Bonnet, Pierre


UMR AMAP Bd de la Lironde, TA A-51/PS2.

34398 Montpellier cedex 5,

tél: 04 67 61 49 02

fax: 04 67 61 56 68

email: pierre.bonnet(at)



2006 - 2008    PhD thesis - on Interest of neglected  vegetative characters and exploration of new methods for taxonomic identification. University of Montpellier, France.

Supervisor: Daniel Barthélémy, Reviewers: Daniel Prat, Regine Vigne-Lebbe

2003                Master degree, Management of Agro-forestry-pastoral systems,Univ. Paris-Est Créteil. Créteil, Val de Marnes, France (6 months)

Institute of Rural Economy, Bamako, Mali, (6months)



2012 - Today  Permanent researcher (researcher in Biodiversity informatics)

                        Cirad-Bios, Amap mixt research unit, Montpellier, France

2009 - 2011    Post-doc position - in the context of a collaboration between Inra - Inria (3 years)

                        Inra, Amap mixt research unit, Montpellier, France

2006 - 2008     Junior expert - for an EU project, in the context of a collaboration between Cirad - the National Herbarium of the Netherlands - the National University of Laos (3 years)

                        National University of Laos, Vientiane, Laos (3 years)

2004 - 2005     Engineer - Cirad-Forest: Baillarguet, France (18 months)


RESEARCH INTEREST & IMPACT:  I am a researcher in (agro)biodiversity informatics, with a strong interest in visual data analysis and citizens sciences. My activities are at the frontier of Botany, plant ecology, and applied computer science.



2015 - 2018    Steering board of French project: Floris'tic (computer & citizen sciences in botany).

2014 - 2016    Coordinator of the plant task of  LifeCLEF research platform dedicated to the analysis of large-scale visual biodiversity data: 100-200 research groups registered each year (worldwide) - tens of publications, hundreds of citations.

2014 - 2016    Task coordinator for the technological development of multimedia seed identification tools, in ARCAD-FEDER EU project.

2009 - 2020     Coordinator of the Pl@ntNet project (botanical visual data & plant identification), about 15 researchers & engineers, major impact in Europe and in a growing number of foreign countries.

2006 - 2008    Coordinator of EU Asia-Invest project : ORCHIS (Open (Re)source for Commerce in Horticulture aided by species Identification Systems)



2009                Workshop organizing committee: Biodiversity information standards (TDWG 2009).

2014 - 2016    Member of the PARCS (Participatory Action Research and Citizen Sciences) research group, supported by the National Center for Scientific Research.



- Invited talk:

School of EEES Virtual Seminar, June 2020, The OpenUniversity, UK

Botany 2017, Fort Worth, Texas, US.



- Research popularization (selection): Collaborative research award at Futur en Seine 2014 festival, stands animation in expos (French agriculture expo 2009 and 2013, Science Forum 2009,  GEA 2010, Berges en seine festival 2013, Fascination plant day 2014, National Conference on Biodiversity 2014, etc.), participation to many communication actions about Pl@ntNet (web, TV, Radio, press).

- Teaching: Intervention for MNHN master degrees.



- Carranza-Rojas, J., Goeau, H., Bonnet, P., Mata-Montero, E., & Joly, A. (2017). Going deeper in the automated identification of Herbarium specimens. BMC evolutionary biology, 17(1), 181.

- Goëau, H., Bonnet, P., & Joly, A. (2017). Plant identification based on noisy web data: the amazing performance of deep learning (lifeclef 2017). CLEF working notes, 2017.

- Bonnet P., Joly A., Goëau H., Champ J., Vignau C., Molino J.-F., Barthélémy D., Boujemaa N., 2015. Plant identification: Man vs. Machine On beyond LifeCLEF 2014 plant identification challenge. Multimedia Tools and Applications Journal.

- Joly, A., Goëau, H., Champ, J., Dufour-Kowalski, S., Müller, H., & Bonnet, P., 2016. Crowdsourcing biodiversity monitoring: how sharing your photo stream can sustain our planet. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Multimedia Conference (pp. 958-967). ACM.

- Joly A., Bonnet P., Goëau H., Barbe J., Selmi S., Champ J., Dufour-Kowalski S., Affouard A., Carrée J., Molino J.-F., Barthélémy D. and Boujemaa N., 2015. Look inside the Pl@ntNet experience: the good, the bias and the hope. Multimedia Systems journal.

- Joly A., Goëau H., Bonnet P., Bakic V., Barbe J., Selmi S., Carré J., Mouysset E., Molino J.-F., Boujemaa N., Barthélémy D., 2014. Interactive plants identification based on social image data. Ecological informatics.

- Champ J., Joly A. and Bonnet P., 2014. Fine-grained Visual Faceted Search. MM '14 Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia. Pp. 721-722.

- Goëau H., Bonnet P., Joly A., Bakic V., Barbe J., Selmi S., Carré J., Barthélémy D., Boujemaa N., Molino J.-F., Duché G., Péronnet. A., 2013. Pl@ntNet Mobile App. Proceedings of the ACM Conference.

- Goëau H., Bonnet., Joly A., Bakic V., Barthélémy D., Boujemaa N. and Molino J.-F., 2013. The ImageCLEF Plant Identification Task 2013. Proceedings of the 2nd ACM International Workshop on Multimedia Analysis for Ecological Data, MAED 2013, Barcelona, Spain.

- Caputo B., Muller H., Thomee B., Villegas M., Paredes R., Zellhofer D., Goëau H., Joly A., Bonnet P., Martinez Gomez J., Garcia Varea I., Cazorla M., 2013. ImageCLEF 2013: the vision, the data and the open challenges. 2013. In : Forner Pamela, Müller Henning, Paredes Roberto, Rosso Paolo, Stein Benno. Information access evaluation. Multilinguality, multimodality, and visualization. Proceedings. Heidelberg : Springer, p. 250-268.

- Goëau H., Bonnet P., Barbe J., Bakic V., Joly A., L., Molino J.-F., Barthélémy D. & Boujemaa N., 2012. Multi-Organ Plant Identification. Proceedings of the ACM International Workshop on Multimedia Analysis for Ecological Data, MAED, Nara, Japon, 2012, pp.1-4.

- Goëau H., Bonnet P., Joly A., Boujemaa N., Barthélémy D., Molino J.-F., Birnbaum P., Mouysset E. & Picard M., 2011. The CLEF 2011 plant images classification task. CLEF 2011 working notes, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2011, pp. 1-23.

- Goëau H., Joly A., Selmi S., Bonnet P., Mouysset E., Joyeux L., Molino J.-F., Birnbaum P., Barthélémy D. & Boujemaa N., 2011. Visual-based plant species identification from crowdsourced data. 813-814 MM '11 Proceedings of the 19th ACM conference.

- Sarmiento C., Détienne P., Heinz C., Molino J-f., Grard P., & Bonnet P., 2011. Pl@ntwood: a computer-assisted identification tool for 110 species of amazon trees based on wood anatomical features. IAWA Journal, Vol. 32 (2), 2011: 221-232.

- Bonnet, P., Barthélémy, D., Schuiteman, A., Svengsuksa, B., 2009. Remarkable growth pattern in Chrysoglossum ornatum Blume and observations in related species. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 332 (1) : 15-24.

- Schuiteman, A., Bonnet, P., Svengsuksa, B., Barthélémy, D., 2008. An annotated checklist of the Orchidaceae of Laos. Nordic Journal of Botany, 26 (5) : 257-316.

- Schuiteman, A., Bonnet, P., 2008. Eparmatostigma dives (Orchidaceae), a new generic record for Laos. Blumea, 53 (2) : 341-344.