Bourblanc, Magalie



Current Position


  Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) en science politique, Sciences Po Bordeaux, 2021, "L'expertise en action: usages et effets des savoirs outillés dans la fabrique des politiques de l'eau" (garant: Prof. Antoine Roger)



Education Background  

Magalie is trained in Political Science with a MSocSci from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (DEA sociologie politique, 2001) and a PhD from both SciencesPo Paris, France (PhD Political Science, 2007) and the Radboud Universiteit-Nijmegen, The Netherlands (PhD Management Science, 2007). Her doctoral thesis adopted a public policy instrumentation approach to study public programmes dealing with non-point source pollution coming from agriculture: "Politiques de reconquête de la qualité de l’eau face aux pollutions agricoles : changement et stabilité dans les arrangements institutionnels en Côtes-d’Armor et dans le Noord-Brabant" (Silver Medal Award, Académie d'Agriculture de France, 2009; qualifiée au CNU, section 04 et section 19). In the past, she has been Visiting Researcher in the Department of Community and Environmental Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2005-2006) and Visiting Scholar in Elinor Ostrom's seminar on Political theory and Policy Analysis, University of Indiana-Bloomington (Fall semester 2006). Before joining CIRAD in 2009, Magalie completed a Post-Doc at the French Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). Based at the Centre Alexandre Koyré-Paris, she worked on the socio-technical construction of indicators to assess the ecological status of water bodies within the European Water Framework Directive.   

Scientific Interests 


Research Projects



PhD Supervision (past & present)






Professional Membership and Responsibilities

International Political Science Association (IPSA, RC 11 Science and Politics); Association Française de Science Politique (AFSP); European Sociological Association (ESA, RN 12 Environment and Society); Member of POLLEN (Political Ecology Network);

ex co-leader (with Ward Anseeuw) of the DP PP&G (Dispositif de Recherche et d'enseignement en partenariat -Public Policy & Governance in Southern Africa), 2010-2015; member of CAP (Controversy and Public Policy) and OGEA (Outils et Gouvernance de l'Eau et de l'Assainissement) teams within UMR G-EAU 

Contact and Postal Address 

CIRAD, TA C90/15, 73 JF Breton, 34398 Montpellier cedex 5, FRANCE

Phone :+ 33 (0)4 67 04 63 36

Email : magalie.bourblanc[at]