Guide d'identification illustré des baobabs de Madagascar
Cornu C., Danthu P. 2015. Montpellier CIRAD. 30 p
Adansonia madagascariensis: a hypothesis of marine hydrochory
Cornu C., Ramahafaly W., Danthu P. 2014. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques 320(2):7-14
Vulnerability of baobab species to climate change and effectiveness of the protected area network in Madagascar: towards new conservation priorities
Vieilledent G., Cornu C., Cuni Sanchez A., Leong Pock-Tsy J.M. and Danthu P. 2013. Biological Conservation. 166:11-22
Discovery of a novel association between Baobab trees (Adansonia) and the poorly known Standing's Day Gecko Phelsulma standingi (Gekkonidae, Reptilia) in Madagascar
Cornu C., Raxworthy JC. 2010. - p. 281 - 284, Anglais, I : Herpetological journal = ISSN 0268-0130. - vol.4:n°1
Baobabs, entre ciel et terre : Quand les satellites observent Adansonia grandidieri
Corduant S., Cornu C., Danthu P. Montpellier : CIRAD , 2010 . - 1 disque optique numérique (DVD) (34 min) , Français
Documentaire scientifique
Observatoire des pratiques agricoles dans la vallée de l'Hien, une expérience de co-conception d'un observatoire avec le langage UML (Unified Modeling Langage)
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Community information systems based on unified modelling language to create a participatory monitoring tool on the environmental impact of agriculture
Barzman M., Cornu C.. 2008. In : Tsiligiridis T. (ed.). Proceedings HAICTA 2008 Conference : Fourth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Bio and Earth Sciences, September 18-20, 2008, Athens, Greece. Athènes : HAICTA, p. 331-336. HAICTA 2008. 4, 2008-09-18/2008-09-20, Athènes, Grèce.