Le Maire, Guerric



Guerric le Maire

Institut Agro - Bât 12
2 place Viala
34060 Montpellier Cedex 2

Email: guerric.le_maire@cirad.fr
Tel: +33 4 99 61 21 08
Fax: +33 4 99 61 21 19



      Researcher profile: Scopus,  Google Scholar, ResearchGate







My research focus on the understanding of the functioning of tropical forests plantations and agroforestry ecosystems, with the objective of providing scientific bases to improve the sustainability and to reduce the environmental impact of these ecosystems, in the context of global changes. For this purpose, I develop approaches based on modelling of biogeochemical cycles and on the analysis of remote-sensing data.

Carbon, water and nutrient cycles in tropical forest and agroforestry ecosystems
Remote sensing for vegetation biophysical parameter retrieval and vegetation classification



Experience in research and cooperation

2002-2005 PhD Thesis, Laboratoire Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution, CNRS & Université Paris XI, Orsay: Estimation of a large forest carbon budget in France (Fontainebleau forest). Use of remote-sensing for parameterizing the model; Supervisors : Dr. C. François, Dr. E. Dufrêne

2006-2008 Post-doc, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE), CEA, Saclay; Improvement of ORCHIDEE global vegetation model for forest management simulations ; Supervisor : Dr. P. Ciais, Dr. N. Viovy

2008-2010 CIRAD Researcher, UPR80, Fonctionnement et pilotage des écosystèmes de plantations, located at TETIS research unit

2015-2018 Visiting researcher at NIPE, UNICAMP (Campinas, Brazil) and at CTBE, CNPEM (Campinas, Brazil)

2010-ongoing CIRAD Researcher, Eco&Sols joint research unit (CIRAD-INRA-IRD-SupAgro), co-animator of "Thème de Recherche 3: Bilan C, fertilité des sols et changements globaux" (since 2019)


Student supervision

PhD of Vitoria Barbosa Ferreira: "Biophysical and contextual modeling for forest disturbances remote sensing", Institut Agro, Montpellier, funding CNES-CIRAD, co-supervision with Dr J-B. Féret (2022-2025)

PhD of Kamel Lahssini: "Complementarity between spaceborne lidar-radar sensors for the estimation of biomass and forest height", AgroParisTech, Montpellier, funding CNES-CIRAD, co-supervision with Dr N. Baghdadi (2022-2024)

PhD of Renaud Decarsin: "The effects of species and functional diversity on drought resilience in forest plantations", Institut Agro, Montpellier, co-supervision with Dr J. Guillemot and Dr N. Martin St Paul (2021-2024)

PhD of Ivan Cornut: "Studying the impact of potassium availability on the productivity of tropical eucalypt plantations using mechanistic modelling", Paris Saclay University, co-supervision with Dr N. Delpierre (2018-2022)

PhD of Ana Luciano: "Identification of sugarcane areas and estimation of agricultural productivity of the crop", UNICAMP,Campinas, Brésil, co-supervision with P. J.V. Rocha (2016-2019)

PhD Thesis of Remi Vezy: "Simulation of alternative management practices for perennial plantation adaptation to global changes", Bordeaux University, co-supervision with Dr. Denis Loustau (2014-2017)

PhD Thesis of Clifton Sabajo: "Land use and land cover changes in South East Asia and their effects on carbon and energy fluxes to the atmosphere", Erasmus Mundus, Göttingen University - AgroParisTech; co-supervisor with Pr. A. Knohl (2013-2018)

PhD Thesis of Julianne C Oliveira: "Use of a three-dimensional radiative transfer model to simulate Eucalyptus plantation reflectance, LiDAR signal and absorbed radiation at the tree scale", University of São Paulo (ESALQ), Co-Supervisor with Pr. L. Estraviz (2012-2016)

PhD Thesis of Mathias Christina: "Modeling the coupled water-carbon budget at tree-scale in Eucalyptus plantations under water and nutrient constraints", Co-Supervisor with Dr. J-P Laclau (2011-2014)

PhD Thesis of Claire Marsden: "Carbon and water budget of fast-growing Eucalyptus plantations: Modelling and extrapolation from stand to regional-scale", Co-Supervisor with Pr. D. Epron and Y. Nouvellon (2008-2010)

PhD Thesis of Valentin Bellassen: "Forest management and carbon cycle : contribution of large-scale modelling and remote sensing", Co-Supervisor with Dr. N. Viovy (2008-2010)



Guerric Le Maire publications