the ANR CRP CES (5 teams: CIRAD UPR Recycling and Risk, Eco&Sols, INRA Infosols, IPGP LGE, CEREGE SE3D; 2010-2013: €500,000).
- Urban green waste compost in Réunion: research to determine the TM source. Chamber of Agriculture-CIRAD Partnership Agreement (2 teams: CIRAD UPR Recycling and Risk, MVAD; 2007: €5,500).
- Assessment of the mobility and phytoavailability of trace metals (TM) in soils of the Communauté Intercommunale Réunion Est (CIREST) towards a potential derogation in regulations concerning the spreading of slurry from waste treatment plants. DAF-OLE cofunding (1 team; 2007-2008: €57,000).
- Agricultural organic waste recycling in tropical soils: what is the impact on trace metal transfers (Réunion)? Under the CRP GESSOL 2 programme (4 teams: CIRAD UPR Recycling and Risk, CEREGE SE3D, LTHE, IRD Réunion; 2005-2007: €112,988).
- Risks associated with the presence of trace metals in soil, organic and plant waste in Réunion. MVAD II Framework Agreement: 2002-2005; Chamber of Agriculture-CIRAD Partnership Agreement (1 team, 2005: €13,475).
- Risks associated with the presence of trace metals in soil, organic and plant waste in Réunion. MVAD II Framework Agreement: 2002-2005; Chamber of Agriculture-CIRAD Partnership Agreement (1 team, 2004: €20,000).
- Inventory of TM contents in soil, organic and plant waste in Réunion. MVAD II Framework Agreement: 2002-2005; Chamber of Agriculture-CIRAD Partnership Agreement (1 team, 2003: €12,200).
Participation as head of work packages in international and national programmes: 13
- Fate of Cu and Zn from pig manure in cultivated soils. Combined XAS spectroscopy and isotopic analysis approach - DECoDE. Under the INSU CRP EC2CO-Ecodyn (2 teams: UMR CEREGE, CIRAD UPR Recycling and Risk, 2019: €11,000).
- Sustainable Usage of trace MINerals in Animal Production Program. Under the H2020 Eurostar Programme (3 teams: Animine, PigChampPro, CIRAD UPR Recycling and Risk; 2018-2020: €2°000,000).
- Sustainable versus conventional market gardening in South Benin: comparison of environmental, nutritional and economic impacts. Under the Glofoods Programme (5 teams: CIRAD UPR Recycling and Risk, UMR ECOSYS, UMR QUALISUD, Laboratoire des sciences du sol et Laboratoire de sciences des aliments, faculté des sciences agronomiques (FSA), université d'Abomey-Calavi (UAC, Bénin); 2017-2019 : €26,000).
- NanoSoilC: Organomineral interactions: nanoscale mechanisms for carbon sequestration in soils. Under the ANR (4 teams: UMR CEREGE, CIRAD UPR Recycling and Risk, UMR ECOSYS, UMR BEF; 2016-2020: €697,000).
- Implementation of the research component of the Senegalese National household biogas digester program. Under the PNB (2 teams: CIRAD UPR Recycling and Risk, ISRA Senegal; 2016-2017: € 64,585 €).
- Size of ZnS on their stability in the agricultural organic wastes recycling context. Under the INSU CRP EC2CO-Ecodyn (5 teams: CIRAD UPR Recycling and Risk, CEREGE Interfast, UMR LEMiRE, IPGP LGE, MSC; 2015-2016: €32,000).
- MetAlTox: metabolomic monitoring of the impact of aluminum on toxicity. Under the INSU CRP EC2CO-MicrobiEn (4 teams: CEREGE SE3D, UMR 6191 LEMiRE, UMR 6263 Chemometrics and Spectrometry, CIRAD UPR Recycling and Risk; 2011: €4,000 /total budget: €28,000).
- NanotoxIMO: impact of nanofibre structural characteristics on their respiratory toxicity. Under the AFFSET CRP (CEREGE SE3D, Catholic University of Leuven - LCTAP, CIRAD UPR Recycling and Risk, CEA LIONS, University of the Mediterranean LBME; 2011-2013: €12,500/total budget €152,000).
- Spectromicroscopy and nanospectrometry: what is their potential for studying soil TM and C? ECCOREV funding (3 teams: CIRAD UPR Recycling and Risk, CEREGE SE3D, INRA GSE; 2008: €5,000/total budget: €15,000).
- ISARD: Ecological intensification of agricultural production systems via waste recycling. Under the ANR CRP Systerra (10 teams: CIRAD UPR Recycling and Risk, INRA EGC, INRA SAD-APT, INRA SAS, IRD SeqBio, CUFR JFC-ERT Speed, CEREGE-SE3D, UCO CERIPSA, ISRA LNRPV, LRI; 2009-2013: €401,086/total budget €957,473) Head of Task 1: Characterization and study of the dynamics of interactions between organic waste products, soil and crops.
- Are natural trace metals a limiting factor for slurry spreading on crop fields with Piton de la Fournaise volcanic soil? Research around a volcano in Réunion (REAVOLC) Multiannual Programme of the Regional Counsil of Réunion (3 teams: CIRAD UPR Recycling and Risk, IRD Réunion, Geosciences Réunion; 2007-2010: €17,652).
- Analysis of pollution from effluents resulting from pest control treatments in the Mana polder rice-cropping area. Effluent treatment. CIRAD Expert Assessment for DAF French Guiana (1 team; 2002: €15,242)