Le Page, Christophe


UMR Savoirs ENvironnement et Sociétés
Campus International de Baillarguet
TA C-119/F
34398 Montpellier Cedex 5
Email : christophe.le_page@cirad.fr

Interactive agent-based simulations & role-playing games applied to renewable resource management


2017 Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR), Paris 6 University. Simulation multi-agent interactive: engager des populations locales dans la modélisation des socio-écosystèmes pour stimuler l'apprentissage social [mémoire] [présentation]

1996 Doctoral degree in Biomathematics, Paris 6 University. Biologie des populations et simulations individus-centrées [mémoire]

1990 Master's degree in Biomathematics, Paris 7 University. Simulation de la dynamique instable des stocks de petits poissons pélagiques côtiers: bifurcations et chaos liés à la forme de la relation stock parental / progéniture [mémoire]

1989 Engineer's degree from the Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Center of AgroCampus Ouest (Rennes)


--- 2025 ---

Edmonds B., Hofstede G. J., Koch J., Le Page C. , Lim T., Lippe M., Nöldeke B., van Delden H. 2025. Chimaera Modelling – when the modellers must reconcile inconsistent elements or purposes. Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling, 6 (18593) doi:10.18174/sesmo.18593

--- 2023 ---

Barbier J.M., Tardivo C., Delmotte S., Cittadini R., Hossard L., Le Page C. 2023. How to intensify collaboration in a participatory modelling process to collectively design and evaluate new farming systems. Italian Journal of Agronomy, 18(4) doi:10.4081/ija.2023.2214

Bourgeois R., Guerbois C., Giva N., Mugabe P., Mukamuri B., Fynn R., Daré W., Motsholapheko M., Nare L., Delay E., Ducrot R., Bucuane J., Mercandalli S., Le Page C., Caron A. 2023. Using anticipation to unveil drivers of local livelihoods in Transfrontier Conservation Areas: a call for more environmental justice. People and Nature doi:10.1002/pan3.10446

Jahel C., Bourgeois R., Bourgoin J., Daré W., De Lattre-Gasquet M., Delay E., Ducrot R., Dumas P.,  Le Page C. , Piraux M., Prudhomme R. 2023. The future of social-ecological systems at the crossroads of quantitative and qualitative methods. Technological Forecasting & Social Change doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2023.122624

Laurant D., Stark F.,  Le Page C., Bazile D. 2023. Linking organizational and technical dimensions to design integrated collective farms: a case study in Camargue, France. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 43:48 doi:10.1007/s13593-023-00899-4

Resque G., Perrier E., Coudel E., Galvão L., Fontes J.V., Carneiro R., Navegantes L., Le Page C. 2023. Discussing ecosystem services in management of agroecosystems: a role playing game in the eastern Brazilian Amazon. Agroforestry Systems, 97: 447-461 doi:10.1007/s10457-021-00633-7

--- 2022 ---

Gurung T.R., Le Page C., Trébuil G. 2022. Collaborative Modeling and Simulation to Mitigate High-Elevation Rangeland Degradation in Eastern Bhutan. Mountain Research and Development, 42(4): D14-D24 doi:10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-21-00067

Hossard L., Tardivo C., Barbier J.-M., Cittadini R., Delmotte S., Le Page C. 2022. Embedding the integrated assessment of agricultural systems in a companion modeling process to debate and enhance their sustainability. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 42(11) doi:10.1007/s13593-021-00744-6

--- 2021 ---

Laurant D., Bazile D., Le Page C., Rousselou E. 2021. Proposition d'un cadre d'analyse des nouvelles formes collectives d'exploitation agricole en France. Cahiers Agricultures, 30:45 doi:10.1051/cagri/2021031

Resque G., Piketty M.-G., Coudel E., Messad S., Le Page C. 2021. Co-production of ecosystem services through agricultural practices: perceptions of stakeholders supporting smallholders in the Brazilian Amazon. Cahiers Agricultures, 30:20 doi:10.1051/cagri/2021006

Wimolsakcharoen W., Dumrongrojwatthana P., Le Page C., Bousquet F., Trébuil G. 2021. An agent-based model to support community forest management and non-timber forest product harvesting in northern Thailand. Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling 3, 17894 doi:10.18174/sesmo.2021a17894

Berre D., Diarisso T., Andrieur N., Le Page C., Corbeels M. 2021. Biomass flows in an agro-pastoral village in West-Africa: Who benefits from crop residue mulching? Agricultural Systems 187: 102981 doi:10.1016/j.agsy.2020.102981

Labeyrie V., Antona M., Baudry J., Bazile D., Bodin Ö, Caillon S., Leclerc C., Le Page C., Louafi S., Mariel J., Massol F., Thomas M. 2021. Networking agrobiodiversity management to foster biodiversity-based agriculture. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 41:4(2021) doi:10.1007/s13593-020-00662-z

--- 2020 ---

Garcia C., Vendé J., Konerira N., Kalla J., Nay M., Dray A., Delay M., Waeber P.O., Stoudmann N., Bose A., Le Page C., Raghuram Y., Bagchi R., Ghazoul J., Kushalappa C.G., Vaast P. 2020. Coffee, Farmers, and Trees. Shifting Rights Accelerates Changing Landscapes. Forests 11(4): 480 doi:10.3390/f11040480

--- 2019 ---

Edmonds B., Le Page C., Bithell M., Chattoe-Brown E., Grimm V., Meyer R., Lontañola-Sales C., Ormerod P., Root H., Squazzoni F. 2019Different Modelling PurposesJournal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 22(3): 6 doi:10.18564/jasss.3993

Lippe M., Bithell M., Gotts N., Natalini D., Barbrook-Johnson P., Giupponi C., Hallier M., Jan Hofstede G., Le Page C., Matthews R.B., Schlüter M., Smith P., Teglio A., Thellmann K. 2019. Using Agent-based modelling to simulate Social-Ecological Systems across scales. GeoInformatica doi:10.1007/s10707-018-00337-8

Resque G., Coudel E., Piketty M.-G., Cialdella N., Sá T., Piraux M., Assis W., Le Page C. 2019. Agrobiodiversity and Public Food Procurement Programs in Brazil: Influence of Local Stakeholders in Configuring Green Mediated Markets. Sustainability 11(5): 1425 doi:10.3390/su11051425

--- 2018 ---

Daré W., Venot J.P., Le Page C., Aduna A. 2018. Problemshed or watershed? Participatory Modeling towards IWRM in North GhanaWater 10(6):721 doi:10.3390/w10060721 

Voinov A., Jenni K., Gray S., Kolagani N., Glynn P., Bommel P., Prell C., Zellner M., Paolisso M., Jordan R., Sterling E., Schmitt Olabisi L., Giabbanelli P.J., Sun Zhanli, Le Page C., Elsawah S., BenDor T., Kubacek K., Laursen B., Jetter A., Basco-Carrera L., Singer A., Young L., Brunacini J., Smajgl A. 2018. Tools and methods in participatory modeling: Selecting the right tool for the job. Environmental Modelling and Software 109: 232-255 doi:10.1016/J.envsoft.2018.08.028 

--- 2017 ---

Le Page C., Perrotton A. 2017. KILT: A Modelling Approach Based on Participatory Agent-Based Simulation of Stylized Socio-Ecosystems to Stimulate Social Learning with Local Stakeholders. In: Sukthankar G., Rodriguez-Aguilar J. A. (eds). Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems: AAMAS 2017 Workshops, Visionary Papers, São Paulo, Brazil, May 8-12, 2017. Cham: Springer International Publishing, p 31-44 doi:10.1007/978-3-319-71679-4_3

Perrotton A., de Garine Wichatitsky, M., Valls-Fox H., Le Page C. 2017. My cattle and your park: Co-designing a role-playing game with rural communities to promote multi-stakeholder dialogue at the edge of protected areasEcology and Society 22(1):35 doi:10.5751/ES-08962-220135 

--- 2016 ---

Bouamrane M., Spierenburg, M., Agrawal A., Boureima A., Cormier-Salem M.-C., Etienne M., Le Page C., Levrel H., Mathevet R. 2016. Stakeholder engagement and biodiversity conservation challenges in social-ecological systems: some insights from biosphere reserves in western Africa and France. Ecology and Society 21(4):25 doi:10.5751/ES-08812-210425

Le Page C., Dray A., Garcia C., Perez P. 2016. Exploring how knowledge and communication influence natural resources management with REHAB. Simulation & Gaming 47(2): 257-284 doi:10.1177/1046878116632900 

Delmotte S., Barbier J.-M., Mouret J.-C., Le Page C., Wery J., Chauvelon P., Sandoz A., Lopez-Ridaura S. 2016. Participatory integrated assessment of scenarios for organic farming at different scales in Camargue, France. Agricultural Systems 143: 147-158 doi:10.1016/j.agsy.2015.12.009

--- 2015 ---

Le Page C., Bobo K.S., Kamgaing O.W.T., Ngahane F.B., Waltert M. 2015. Interactive simulations with a stylized scale model to codesign with villagers an agent-based model of bushmeat hunting in the periphery of Korup National Park (Cameroon). Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation,18(1):8 doi:10.18564/jasss.2550

--- 2013 ---

Barnaud C., Le Page C., Dumrongrojwatthana P., Trébuil G. 2013. Spatial representations are not neutral: Lessons from a participatory agent-based modelling process in a land-use conflict. Environmental Modelling & Software, 45:150-159 doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2011.11.016

Le Page C., Bazile D., Becu N., Bommel P., Bousquet F., Etienne M., Mathevet R., Souchère V., Trébuil G., Weber J. 2013. Agent-based modelling and simulation applied to environmental management. In: Edmonds B., Meyer R. (eds). Simulating social complexity. Berlin Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag, p 499-540 doi:10.1007/978-3-540-93813-2_19

--- 2012 ---

Le Page C., Becu N., Bommel P., Bousquet F. 2012. Participatory agent-based simulation for renewable resource management: the role of the Cormas simulation platform to nurture a community of practice. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 15(1):10 doi:10.18564/jasss.1928

--- 2011 ---

Barreteau O., Le Page C. 2011. Using social simulation to explore the dynamics at stake in participatory research. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 14(4):12 doi:10.18564/jasss.1837

Dumrongrojwatthana P., Le Page C., Gajaseni N., Trébuil G. 2011. Co-constructing an agent-based model to mediate land use conflict between herders and foresters in northern Thailand. Journal of Land Use Science, 6(2-3): 101-120 doi:10.1080/1747423X.2011.558596

--- 2010 ---

Anselme B., Bousquet F., Lyet A., Etienne M., Fady B., Le Page C. 2010. Modelling of spatial dynamics and biodiversity conservation on Lure mountain (France). Environmental modelling and software, 25(11): 1385-1398 doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2009.09.001

Becu N., Bommel P., Botta A., Le Page C. et Perez P. 2010. Les technologies mobilisées pour l’accompagnement. In : Etienne M. (ed). La modélisation d'accompagnement. Une démarche participative en appui au développement durable. Editions Quæ, p 183-201.

Ducrot R.,Botta A., D’Aquino P., Antona M., Abrami G., Farolfi S., Müller J.-P.,Lagarielle E., Le Page C. 2010. Changement d’échelle et niveaux d’organisation multiples. In : Etienne M. (ed). La modélisation d'accompagnement. Une démarche participative en appui au développement durable.Editions Quæ, p 251-275.

Etienne M., Bousquet F., Le Page C., Trébuil G. 2010. Transférer la démarche de modélisation d’accompagnement. In : Etienne M. (ed). La modélisation d'accompagnement. Une démarche participative en appui au développement durable. Editions Quæ, p 277-293.

Le Page C., Abrami G., Barreteau O., Becu N., Bommel P., Botta A., Dray A., Monteil C., Souchère V. 2010. Des modèles pour partager des représentations. In :Etienne M. (ed). La modélisation d'accompagnement. Une démarche participative en appui au développement durable. Editions Quæ, p 71-101.

Naivinit W., Le Page C., Trébuil G., Gajaseni N. 2010. Participatory agent-based modelingand simulation of rice production and labor migrations in Northeast Thailand. Environmental modelling and software, 25(11): 1345-1358 doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2010.01.012

Ruankaew N., Le Page C.,Dumrongrojwatthana P., Barnaud C., Gajaseni N., Van Paassen A., Trébuil G. 2010. Companion modeling for integrated renewable resource management: a new collaborative approach to create common values for sustainable development. International journal of sustainable development and world ecology, 17 (1): 15-23 doi:10.1080/13504500903481474

Souchère V., Millair L., Echeverria J., Bousquet F., Le Page C., Etienne M. 2010. Co-constructing with stakeholders a role-playing game to initiate collective management of erosive runoff risks at the watershedscale. Environmental modelling and software, 25 (11): 1359-1370 doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2009.03.002

Worrapimphong K., Gajaseni N., Le Page C., Bousquet F. 2010. A companion modeling approach applied to fishery management. Environmental modelling and software, 25 (11): 1334-1344 doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2010.03.012

--- 2009 ---

Dung L.C., Hoanh C.T., Le Page C.,Bousquet F., Gajaseni N. 2009. Facilitating dialogue between aquaculture and agriculture: Lessons from role-playing games with farmers in the Mekong Delta,Vietnam. Water policy, 11, (suppl.1): 80-93 doi:10.2166/wp.2009.105

Levrel H.,Etienne M., Kerbiriou C., Le Page C., Rouan M., 2009. Co-modeling process, negotiations and power relationships: some outputs from a MAB project on the island ofOuessant. Society and Natural Resources, 22 (2): 172-188 doi:10.1080/08941920801985817

Vinatier F., Tixier P., Le Page C., Duyck P.F., Lescourret F. 2009. COSMOS,a spatially explicit model to simulate the epidemiology of Cosmopolites sordidus in banana fields. Ecological modelling, 220 (18): 2244-2254 doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2009.06.023

--- 2008 ---

Abrami G., Bazile D., Trébuil G., Le Page C., Bousquet F., Dionnet M., Vejpas C. 2008. Accompagner l’évolution des systèmes semenciers céréaliers au Mali et en Thaïlande. Cahiers Agricultures, 17 (2) :210-215 http://www.john-libbey-eurotext.fr/e-docs/00/04/3C/AA/vers_alt/VersionPDF.pdf

Farolfi S., Erasmus L., Le Page C., Bommel P. 2008. Combining multi-agent simulations and cost-benefit analysis to evaluate policy options for the management of livestock effluents in Réunion Island. African journal of agricultural research, 3 (10) : 650-666 http://www.academicjournals.org/ajar/PDF/pdf%202008/Oct/Farolfi%20et%20al.pdf

Mathevet R., Le Page C., Etienne M., Poulin B., Lefebvre G., Cazin F., Ruffray X. 2008. Des roselières et des hommes. ButorStar: un jeu de rôles pour l'aide à la gestion collective. Revue Internationale de Géomatique, 18 (3) :375-395 doi:10.3166/geo.18.375-395

--- 2007 ---

Barreteau O., Le Page C., Perez P. 2007. Simulation and gaming in natural resource management. Simulation & Gaming38(2): 181-184 doi:10.1177/1046878107300657

Barreteau O., Le Page C., Perez P. 2007. Contribution of simulation and gaming to natural resource management issues: an introduction. Simulation & Gaming, 38(2) : 185-194 doi:10.1177/1046878107300657

Dray A., Perez P., Le Page C., D'Aquino P., White I.M. 2007. Who wants to terminate the game? The role of vested interests and metaplayers in the ATOLLGAME experience. Simulation & Gaming,38(4): 494- 511 doi:10.1177/1046878107300673

Mathevet R., Le Page C., Etienne M., Lefebvre G., PoulinB., Gigot G., Proréol S., Mauchamp A. 2007. ButorStar: a Role-Playing Game for Collective Awareness of Reedbed WiseUse. Simulation and Gaming,38 (2): 233-262 doi:10.1177/1046878107300665

--- 2006 ---

Bah A.,Touré I., Le Page C., Ickowicz A., Diop A.T. 2006. An agent-based model to understand the multiple uses of land and resources around drillings in Sahel. Mathematical and computer modelling,44 (5-6) : 513-534 doi:10.1016/j.mcm.2005.02.014

Dray A., Perez P., Jones N., Le Page C., D'Aquino P., Auatabu T. 2006. The AtollGame experience: From knowledge engineering to acomputer-assisted role playing game. Journal of artificial societies andsocial simulation, 9 (1) http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/9/1/6.html

--- 2005 ---

Antona M.,D'Aquino P., Aubert S., Barreteau O., Boissau S., Bousquet F., Daré W., Etienne M., Le Page C., Mathevet R., Trébuil G., Weber J.(collectif ComMod). 2005. La modélisation comme outil d'accompagnement. Natures sciences sociétés, 13: 165-168 doi:10.1051/nss:2005023

Houdart M., Bonin M., Le Page C., Fort M., Saudubray F. 2005. SIG, chorèmes et systèmes multi-agent. Evolution d'un système rural martiniquais et pression polluante. Revue Internationale de Géomatique, 15 (3) : 339-356 doi:10.3166/rig.15.339-356

Le Page C., Bommel P. 2005. A methodology for building agent-base simulations of common-pool resources management : from a conceptual model designed with UML to its implementation in CORMAS. In : Bousquet F., Trébuil G, Hardy B. (eds). Companion modeling and multi-agent systems for integrated natural resource management in Asia. Metro Manila :IRRI, p. 327-349 http://cormas.cirad.fr/pdf/AsiaBook/20_LePage_2005_BC.pdf

Trébuil G., Bousquet F., Ekasingh B., Baron C., Le Page C. 2005. A multi-agent model linked to a GIS to explore the relationship between crop diversification and the risk of land degradation in northern Thailand highlands. In: Bousquet F., Trébuil G, Hardy B. (eds). Companion modeling and multi-agent systems for integrated natural resource management in Asia. Metro Manila : IRRI, p.327-349 http://cormas.cirad.fr/pdf/AsiaBook/12_Trebuil_2005_BC.pdf

--- 2004 ---

Bousquet F., Le Page C. 2004. Multi-agent simulations and ecosystem management : a review. Ecological modelling, 176 : 313-332 doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2004.01.011

Ducrot R., Le Page C., Bommel P., Kuper M. 2004. Articulating land and water dynamics with urbanization : An attempt to model natural resources management at the urban edge. Computers, environment and urban systems, 28 (1-2): 85-106 doi:10.1016/S0198-9715(02)00066-2

--- 2003 ---

Barreteau O., Antona M., D’Aquino P., Aubert S., Boissau S., Bousquet F., Daré W., Etienne M., Le Page C., Mathevet R, Trébuil G, Weber J. (collectif ComMod). 2003. Our companion modelling approach. Journal ofArtificial Societies and Social Simulation, 6(2) http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/6/2/1.html

Barreteau O., Le Page C., D’Aquino P. 2003. Role-playing games, models and negotiation processes. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 6(2) http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/6/2/10.html

Becu N., Perez P., Walker A., Barreteau O., Le Page C. 2003. Agent based simulation of a small catchment water management in NorthernThailand. Description of the CATCHSCAPE model. Ecological modelling, 170(2-3): 319-331 doi:10.1016/S0304-3800(03)00236-9

D'AquinoP., Le Page C., Bousquet F., Bah A.2003. Using self-designed role-playing games and a multi-agent system to empower a local decision-making process for land use management: the self-Cormas experiment in Senegal. Journal of artificial societies and social simulation, 6(3) http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/6/3/5.html

Etienne M., Le Page C. and Cohen M. 2003. A Step-by-step approach to building land management scenarios based on multiple viewpoints on multi-agent system simulations. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 6(2) http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/6/2/2.html

Mathevet R., Bousquet F., Le Page C., Antona M. 2003. Agent-based simulations of interactions between duck population, farming decisions and leasing of hunting rights in the Camargue (Southern France). Ecological modelling, 165 (2-3): 107-126 doi:10.1016/S0304-3800(03)00098-X


 See also