VALETTE Elodie Geographer 41 years old
Date of birth : November 19th 1975 Nationality : french Spoken languages : French (Mother Tongue), English : good writing and speaking
UMR ART-DEV CIRAD (French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development). TA C-113/15 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5
Tel : +33 4 67 61 44 11 Mail : |
Research areas
Urban agriculture and land issues
Assessment of land-use changes in peri-urban areas in North and West Africa
Analysis of farmers’ strategies focusing on land-use decisions and contribution to land governance
Public policies analysis (housing, agriculture, land) and the evaluation of their impact on urban agriculture, and specifically on land use and land tenure
Territorial development and governance
Academic positions
• 2016- : Senior Research Scientist, Environment and Society Department of CIRAD (Agricultural Research for Development), UMR ART-DEV, Montpellier, France.
•2014-2016 : Senior Visiting fellow, International Food Policy Institute (IFPRI), Washington D.C., USA
• Since 2007: Research Scientist, Environment and Society Department of CIRAD (Agricultural Research for Development), UMR TETIS – Mixed Research unit (Territories, Environment, Remote sensing and Spatial Information), Montpellier, France.
• Since 2010: Leader of the TETIS UsIG research group (Use of spatial information and governance)
• 2008-2012: Co-leader of the Research Master course Innovation in rural and periurban areas (Montpellier 3 University, Montpellier Supagro, IAMM).
• 2004-2006: Postdoctoral fellow, ADES Mixed Research Unit, CNRS / Bordeaux 3 University
• 2000-2002: Teaching and Research Assistant, Bordeaux 3 University
Recent research programs
• 2018-2023 : Leader of the research program URBAL Urban Innovations for Sustainable Food Systems
• 2010-2015: Co-leader of the research program DAUME (French National Research Agency – 2010-2014) Sustainability of Mediterranean urban agricultures
• 2009-2012: WP2 leader for the SERENA research project, Environmental services and uses of rural areas ». French National Research Agency.
• 2008-2011: WP2 leader for the INTERSAMA research project, Territorial integration of rural livelihoods systems». PSDR research fund.
• 2003: PhD in Geography, Paris 7 University, with distinction
Dissertion : Pour une approche géographique de l’innovation sociale. L’exemple des territoires ruraux périurbains de la garrigue nord-montpelliéraine (Towards a geographical approach of social innovation. The example of peri-urban rural areas North of Montpellier).
• 1998: Master degree in Geography and Land Planning, Montpellier University, 1998, with distinction
Fellowships and awards
• 2004-2005: Aquitaine Region post-doctoral fellowship
• 2000: MOST-UNESCO/ IRMC project, Young Scholars seminar, Tunisia.
Selected recent publications