Cheron-Bessou, Cécile


Research Director, HDR

Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow (SAAFE project 2022-25)

Ph.D. in Agronomy and Environmental Sciences (Paris)

MSc. in Sustainable Resource Management (Munich)

Ing. in Agricultural Sciences & Tropical Agronomy 

Fields of research


Cirad: Agricultural Research Center for Development

Scientific Department: PERSYST, Performance of Tropical Production and Processing Systems

Research unit on Agro-Biodiversified Systems

2022-2023: hosted at James Cook University, Cairns, Australia within the Land and Water Science group 


Functions - researcher

For the past 14 years, I have been working on combining agronomical and environmental assessments to provide knowledge and tools to improve practices and to eco-design new agroecological and sustainable production systems.

My key research topics are:

I am an active member of:


I provide scientific expertise to public and private sectors on life cycle assesment and GHG assessment of food crop systems.

Those expertises consist in either field studies, LCA training, desktop studies, or critical reviews.

Teaching activities/student supervision

I punctually teach to Master students (1&2) classes about: environmental impacts, sustainability assessments, LCA, agricultural supply chains...

Supervised/co-supervised students

PH.D. students

Andrea Cecilia Sanchez (GAIA) 2022-2025: assessing the drivers of the adoption of diversified farming systems worlwide.

Alexis Thoumazeau (Sibaghe) 2015-2018: assessing soil functions and soil quality in rubber plantations to improve practices and environmental impact assessment

Lénaïc Pardon (Agroparistech) 2014-2017: improving the modelling nitrogen losses in oil palm plantations to reduce uncertainty in environmental impact assessment

Tereza Bicalho (Paris Dauphine): Palm Biodiesel from Brazil, LCA application within the frame of the European Directive: Ph.D. 2009-2012 

Member of the defence committee of Edi Iswanto Wiloso Ph.D. thesis (Leiden University, 2015); Maria Jose Rodriguez Vasquez Ph. D. thesis (Agroparistech, 2020)

Member of the steering committee of several Ph.D. students: Margot Moulin, Meriem Jouini, Charlotte Simon

Master students 

Guillaume Mazeau (Agroparistech, Montpellier): LCA of coffee (co-supervisoin in 2022)

Sylène Monnier (Supagro, Montpellier): LCA of guayule (punctual inputs in 2021) 

Chloé Dusacre (Supagro, Montpellier): sustainability assessments of vegetable production (co-supervision in 2018) 

Céline Bustany (Supagro, Montpellier): co-supervision with Anthony Benoist (UPR BIOWOOEB Cirad) (6 months 2017)

Alexe Brugnot (Supagro, Montpellier): Database creation on Indonesian palm oil smallholders' practices (6 months 2015) co-supervision with Thierry Chapuset (UPR Systèmes de Pérennes)

Karine Lé (Supagro, Montpellier): SPOP assessment grid (6 month-2013), co-supervision with Pierre-Marie Bosc (UMR MOISA Cirad)

Melina Till (ESA, Lille): Soil biodiversity assessment in rubber plantation (6 months-2013), co-supervision with Alain Brauman (UMR Eco&Sols, IRD)

Cynthia Latunussa (Politecnico di Turino): Life Cycle Assessment of Indonesian Palm Oil (6 months-2013)

Alice Baudoin (Supagro, Montpellier): Literature review on palm oil production systems in Indonesia (6 month-2012), co-supervision with Pierre-Marie Bosc (UMR MOISA Cirad)

Alice Vélu (VetAgroSup, Clermont-Ferrand): Life Cycle Assessment of Indonesian Palm Oil (6 months-2011)













Member of ELSA research group for Environmental Life cycle and Sustainability Assessment

ELSA was created in 2008. It gathers researchers, professors and students from different research labs and post-graduate institutions of the Languedoc-Roussillon region: INRA-LBE (Narbonne), CIRAD-Bioenergie (Montpellier), CEMAGREF-ITAP (Montpellier), SupAgro (Montpellier) and Ecole des Mines d'Alès-LGEI.

The platform's purpose is to stimulate research and transfer to industries in eco-technologies applied to the following application fields: Organic pollution treatment Bio-energy Measurement of pollutions Reduction of phytosanitary pollutions. ELSA is a transversal topic in charge of the environmental assessment of processes related to these fields. Member of ELSA benefit from the shared expertise and corporate knowledge within the group. They work together to:

Complete list of publications and presentations: see Publications page (with direct links to HAL), upper left corner of this page

List of publications on CIRAD/Agritrop open database (with links to journal's page/open versions)