Dutilly, Céline

Principales Publications

Karsenty, A. , S. Aubert, L. Brimont, C. Dutilly, S. Desbureaux, D. Ezzine de Blas, G. Le Velly "The economic and legal sides of additionality in Payments for Environmental Services" forthcoming in Environmental Policy and Governance

 Le Velly, G. , C. Dutilly. 2016. « Evaluating PES: Methodological challenges and knowledge gaps » PLoS ONE 11(2): e0149374. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0149374

Ezzine de Blas, D. C. Dutilly, Lara, J.M, G. le Velly and A. Guevara. 2016. “Payment for Environmental Services in a policy-mix: Spatial and temporal articulation in Mexico”. PLoS ONE 11(4): e0152514. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0152514

Toutain, B., A Ickowicz, C. Dutilly-Diane, R. S. Reid, A. T. Diop, V.K. Taneja, A. Gibon, D. Genin, M. Ibrahim, R Behnke and A. Ash, 2010. Impacts of Livestock Systems on Terrestrial Ecosystems. In: H. Steinfeld, H.A. Mooney, F. Schneider and L. E Neville (eds). Livestock in a Changing Landscape. Vol1: Drivers, Consequences, and Responses. Island press. pp 165-195.

Lipper, L., Dutilly-Diane, C., and N. McCarthy. 2010 Supplying carbon sequestration from West African rangelands: Opportunities and barriers. Rangeland Ecology and Management, 63(1): 155-166.

Dutilly-Diane, C., N. McCarthy, F. Turkelboom, A. Bruggeman, E. de Pauw and R. Thomas. 2007. Could Payments for Environmental Services Improve Rangeland Management in CWANA? CAPRI Working Paper, IFPRI, Washington D.C. 42p

McCarthy, N., Dutilly-Diane and B. Drabo. 2004. Cooperation, collective action and natural resources management in Burkina Faso: A methodological note. Agricultural Systems, 82: 233-255. .

Dutilly-Diane, C., E. Sadoulet, and A. de Janvry 2003. How Improved Natural Resource Management in Agriculture Promotes the Livestock Economy in the Sahel. The Journal of African Economies. 12: 343-370. 

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